Sky War Soul

Chapter 675 what are seven demons

"I'm the deputy commander of snow rhinoceros. If you let me go, I can lead the way and help you capture the city of the Wolf Kingdom together..."

Cao Sheng was so scared that he asked for mercy.

As an orphan, he was adopted and raised by the commander-in-chief of snow rhinoceros. Even when he grew up in the kingdom of night wolves, he still had little feelings for the kingdom of night wolves.

And Cao Sheng is selfish in nature. In order to survive in this situation, let alone betray others. Even if he betrays the commander-in-chief of his father and son, he will not hesitate at all.

"Cao Sheng, you are shameless!"

In the distance, demon night and Deputy General Chen witnessed the scene and roared loudly.

They were really angry, especially at night.

He came to the kingdom of night wolves for a few years and was willing to sacrifice at any time. However, Cao Sheng grew up in Xuexi's heavy riding and was so greedy for life and afraid of death.

What a scum!

Single bear wing raised his eyes and looked at the two men. Then he took back his eyes.

It's just two magical realms. There's no threat to me. I'll give them to the remaining demons later.

"Where do you come from! You all have to die! All must die! "

Cao Sheng's face turned red with rage. He was ashamed of his ugliness when they got to see him.

"It's noisy."

With a cold smile, Shan xiongyi stomped on Cao Sheng's head and said, "do we still need your pigs to lead us?"

Cao Sheng didn't say a word. He was dead to the core.

The heart of the demon night and the Deputy General Chen is completely cold. The demon family is so easy to take care of Cao Sheng, and surely it has the strength of the feather realm.

The whole sad autumn City, even if all the remaining soldiers are added up, there is no force to fight back at all!

"I like to kill, but I don't like to kill waste. With your strength, you don't even have the qualification to be killed by me, so you can make your own decisions! "

The voice of single bear wing is full of disdain. A casual sentence can determine the fate of tens of thousands of soldiers in the city.

I even think it's hard to kill you. You've done it yourself.

When things got to this point, the demon night calmed down. He looked at the single bear wing not far away and sacrificed his own fierce bear soul.


The surging weather waves are mixed with boundless insolence and irritability. However, this breath is not worth mentioning in front of the single bear wing, which can be shot to death at will.

"I am the Lord of Beiqiu City, even if I die, I must die on the battlefield."

Demon night expression is determined, with absolute determination, but in his eyes, but out of two lines of tears.

He was not afraid of death, but regretted why he didn't send his wife and daughter away earlier.

Originally, demon night wanted to send his wife and daughter away. Later, it was said that there would be reinforcements. The big stone in his heart was put down.

I just didn't expect the so-called reinforcements to resist the invasion of the demon clan.

If you are alone, you are not afraid to die in battle. After all, the battlefield is the best destination for soldiers.

"Just ants, want to turn over the sky?"

Shan xiongyi was a little impatient. He winked at the big demons behind him and said, "capture the city Lord alive and kill all the others. I have some questions to ask him later."


The demons in the magical realm were very excited. They roared up one by one, and their eyes were bloodthirsty.

Demon night wiped wipe tears, crazy roar way: "only war dead, not alive, come!"

Voice down, he actually took the initiative to many demon race rushed past.

"Pooh! Laugh! Laugh! "

A light sound, many rushed to the magical realm of the night demon, the body of the big demon without any sign of explosion, blood sprinkled all over the ground.

Single bear wing frowns and stares at the sky: "is there any reinforcements?"

"It's good to catch up. I didn't come late."

In the middle of the night, a young man came and stood on the top of the city.

Behind him, there was a strong man, a monkey and a beautiful woman in white.

Hearing the familiar voice, the demon night suddenly raised his head, surprised and pleased: "Chu Yun!"

"Chu Yun?"

One bear wing's expression changed. He exchanged his eyes with the demon clan ancestor behind him.

This name is in the demon clan. It's thunderous. No one knows it.

Luo Xiao, the young leader of the ten thousand demon sect, entered the Middle Kingdom and challenged Jiusheng alone to defeat them one by one.

However, at this time, Chu Yun killed him halfway and defeated Luo Xiao.

Not only won Luo Xiao, but also deprived Luo Xiao of his fierce battle pattern.

For Luo Xiao, that matter is still a shadow that he hasn't walked out of, almost becoming a demon.

Chu Yun is also listed as the biggest potential threat opponent by the three holy places of the demon clan. He must be killed in advance and cannot grow up!

"I didn't expect to meet you here, Chu Yun. You dare to come here. It seems that you are really impatient."

Shan xiongyi's eyes flashed. He came up with the demon clan ancestor and stared at Chu Yun.

They know that low-end combat power is of no use to the strong with the same strength.

"I'm here to kill you. It's not too late."

Chuyun chuckled and jumped out of the city and looked at each other with single bear wing.

"I'm one of the seven demons, single bear wing. It's said that you are very strong, but it's a pity that you will die under my hand today."

Single bear wing laughs wildly, extremely expands.

After entering the yuhuajing, he once crossed the ranks to kill the double human leader of yuhuajing. In addition, Cao Sheng was easily cleaned up before, so now he is not empty in the face of Chu Yun.

"Seven demons, I've heard that."

Chu Yun's sword eyebrow picked out: "the three young masters of your demon clan are a little powerful. As for your seven demons, a group of mobs."

Single Xiong Yi smells the words, his face is iron green, and he leans out in a rage and grabs Chu Yun fiercely.

Chu Yun didn't sacrifice Wu soul, just seven demons, which he didn't pay attention to.

"Aren't you demon clan proud of your physique? Let me defeat you!"

Chu Yun breaks the void with a clap, and the brilliant spirit light comes with a clap.

This is the manifestation of pure physical strength. After entering the state of eclosion, Chu Yun's physique has become stronger, and his whole body is sending out appalling waves.

Every fist, every palm, is accompanied by strong momentum, indestructible.


When the two palms collided, Chu Yun's body didn't move at all. Instead, the single bear wing was smashed hundreds of meters away, making a big hole in the wall.

Chu Yun's body rises up against the sky, takes advantage of the victory to pursue him, and once again steps on the single bear wing.

The void, like a spider's web, has been broken several times in a row.

Single bear wing rushed to the sky, roared out with one arm, lifted the sky with enough strength, and grabbed Chu Yun's ankle.

The purpose of this arrest is to stop Chu Yun's momentum and fight back.

But what one bear wing never thought of was that Chu Yun's foot was too strong!

The wave of force visible to the naked eye comes from layers of waves, directly into the arm of the single bear wing, crushing his palm.


Single bear wing eats pain, covering the broken arm and quits for a long time. His eyes are full of panic.

For the first time, Chu Yun shot himself out.

The second contact, Chu Yunzhen broke his palm.

We can see the gap between them!

Shan xiongyi was a little annoyed and roared out a long knife.

He held it with one hand, and in Pangu's groundbreaking posture, he chopped it in half, together with the air.

Chu Yun's method of sweeping the sky dodged a single bear's wing and hit him in the abdomen with a punch.


Single bear's face was pale as if he had been hit hard. He opened his mouth and vomited blood.

Chu Yun's face was expressionless. He put his hands on the shoulder of single bear's wing, left and right, and worked together.


The ground could not bear the heavy pressure and broke apart.

The lower half of the single bear's wing fell into the ground, shaking all around, and the dust was flying.

In this scene, the demon night was stunned.

How strong is the spirit of the demon family? He is very clear in his heart.

In the past, single bear wing easily defeated Cao Sheng, relying on this terrible physique.

What's more, single bear wing is one of the seven demons. It's also an absolutely powerful Tianjiao figure in the demon clan. How can it not fight back in front of Chu Yun?

Their body and soul, which they are proud of, are suppressed so easily by Chu Yun, and it seems that Chu Yun yuan hasn't exerted all his strength.

No matter demon night or deputy Chen, or all soldiers in Beiqiu City, they are all stupid at this moment.

Chu Yun looked at the single bear wing with only the upper part of his body exposed in front of him, and said, "is this the so-called seven demons? To tell the truth, that's all!"


"Chu Yun, how dare you humiliate me so much? I want to cut you into meat sauce!" roared the single bear wing, whose pupils were red

Say, single bear wing single palm claps the ground, the body rises from the ground, wields the long knife to split to Chu cloud again.

Totem ancient pillars, such as terror.

On the increase of combat power, it is no less than the spirit of the human race.

Chu Yun's eyes flashed with pure light, one hand sticking out just in time, holding the sharp blade of the single bear wing.

The blade glows cold in the moonlight, reflecting the face of the single bear wing.

As one of the seven demons of the demon family, Shan xiongxin carries countless honors and is admired by all the demons. Except for the three young masters who have stabilized their power, they are the top talents in the demon family.

When and where has there been such a shame?

Originally came to attack the city, but was continuously humiliated by Chu Yun, and even photographed to the bottom of the earth.

Too ashamed, too hateful!

Single bear wing only wanted to kill Chu Yun in front of him, and even cut him to pieces to relieve his hatred.

"The knife is still not sharp enough."

Chu Yun pushes away the sabre, then bends his finger and hits it heavily on the blade.


I saw the crack on the sabre. With a crisp sound, the inch split.

The single bear wing retreated several steps in a row, some of whom could not bear the shame.

After roaring, Qi and blood vibrated, and muscles rose like rocks, which shattered the heaven and earth.

In his eyes, there was a crazy killing machine. He threw away the knife and killed it again.

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