Sky War Soul

Chapter 677 battle in the center of the battlefield

In the face of Luo Xiao's almost provocative greeting, Chu Yun was not polite at all. He calmly replied: "I don't expect to meet with the defeated general again. To be honest, you are not as challenging to me as the previous Huang Xiaolong."

This sarcastic remark, straight into Luo Xiao's heart, makes his elegant expression immediately filled with anger.

The blue tendons are exposed, the root hair is upside down, and the flame is almost emitted from the pupils. The original handsome image is completely destroyed.

At the beginning, he was defeated by Chu Yun and deprived of his fierce battle pattern, which became Luo Xiao's nightmare.

Unless Chu Yun is killed by his own hand, the mind devil cannot be removed.

"Whatever you say, you have to be arrogant for a while."

Luo Xiao took a deep breath and couldn't help sneering.

This time, he is well prepared.

This is the battlefield between the demon clan and the northern Xinjiang, where countless Tianjiao and numerous powerful people are fighting with all their strength.

He challenges Chu Yun with such a high profile in the battlefield, so he can only win but not lose, otherwise he will bear incomparable pressure.

But Luo Xiao believes in himself, not to mention that he has created new secret patterns in these years, and his combat power has also been greatly improved. Only that day's muqitu is enough for Chu Yun to drink a pot!

"Fight if you want, don't talk nonsense."

Chu Yun looked around and found that all the fighting had stopped.

Both the demon clan and the Allied forces of the four regions stopped fighting and looked at this side.

Being stared at by hundreds of thousands of people on the battlefield really has a sense of attention.

If you change to someone else, you will never get so much attention.

But one of them is the minority leader of the Banshee clan, and the other is Tianjiao, who is the top of the support list. Naturally, the attention they receive cannot be compared with other people.

It can also be said that this is the peak duel between human and Tianjiao.

Who wins and who loses is not only about the two of them, but also about the dignity of the two ethnic groups.

"I have been waiting for this war for a long time."

Luo Xiao regained his composure. His eyes were cold as ice, which made him feel like falling into the ice cave.

"I don't look forward to this war, because you can't bring me any surprises."

Chu Yun smiled quietly. He didn't put Luo Xiao in his eyes at all.

At the beginning, Luo Xiao was not his own opponent. Now he has learned sixteen imperial halls of the region. He can be said to be the most experienced man in the whole Taiqian continent. With his amazing defense, Luo Xiao is even less worthy of mentioning.


Luo Xiao roared and the whole body stormed.

For a moment, he was like the God of war standing steadily on the sky. His temperament was brilliant. Every inch of his skin had a crazy smell.

He saw the torrent of breath outside his body surging back and forth, forcing the whole battlefield to tremble, just like a tornado, from time to time, there were several violent energy whirlpools, drawing the essence of heaven and earth into it.

He only wanted to fight, as if he had been born to fight.


Luo Xiao's figure flickers, just like a big bird flying by, so fast that it can't be distinguished by the naked eye.

Later, he hit Chu Yun with a fist with a strong and overbearing body and soul!

What the demon clan is good at is physique. In front of the public, Luo Xiao naturally wants to beat Chu Yun with physique advantage!

"Good come!"

As soon as Chu Yun's eyes brightened, speaking of physique, he was proficient in a variety of methods of body training and never lost to anyone.

Under the spotlight, their fists collided.

At this moment, even the space seems to be fixed!


After a brief pause of a few seconds, the power of terror burst out.

Only two fists collide, and the space collapses with the violent energy of the collision, and the horror ripples visible to the naked eye spread out towards all sides.

Within a kilometer around, countless demon families and human warriors were shaken by this wave. Some of them were weaker, and even spewed blood out of their mouths.

The two men were simultaneously backfired by the shockwave, Chu Yun stepped back two steps and then stabilized his body, while Luo Xiao stepped back three steps.

It can be seen from this that there is a gap between Luo Xiao and Chu Yun in terms of pure strength, but the gap is not too big to make up.

"Finally, I found another opponent that excited me to shiver!"

Luo Xiao laughed: "chuyun, you have made great progress in these years, but it's a pity that I am stronger than you!"

Luo Xiao raised his hand to sacrifice the evil spirit and clapped at Chu Yun.

The energy he beat out began to change at the speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a beast covered with strange black fog. He opened his teeth and danced his claws, howled, and killed Chu Yun through the void.

Chu Yun has been able to deal with these moves that are used by the demon clan.

"Heaven breaking and nature making fist!"

Chu Yun laughs wildly and punches with one fist. You can change your means endlessly. I have one fist to break through thousands of methods.

The blow made the beast stagger, turning it over several times in the void, and nearly half of its body was broken.

Without any hesitation, the two sides collided fiercely again.

"Boom -- boom -- boom --"

both of them hit each other's body with all their strength.

Their minds are running at a faster speed, trying to figure out all the routes before the other party makes a move, and then respond.

This is a great load not only on the body, but also on the mind.

In general, unless the mental strength is really too much higher than that of the same level, it will not keep up with their rhythm at all.

Fortunately, Chu Yun has absorbed the spirit of Tianyuan. He has a clear mind. He will never become a short board, not to mention an advantage.

As for Luo Xiao, because he is an excellent secret tattoo master himself, his mental strength is not weak.

"How fast! I'm dazzled! "

"Do you see that every time they collide, the void trembles. This power is terrible."

"Their combat power is definitely much higher than that of their peers."

"If I am allowed to fight with them, I'm afraid I can't even support three moves."

Many Tianjiao look at the battle picture of the two, and their hearts are empty.

On the side of the demon family, all are lamenting the strength of Chu Yun.

As a human being, it's a strange thing that his body and soul have surpassed Luo xiaoshaozhu.

Not to mention how he did it, this talent alone is unparalleled!

On the human side, all of them are lamenting Luo Xiao's horror.

They are well aware of Chu Yun's combat power. Luo Xiao has been able to even with Chu Yun up to now, which seems to be the top level of the list!

Three young masters of the demon family, Luo Xiao alone is so terrible.

If the other two young masters show up, who else can take over?

In a word, the five tastes in the hearts of the onlookers are complex and inexplicable.

Chu Yun holds Luo Xiao's fist with one hand, unloads his strength, and then reverses Luo Xiaobang for several steps.

Seeing Luo Xiao's middle move, Chu Yun's eyes were cold, and he kicked out suddenly with one leg wrapped in the terrifying waves. It was like a sharp blade, which split the void into cracks, and even the eloquent essence was divided into two parts.

In the face of a powerful blow, Luo Xiaosi dare not look down on her. She holds Chu Yun's leg with her hands together.


However, the sharp edge Qi driven by the legs still cut a blood mark on Luo Xiao's chest.

"Chu Yun, you really surprised me."

Luo Xiao put out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips. He urged the power of the ancient totem pillar and suddenly turned into a golden Trident in front of him.

The Trident stands in the void and radiates endless power.

Especially at the top of the Trident, there is a small and shocking breath, just like a little snake with a curved body, tearing up the void.

After holding Trident in his hand, Luo Xiao's fighting power suddenly rose to a higher level.

In an instant, the whole battlefield was filled with the breath of terror, as if the heaven and earth were completely chaotic and nihilistic, leaving only this Trident.

This Trident has become the center of the battlefield and the master of everything in the world.

Luo Xiao is like a general in the battlefield. His eyes are cold. He stabs his trident out without any concern and comes straight to Chu Yun's head.


Broken voice sounded, three streamers across the void, toward the Chu cloud door.

In the face of such a blow, Chu Yun was not afraid at all. With one blow, he seemed to push forward a mountain range.

As it happens, he wants to experience Luo Xiao's real combat power.

The Trident collided with the boxing shadow, which seemed to contain the penetrating power that shocked the world. The boxing shadow was blown through, together with Chu Yun's fist, it also burst open and the blood spilled.

His body was shaken and flew for tens of meters. He stabilized his body several times in a row before he stopped again.

"Yes, much better than the last one."

Chu Yun looked down at the wound and saw that the skin and flesh were pierced and several bones were broken.

Not only does the fist hurt senseless, but the whole arm is numb.

He grinned, and his heart began to faint with excitement.

It has to be said that Luo Xiao has made great progress compared with the last time.

Challenging, here we go!

"You were only testing me before?"

Luo Xiao saw Chu Yun's carelessness, his eyes suddenly turned scarlet and furious.

For a Tianjiao, what he hates most is his opponent's indifferent attitude in the battle.

This is clearly a battle of life and death. Why don't you care so much!

For Luo Xiao, this is a great humiliation!

"No, it can't be called a temptation."

Chu Yun rubbed the wound, only to see the cracked bones and flesh, recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon recovered.

"I can only say that you are qualified to surprise me now."

Chu Yun's eyes flashed over, and the supreme war spirit suddenly rose, like a giant god standing in the center of the battlefield.

With the sacrifice of Wuhun, his combat power is rising rapidly.

Shuiyue sword and Dongtian sword are floating in front of you, and the battle armor is also worn for a moment.

Chu Yun, he began to take it seriously.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: I am still writing, do not finish not sleep. It's two minutes away.

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