Sky War Soul

Chapter 709 demon clan three giants

The Western wasteland is also called the demon land.

At the junction of Xihuang and Beijiang, there is a snow covered valley.

All day long, this canyon is filled with terrible murders. The void around is forced to crack by murders. The sharp breath is like a knife, blowing everywhere.

It seems that there are no creatures in this valley, but there are at least 20 elves in the void in all directions. They hide in the void, and their expression is very cold.

In the large snow area of the canyon, there are three dazzling golden thrones. The three demon families with breathtaking breath sit here and talk quietly.

One of the demons is Luo Zheng, the Lord of the Banshee clan.

The other two are GuQing, the leader of the ancient demon tower, and Zhou Yuan, the leader of the holy demon mountain.

The three lords of the demon clan gather here and are discussing many important issues related to the ethnic war.

"The combined force of mankind is even stronger than we think. If we continue to fight like this, even if we can conquer Northern Xinjiang, we will pay a heavy price."

Luo Zheng's face was expressionless and his voice was calm.

"Luo Zheng, are you scared to go to the north of Xinjiang?"

The ancient demon tower is not afraid of the human race. At the beginning, we could only kill them. Now we come back and have the totem ancient pillar that is no less than the human spirit. But the human race is still standing in place, even worse. This is a great opportunity for the demon race

"Luo Zheng, isn't the human race really so strong? Even you are afraid!"

Zhou Yuan also sneered.

"I'm not afraid, but the remaining four emperors are really strong."

Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed: "a large part of the reason why he killed the Western emperor at the beginning was that they had different hearts and no one was willing to lend a helping hand. Now they take a warning and unite together. It's not easy to eat the northern Xinjiang."

Gu Qing was a little annoyed and wanted to have a big drink. He was stopped by Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan's mood soon calmed down and asked, "Luo Zheng, you are the best at calculating among the three saints. Now you have invited us two before the war. What's your plan? Just say it."

Luo Zheng's eyes are ancient and calm: "war will definitely be fought, but I don't want to conquer them with this kind of brute force. Even if we defeat them, we will lose a lot and lose more than we deserve."

"So, what method do you have to let us defeat the soldiers without fighting?"

Hearing Luo Zheng's whim, Zhou Yuan couldn't help sneering.

"The Terrans, like us, do not want to fight this war. They prefer to solve it by another means."

Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed and he said: "tea tasting! This is a thing that human beings particularly like! "

Gu Qing and Zhou Yuan frown. They don't understand Luo Zheng.

"Human beings advocate power. For human beings, when there is an irreconcilable conflict between the two sides, but they are unwilling to fight, they will send representatives to sit together to taste tea and argue. Simply speaking, let these two people fight, who wins will have the final say, and the one who loses will be convinced. This matter will be solved successfully!"

"We and human beings are not willing to fight hard, so it's better to taste tea according to their habits."

"We and the human race, each side sent a group of top strong men to wager against the West wilderness and fight a war."

"In this way, we can not only minimize the loss of troops, but also achieve our original goal!"

Luo Zheng started a smile at the corner of his mouth when he was talking. Obviously, he was very determined about this.

Gu Qing and Zhou Yuan look at each other and shake their heads: "why do humans gamble with us?"

"We don't want to lose our forces. They are the same. If we continue to fight, we will lose both sides. We will win, but we will win miserably. Now that there is a chance of a fair decisive battle, they must want to seize it and recover the lost Western wasteland! "

Luo Xiao smiled coldly, and the meaning of the plot flashed: "the West emperor is dead, and the West wasteland is a big piece of fat for them. Everyone in the middle region, Dongzhou, South China Sea and Northern Xinjiang wants to touch it. We can pretend to give up the West wasteland, and then kill them when they fight for the first time! In this way, we have not broken the promise, but also consumed their forces. Why not? "

Gu Qing and Zhou Yuan are stunned. It seems like a good idea, but they always think it's too presumptuous.

Will human beings, as they have imagined?

There is no room for carelessness in the race.

Seeing that they were still hesitant, Luo Zheng couldn't help but say, "I have studied their psychology through so many years of dealing with human beings."

"If we win, they will be forced to face up and give up. We will go further and be happy. If they really lose, they will fight to the death for the Western wasteland. Everyone wants to occupy two pages alone and become the first force worthy of the name of the dry land! "

"It's too risky."

GuQing said in a cold voice, "and there are many things that don't have a fixed number. They may not develop as you think!"

Zhou Yuan was not as acute as Gu Qing. After a long period of careful consideration, he said, "Luo Zheng, your idea is to take some risks, but you can't have a try. The three holy places first gathered their forces to attack the northern Xinjiang. If they could attack, they would not use this method. If they could not attack, they would propose tea tasting to the people! "

Luo Zheng is helpless, he can see that Zhou Yuan is still a little cautious, his words can not fully convince him.

But under, he also can nod: "good, then we attack this last time!"


"Don't talk nonsense any more. Ben Wang agrees with the decision."

Seeing what else the great sage wanted to say, Mutu made a wild wave and directly interrupted the next words of the great sage.

In him, the temperament of some kings has been restored. It seems that with a wave of hand, you can control thousands of troops and even the mountains and rivers.

After all, Mutu was also the demon king of the demons. He was the master of the twelve celestial realms. He had led his subordinates to fight for countless small planes and left countless legends.

When he came to Taiqian, he was suppressed for thousands of years by one hand, and then he was depressed for a long time and tempered a lot of energy.

But at the moment, his eyes are shining, just like when he is back to the peak, that kind of high spirited, high spirited.

But it didn't last for a few seconds.


The great saint hit Mutu in the face with a fist, and scolded: "Lao mu, do you wish Chu Yun died?"

Mutu rubbed his face and said angrily, "Chu Yun is dead, and my king is dead. Is that shit in your monkey's head?"

Later, he seemed to think of something and was even more angry: "if you didn't punch me, I almost forgot. Before you hit me on the ground, did he get swollen in the face? I want to get back now!"

With that, Mutu and the great sage are going to fight together, and Chu Yun pulls them apart.

"Be quiet."

Chu Yun had a drink, and Da Sheng and Mutu were honest at once.

"I've decided to go to the Migui mountains first, catch the Dragon Qi, and then decide whether to touch the holy land or not according to the actual situation!"

Chu Yun's eyebrows are full of impatience.


The great sage nodded and said nothing against it.

"Grandpa, there are some things I can't leave here. I can't go to the north. You don't have to wait for me. I have my own plan. "

After Chu Yun finished this sentence, he put away the communication crystal and said quietly, "don't be verbose, just go!"

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