Sky War Soul

Chapter 714 do you think you won?

Chu Yun's words are like beating the blood of the chicken for the great sage and Mutu, and their attack is even more fierce.

The Maharaja's Buddhist fingerprint was on the body of the great demon king. The Sanskrit in the palm suddenly erupted into a huge wave, pushing the great demon Dynasty back half a meter.

"Go away!"

The big demon king's eyes are angry. He grabs the big saint's throat and bumps his head into it.


The big saint and the big demon king's head collide together and make a muffled sound.

The saint only felt a sharp pain in his head, as if he wanted to split. He was in the dark, dizzy and full of stars.

As for the great demon king, although he launched the attack, he was also very uncomfortable.

For several times in a row, he was taken advantage of by the other party. The big demon king was very annoyed and had a feeling of being teased by ants.

If they put it at their peak, they can't even count as ants. They can run over one with one finger!

However, now he has become very empty because of absorbing the power of dragon Qi, which is really a great bargain for the other side.

Mutu's body turned into a devil's head, and he opened his mouth with blood. He was entangled with the great demon king with infinite stillness and fear.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! "

Each fist of the great demon king contains an unbearable power. When Mutu is hit back and forth, the black air around him cracks, as if to break.

Mutu is not easy to suffer. His face is pale. He has no power to fight back under the attack of the demon king.

He is not only in peak condition, but also not enough physical strength. In this condition, he is just biting his teeth and holding on, unable to cause much trouble to the other side.

"If in the prime of our king, kill you like a chicken or a dog!"

The great demon king clenched his teeth and smashed the void with a fist blow, which drove the vast and infinite power to hit Mutu's body and smashed him to the ground.

Mutu screamed twice. He got up from the ground, gasping heavily. His eyes were full of fierce light. He said one by one: "if I am still at the peak, I can kill ten of you in full swing!"


A dark shadow came across the sky, and one of the big demon kings stumbled, almost falling from the golden mountain.

Chu Yun, wearing instant armor, was very strong in defense, and kept the big demon king from attacking for several times.

However, Chu Yun's fighting experience is very rich. Seeing that it is difficult to infiltrate the positive attack, he suddenly has a plan in mind.

First, he stepped back to avoid the big demon king's grasp. Then he stepped forward step by step. His index finger and middle finger were close together, turning into sword Qi with strangulation nature, which deeply penetrated into the big demon king's body.

The big demon king's expression changed for a while, and chuyun fell to the ground with a slap.


At the place where Chu cloud penetrated his chest, blood suddenly gushed out, as if stabbing a hole with a sword, which was shocking.

"You can hurt my king!"

The big demon king's pair of vertical pupils suddenly changed, emitting a terrible fierce light. At the same time, his whole body also exuded a horrible atmosphere, with a bright red tongue in his mouth.

Chu Yun grinned. He knew that the previous moves were only mutual temptations. The demon king had more abilities than he could do.

"My king killed you!"

The arms of the big demon king's hands suddenly turned into a long snake body, which swept away in a zigzag way and wrapped Chu Yun's arms.


Chu Yun is pulled down in front of him. The distance between their faces is only less than 10 cm. With four eyes facing each other, Chu Yun can even smell the smell of the big demon king's mouth.

"Hiss, hiss, Ben Wang knows who you are."

There is no emotion in the big demon king's eyes, just like a cold-blooded animal. His face gradually emerges the mark of scales, and the whole face turns green gray.

"He is strong in physique, not lose to our demon family at all, and he has unique talent and strong strength. He is the leader of the younger generation, Tianjiao There is only one person who meets these conditions, that is, Chu Yun! "

The big demon king spits the bright red letter son, the snake head which the palms of both hands turn into, already one left one right came to Chu cloud, in the mouth drips the saliva.

"Chu Yun, hehe, defeat Chu Yun of Lord Luo Xiao twice. Do you know how much your head is worth in our demon clan? We can't find it everywhere. I didn't expect that you would come to kill us. That's great. That's great! "

The big demon king was obviously very excited. He recognized Chu Yun's identity. At this moment, he had a sense of achievement.

Chu Yun, who had no idea what to do with Luo Xiao, was captured by himself.

As long as he can cut off his head, he will definitely become the hero of the whole demon clan!

Without him, Chu Yun is so famous in the demon clan!

"Yes, I am Chu Yun."

Although Chu Yun was caught by the snake, he didn't panic at all. Instead, he started a smile on the corner of his mouth: "since you have heard about my reputation, no one has told you that you can't be negligent when fighting with me!"

As soon as the voice came to an end, the Sanskrit stick of the great saint had been smashed in the air and pointed directly at the triangular head of the great demon king.

On the other side, Mutu raises his hand and shoots out three sharp black magic Qi. The magic Qi changes in the air. It's actually three little ghosts!

"A mob!"

The big demon king is very disdainful. He opens his mouth and spits out a green venom, which condenses in the void in front of him.

The venom looks soft, but when combined, it's as hard as steel.

Da Sheng smashed down the stick and was stopped by the venom.

That is, the Sanskrit attached to it melted the venom a little.

As for the imps that Mutu shot, they are even more involved in the venom, just like the mud cows in the sea.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, a group of useless waste, just because you want to kill me!"

The big demon king laughed happily, then reached out his hand to the boiling pot below, and said grimly: "in the past, many religious masters of your people wanted to take the king's life, establish their prestige, and invite contributions and rewards from your people's Alliance Army, but in fact, they all died, and were put into the pot and boiled into blood and meat medicine, which is the favorite thing of the king."

"See? Soon you will be like this. This is your end!"

"Chu Yun, your life is in my hands. If I want to kill you, I will kill you. What is your strength to reverse the war situation?"

The big demon king raised his head and stared at Chu Yun's face. The snake's head turned into a palm was attached to Chu Yun's ear. He wanted to bite him on the neck and penetrate the venom.

"You'll know in a minute."

Chu Yun is still smiling, and he has his own plan.


At this time, a harsh voice sounded, only saw the water moon sword and the cave Heaven Sword with Sanskrit, severely cut on the golden mountain.

Jinshan, which was originally cracked, is now broken inch by inch, just like broken glass.

The Dragon Qi in it suddenly gained freedom and swam out with great joy.

After the Dragon Gas swam out of Jinshan, it suddenly released a terrible wave, sweeping all directions, so that it covered the whole world.

The strength of dragon Qi is very strong, which is not inferior to Mutu at his peak.

And before it was suppressed by the big demon king very miserably, now finally had the opportunity to revenge.

The great saint and Mutu were standing there with a smile on their lips.

"As for the level of cunning, I'm afraid it's not as good as you in case."

Mutu arched his fist, convinced and admiring.

"What do you know? It's a trick."

The great sage scoffed at Mutu's words, but he was still very happy.


The big demon king has some silly eyes. It turns out that the monkey and the bald head are deliberately diverting their attention. The purpose is to let Chu Yun smash the golden mountain and release the Dragon Qi.

once there is dragon Qi joining the battle group, they originally have the upper hand and are no longer in balance.

"As I've said before, let you kill me as soon as you have a chance, and don't give me any chance to turn the tables."

Chu Yun smiled quietly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "however, you think you have won, it's a pity!"

"What a pity, your life is still in my hand, I can kill you at any time!"

The big demon king's eyes twinkled fiercely. The two snake heads did not hesitate any more. They used the sharp fangs to tear down Chu Yun's neck.

"Hiss! "Sneer!"

I saw Shuiyue sword and Dongtian sword come first. One left and one right blocked Chu Yun's side. They immediately turned over and stabbed two snake heads in the throat.

The two heads screamed and collapsed with the whole body.

The big demon king saw the frightened color, jumped down from the golden mountain, and looked at Chu cloud with his eyes split.

"It's a pity that you didn't kill me. Just like Luo Xiao, you are too confident."

Chu Yun sighed, and the sword flew back into his hands. After the meaning of sword was released completely, the whole cave seemed to be the main stadium of Chu Yun. He is the omnipotent God here.

The great sage and Mutu stand beside Chu Yun, their expressions are extremely excited. After all, they dare not think of things in the past. Today, they are going to realize them in their own hands.

It's a great credit to hunt a big demon king!

Even if we look at the whole people's coalition, no one has yet done so.

The Dragon roared. For him, the big demon king was the intruder here. He not only tried to suppress himself, but also tried to refine himself.

Now that he finally escaped, he must revenge!

Although the intelligence of dragon Qi is not high, it has the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

"Do you really think you have an absolute advantage?"

The great demon king was relieved from his shock. He stood up his pupils and pointed to his feet. He smiled: "there are more than ten demon ancestors here, more than half of them are matched by your strength. They will gather here as soon as I give you a command."

"Do you think you still have a chance when they all go to war?"

Chu Yun smiled quietly, without any surprise: "you can try, try to call them together, and see who is the last to laugh."

"Good boy, it's crazy!"

The big demon king's eyes were fixed, and then he shouted, "all of you, get over here. There are invaders!"

A roar, like a wave, spread in all directions.

The whole cave is rumbling, sending out endless waves and dust, which is very choking.

In a moment, all the demon ancestors in the Migui mountains heard this sentence. Their expressions changed and they came here without any hesitation.

There are invaders, how can there be invaders!

Although they were puzzled in their mind, they didn't think too much. Since the big demon king had ordered them, it would be better to just do it.

On Chu Yun's face

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