Sky War Soul

Chapter 719 flowering without fruit

Gu Haoxing's original proud expression was suddenly shocked, and his expression was unbelievable.

Even if the demon clan knows the news of his arm's injury, how can they know it so clearly? Even that one can see it. This insight is terrible!

However, after listening to Wang Yuzong's last words, Gu haohang's pupils contracted violently, and before he had time to respond, he felt that the whole arm began to vibrate, as if something inside was colliding back and forth.

"Damn it, when did you break into Ben Huang's arm?"

Gu Haoxing was shocked and angry. He had no time to use any means to dispel the dark force. He clapped it instinctively, just at the place where his arm was bent.


There is a surging dark force in the arm, which is forced out by Gu Haoxing's palm, towards the five fingers.

Gu Haoxing's five fingers suddenly swell, as if they were red and swollen, several circles thick.

"Poof! Puff! Puff! "

There were five blasts in all. Gu's five fingers couldn't bear the terror. They burst continuously.

Five blood flowers emerge, five fingers are completely blown up, and the whole palm becomes bloody, shocking.

Gu Haoxing screamed. He reached for his wrist, which made his forehead sweat.

This dark force is so terrible that I don't even feel it.

"The most powerful body power of our demon clan, you really think that you can compete with us with your half Sling's body skill. I just used half my strength, and the other half turned into dark strength and entered your arm..."

Wang Yuzong looked cold and shook his head. At the corner of his mouth, he raised a sneer: "the so-called northern emperor doesn't even have this insight, which really disappointed me."

"You want to die!"

The northern emperor was furious and could not help roaring to the sky, and began to show his own soul.

The seven golden lights rise from the sky, symbolizing the fierce spirit of heaven level seven products.

In fact, not only Gu Haoxing, but also several other emperors are the spirits of heaven level seven!


With a loud and clear hawk voice, Gu Haoxing saw a white hawk with wings spreading behind him, which sent out cold air enough to freeze the void.

This is his spirit, the snow cold eagle of the seventh heaven level!

After the appearance of Wu Hun, Gu Haoxing's eyes suddenly became sharp, just like hawks and falcons, which can easily see things thousands of miles away, and can even fully earn the whereabouts of each other.

Not only that, he also has sharp and hard white feathers, just like wearing a layer of indestructible armor.

"My strength will be at its peak only after I exert my soul."

Gu Haoxing's eyes are cold, and his momentum is even colder. It seems that he can drag people into the abyss and never surpass life.

"Come on."

Seeing Gu haoxingshi's exhibition of Wu soul, Wang Yuzong beckoned and was eager to try.


Gu Haoxing flew out, a white light flashed in the air, only to hear a puff. Wang Yuzong had a bloodstain on his chest.


Wang Yuzong was a little surprised. Just now, he did see the trace of Gu Haoxing, but his nerve reaction and body speed were not so fast that he could not escape.

Although Wang Yuzong got a blow from the other side, he also sounded an alarm in his heart. After all, he was a powerful person at the level of emperor, and there were only five in the whole Taiqian continent.

In the face of such giants, I must not be careless.

Now I am not only the representative of myself, but also the glory of the whole demon clan. If I lose, the demon clan will withdraw from the northern wasteland and cannot continue to invade.

This is just a strike for the demon clan that is on the rise!

If he wins, Gu Hao will give up shengxuefeng, which is what the demon clan badly needs.

Not only do you need to suppress your momentum, but also destroy your confidence.


Gu Hao will speed up to the peak, in a blink of an eye again towards Wang Yuzong.

Wang Yuzong is fully prepared this time. His eyes are fixed on Gu Haoxing, whose speed is faster than the speed of sound, and he knows all his intentions.

If you want to attack my back, I will give you a big gift!

Wang Yuzong thought like this in his heart. His figure leaped forward and out of the space of 100 meters. Then he turned back and hit an elbow behind him. The void was smashed.

However, in the open void, there is no figure of Gu Haoxing.


With a loud bang, Gu Haoxing's figure appeared in front of Wang Yuzong. He raised his hand and hit him heavily on the abdomen. Suddenly, his strength came up to the sky.

Wang Yuzong groaned when he was hit by this fist. He was a bit staggering. Just when he wanted to fight back, Gu Haoxing shook his wings and slapped him in the face.


The voice is very clear and crisp. Wang Yuzong has a bright red on his cheek. Obviously, the edge of his wings is very sharp, which is no less than a sword.

Wang Yuzong covered his face, but there was no expression on his face, but his eyes were full of Rage: "the northern emperor still has two brushes, but these are not enough, not enough!"

Gu haohang stood in front of Wang Yuzong. They were less than half a meter apart. He pressed close to Wang Yuzong's handsome and pale cheek and said, "fight with me, you will regret for life!"

Wang Yuzong shows a grim smile, looks up and bumps into it mercilessly, but is easily evaded by Gu Haohang.

"Hiss! Sneer! "Sneer!"

In a short rest time, Gu haohang waved his wings hundreds of times, cutting hundreds of wounds of different depths around Wang Yuzong's body, with blood flowing.

There were smiles on the faces of countless powerful men in the human alliance.

In this way, Gu Haoxing apparently completely suppressed Wang Yuzong.

Although Wang Yuzong is the new leader of the demon clan, it is obvious that Jiang is still old and spicy, and Gu Haoxing is better.

But there was no smile on the faces of Tathagata, Wang Qian and Wang zhanting.

They are all the top powers in Taiqian, and they see more than just the surface.

Although Wang Yuzong was suppressed and injured continuously, his breath did not change at all, and he was still full of fighting spirit.

On the contrary, Gu haohang, after a series of suppression, had some uneven breath.

What a strange thing!

"Wang Yuzong must have some cards left."

Wang Qian frowned and said seriously: "Gu Haoxing's injury has so much influence that the whole arm is soft and has no strength. He takes one hair and moves the whole body. Otherwise, he will cause more damage to the other side! "

"Amitabha, unless we make a quick decision, if we continue, we will be in more and more trouble."

The Tathagata chanted a Buddha's name. His expression was neither sad nor happy, and no one could see his real emotion.

Wang zhanting's heart sank. The best thing the demon clan is to fight for a long time. If the battle is dragged down by force, Gu Haoxing will surely lose.

The whole Taiqian continent can compete with the demons for stamina and endurance. Maybe there is only one person, that is, Chu Yun.

No one else can.

This is not the most terrible, the most terrible is Wang Yuzong's savvy!

His savvy is really a little scary. He has been facing the impact of Gu haohang again and again. From the initial embarrassment, he can't feel the southeast, northwest, to the present calm expression, and he can make some evasive actions. The progress is too great!

He took the battle as a kind of experience and improved and honed himself in the battle.

No more delays.

What Wang zhanting can see, Gu Haoxing can see naturally.

He is very anxious. He swims in the space of ten thousand meters with his toes light.

His body method is strange and his speed is so fast that no one can guess which direction he will go next.

As soon as he finds a chance, he will do it.

Wang Yuzong suffered more and more injuries. His body was so bloody that he even showed his white bones.

On the surface, Gu haohang's situation is very good and he is in the process of constantly suppressing his opponents.

But in fact, he saw it in his eyes and worried about it.


Just when Gu haohang disappeared again, Wang Yuzong saw his path, and suddenly raised his hand to the sky and hit the void.

A torrent of force visible to the naked eye smashed into the void, suddenly showing a corrugated state, rushing to the four sides.

Gu Haoxing says that it's too late to escape.

His body was shocked by this breath, and he turned several times in the void.

Wang Yuzong showed a bloodthirsty smile and was suppressed for half a day. After paying countless scars as the price, the real opportunity finally came!


Wang Yuzong's arm extended more than 100 meters, just like a spear piercing the space, and seized Gu Haoxing's wings.

He has a fierce look in his eyes. Suddenly he works hard and tears off Gu haohang's wing with one hand!


The tearing sound sounded, Gu Haoxing was suddenly killed by the wings, the state of mind changed dramatically, and the pain almost passed out in a coma.

Wang Yuzong licked his lips. He was full of fighting spirit and bravery. Even his pupils were covered with a bright red color.

"Demons and gods change!"

With the voice down, I saw Wang Yuzong's body suddenly expanded, more than 300 meters high, as the giant God.

In front of Wang Yuzong, Gu Haoxing's tiny body is like a mosquito and a fly, which can be killed with one slap.

Wang zhanting's expression finally changed. Gu haohang only blossomed but failed to establish his superiority early. Now, by accident, the situation has finally been reversed.


Although Wang Yuzong is huge, he has no less sensitivity. He suddenly reaches out and grabs Gu Haoxing.

Gu Haoxing's reason is still there. Naturally, he is unwilling to comply. He opens his mouth and spits out a sharp cold light, which pops through Wang Yuzong's wrist.

However, Wang Yuzong didn't feel any pain at all. His other hand went deep, and he pinched Gu Haoxing's head with his fingers, trying to exert himself.

Gu haohang only felt the darkness in front of him, and the sense of crisis rose sharply.

At the moment, he dare not have any reservation any more. He immediately burst out and shouted: "shadow Shadow and light

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