Sky War Soul

Chapter 745 three days later

"Main dragon vein!"

3000 was surprised. Of course, he knew what the main dragon was. This kind of thing that had been extinct for thousands of years has reappeared in Chu Yun's hands.

"It's true that even the advantaged region in the cloud world can't be compared with the protection of the main dragon."

Chu Yun is in a brilliant mood: "if you practice here, you can easily get back to the top."

Three thousand people wandered around Jiling mountain for several times, shouting excitedly, "it's incredible, it's incredible..."

After excited, 3000 roared a voice, drilled into the cloud again.

Before long, many religious masters continued to walk out of the space cracks.

Unintentional leader, Wei Qi, Li Zhaolin, Huo Fei, Xiong Buzhan

Countless tyrants looked left and right with a rare joy in their eyes.

"It's comfortable to be in this world."

"If it's true that it's the main dragon vein, the terrible energy in the mountains, I can't catch up with you."

"The main dragon vein, ha ha ha, I have lived for so many years, but I have never felt the main dragon vein!"

"I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I could get the protection of the main dragon."

These religious masters sighed, and their eyes were full of joy and excitement for the unknown.

It's obvious that 3000 people have told them all about this since they came back to the cloud.

"Find a place to settle down first. Except for the main mountain, you can choose the rest."

Chuyun smiled quietly. Of course, the main mountain is reserved for the family. As for other mountains, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if they choose them at will.

With the voice of Chu cloud falling, many religious masters have gone to seek the mountain they like.

"You stay here first, and I'll go back and get the family."

Chu Yun solemnly asked, "remember, don't go out to make trouble, but if someone comes in with a bad heart, kill him or her!"

"Master, don't worry," he nodded in succession

After the command, Chu Yun takes Mutu and heads for Youying mountain.


"What do you say, you really gave birth to the main dragon in jilingshan?"

Wang sidie is very surprised. Her beautiful eyes are full of shock.

Chu Yun nodded, "I said at the beginning, my mother will know after a few days. How is it? Your son didn't talk big, did he?"

"How could it be that Ji Lingshan is a dead mountain. You did what so many ancestors didn't do."

Wang sidie still can't believe it. It's better than the place of emperor like Youying mountain. It's just a first-class dragon vein.

The main dragon vein itself is a legendary thing, how could it be so easy to appear?

However, Chu Yun said that this is the truth.

"Your son is a rare prodigy in ten thousand years. What's so strange about that?"

Chu Yun picked up his eyebrows and said proudly, "don't be idle with your father. Hurry up and clean up, and give orders. We'll move now!"

Chutiankuo's eyes on one side were moved. As expected, he was his son and could understand what he thought.

For chutiankuo, he owed Wang sidie a lot.

Because of this, he didn't want to stay in Youying mountain and live in the shadow of Wang sidie's family.

He is very strong and stubborn.

At the beginning, I was forced to settle down in the Tang Dynasty.

If they don't settle down in the Tang Dynasty, the Xiao family will fight against their own family.

"Have you told your grandfather about it?"

Wang sidie is calm enough. Although she is really happy, she can still restrain herself.

"No, I'm the first to let you know."

Chuyun smiled and said, "besides, I have a plan. Three days later, the day when the main dragon vein is gestated is the time when our Chu family establishes a family! "

"Set up a family!"

Chutian's pupils were dilated and contracted.

Although he thought about it, he was only limited to think about it. Although the cultivation resources and details are not inferior to those of the emperor, they are far from the four clans in terms of strength.

Once a family is established, it means becoming a force, just like the four clans today, even the super large ones can only become their subordinates.

But if the strength is not enough, the so-called establishment of a family is a joke.

Any aristocratic family is a powerful force, and only a strong fighting force is the foundation of life.

Is your family really ready to establish a family?

"Yes, it's good to tell the whole land of Taiqian that our Chu family will establish a family. It's in Jiling mountain!"

Chu Yun's eyes are shining, his voice is full of vitality and inspires people.

Chu TianKuo is deeply moved by Chu Yun's words. His eyes are full of fierce fighting, and his whole body is about to boil.

"Establish a family, establish a family..."

He said to himself, immediately clenched his fists, and decided to say, "OK, establish a family!"

When the time comes, even if you don't want to go, the general trend will push you forward.

Just like the Chu family now.

Chu Yun has ransacked thousands of years of treasures of the Banshee gate and taken them all back to the family. At this time, the Chu family has no less than the emperor's land in terms of the details.

In this case, it is reasonable to establish a family according to the situation.

"Dieer, what do you think?"

Chu TianKuo turns his head and looks at Wang sidie with eyes shining.

"I'll listen to you."

Wang sidie smiled, his face full of happiness.

"Well, as yun'er said, our family is moving now. Three days later, he announced to the world that the Chu family had been established! "

Chutian roared wildly, as if he had let out all his thoughts in his heart.


After communicating with Chu TianKuo and Wang sidie, Chu Yun went to the top of the mountain again.

Wang zhanting's injury has been cured for the most part. He is sitting alone in the pavilion, smacking his lips from time to time. He has no manners, just like an ordinary old man.

"Oh, here comes your boy again."

Seeing Chu Yun coming, Wang zhanting beckoned: "come here and drink with me."

"Grandpa, I'm not here to drink with you."

Chu Yun can't laugh or cry. He directly dodges Wang zhanting's glass and sits across from him.

"Son of a bitch, you should take care of my drinking!"

Wang zhanting blew his beard and stared. He was very angry.

"Grandpa, there's business."

After seizing the glass, Chu Yun was not satisfied. He grabbed Wang zhanting's bottle and threw it on the ground.

"My century old wine!"

Wang zhanting's pupils contracted, he stood up and said angrily: "son of a bitch, are you doing right with me on purpose! If you drink less of this century old wine, you're all broken! "

"The main dragon has become."

Chu Yun didn't talk much nonsense. He was straightforward.

"Then you can't drop my hundred year old wine, that is..."

Wang zhanting murmured, apparently not responding. However, after two seconds, he breathed heavily and seized Chu Yun's collar: "what is it, you say again?"

For Wang zhanting's overreaction, Chu Yun was not surprised at all. He smiled quietly and said, "the main dragon vein has become, and it's on the silent mountain!"

"It's impossible. Ji Lingshan is a dead mountain. Any dragon riding in it will be swallowed up. How can it breed the main dragon vein..."

Wang zhanting murmured to himself. He didn't believe what Chu Yun said.

This kind of thing is really too shocking, even from Chu Yun's mouth, he can't believe it.

"In fact, after I collected the five dragon Qi with different attributes, the whole Ji Ling Mountain seemed to be alive. Just under the mountain, the main dragon vein is being gestated. It will take shape in three days. Then you can have a look! "

Chuyun grins. He likes to see Wang zhanting's surprise.

At the beginning, he took a vow and said that he could only waste his time in jilingshan. Now, less than a month later, the situation has changed dramatically.

"The main dragon vein, is there really a main dragon vein?"

Wang zhanting forced his mood to settle down. He paced back and forth, completely forgetting that his century old wine had just been broken by Chu Yun.

Compared with the main dragon vein, the so-called century old fine wine is not considered.

"And I have decided to move out of Youying mountain with my family. In three days, I will set up a family in Jiling mountain!"

Chu Yun's eyes glittered with brilliant light, and he was determined to get it.

Wang zhanting took a deep breath and sighed.

Chu Yun, the king of the region, did better than he thought.

It seems that the waves behind the Yangtze River are pushing the waves ahead. What Chu Yun has done is beyond his comprehension.

"That's a good decision."

Wang zhanting stared at Chu Yun and said: "after all, you are the king of the region. The family has been living in Youying mountain. It's impossible to say anything."

"Moreover, the main dragon has not appeared for so many years. No one knows how strong he is. If you can be protected by the main dragon, your family will develop into the strongest family in the future decades! "

"Not for decades."

Chu Yun smiles quietly, he has enough confidence in the main dragon vein.

"Then when will your status as emperor of the land be made public?"

As soon as Wang zhanting spoke, he asked earnestly, "I'm afraid I can't hold on for long. The outside world has always been very curious about the new emperor, and the speculation has never stopped. However, some people who are not in the right mood spread rumors that the inheritance of the new emperor has been cut off, which makes people panic. "

"I think it's better to announce it as soon as possible in order to gather the people's hearts."

Chu Yun thought about it carefully, and thought what grandpa said was very reasonable.

A country can't be without a monarch in one day, let alone such a large central region?

Although the four clans are nominally the leaders of the Middle Kingdom, they have to face the emperor at the critical moment!

The so-called emperor, inheriting orthodoxy, is the leader recognized by numerous powerful people at the beginning.

No one can replace this.

"I'll put it in three days. When the family is established, I'll announce the news!"

Chu Yun's eyes are hot.

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