Sky War Soul

Chapter 75 continuous explosion

The demon gazed at the hall at night and said slowly, "Liu Ziguang is not an easy guy to deal with. I have competed with him. His spirit is a jade toad of yellow grade and ten grades. It's disgusting! I tried my best to break his spirit and finally managed to win him

"Is it?"

Chu YunRuo thinks.

The spirit of the demon night is the earth bear of the first level of Xuanji, and its strength is invincible. Even he has tried his best. It seems that Liu Ziguang is really not easy to deal with.

At this time, the hall suddenly rings a dragon cry, and a red light rises from the word "Chu cloud". The red light is like a thorn, running through the void!

At the same time, there was a strong feeling in Chu Yun's heart.

That kind of feeling, very urgent, just like the tense nerves, make you have to accept this challenge!

"I, Liu Ziguang, want to challenge you, Chu Yun!"

Liu Ziguang stood in front of the hall, his fierce eyes swept around: "chuyun, I know you are here, get out!"

"Alas, how could he have robbed such a good opportunity?"

"This Liu Ziguang is really insidious. Not only do you know how to knead the soft persimmon, but the movements are very fast!"

"In the last exchange match, Chu Yun seemed to be practicing eight aspects of Qi, right? Even if he is promoted rapidly, he can only practice Qi ten times now. Liu Ziguang has picked up a big bargain! "

"Damn it, I would have challenged Chu Yun before I knew it!"

Many core disciples default Chu Yun to be a soft persimmon.

It's not that they despise Chu Yun. After all, Chu Yun's strength in the exchange competition has been recognized by most of the core disciples. Especially the sword of killing Zuo Yunfei is reflected in the hearts of many people.

It's just that Chu Yun's realm is really not high. If compared with the other four people, Chu Yun is indeed the easiest one to deal with!

"Chu Yun, Liu Ziguang is in trouble, but I believe you can solve him!"

The demon night gives Chu Yun an encouraging way.

"It seems that many people here regard me as a soft persimmon."

Chu Yun glanced at him for a week and then sneered: "since that is the case, I'll take Liu Ziguang as my first weapon today! I want to tell this group that it's not rubbish that can challenge me! "

After saying this, Chu Yun walked out of the crowd and went straight to the front of the palace.

"Chu Yun, you can kill Zuo Yunfei. You are a little competent. But it's a pity that you met me! Don't doubt my strength, as long as I think it's easy to kill you. It's just a few moves to kill you. It's not easy to judge. After all, you are more resistant to fight! "

Liu Ziguang smiled gloomily. His temperament was very cold and chilling.

Is his spirit a jasper toad?

I haven't met you.

I don't know how powerful it is.


Chu Yun looked at Liu Ziguang with a smile to see what he could say.

"So you'd better surrender now and give me the quota. Maybe you can save your life!"

Liu Ziguang bared his teeth and was not directly selected into the five places. He was obviously very angry, but he also had a plan to win.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have any idea of giving away places. If you can do it, take it yourself!"

Chu Yun's expression is plain and his heart is already on guard. This is the first battle after he entered the realm of Hua Qi, which can be expected to be very difficult.


Liu Ziguang gave a grim smile and released his own soul without hesitation.


A large green toad appeared, his back full of poisonous pimples, very ugly.

Liu Ziguang's cheeks were bulging high and his limbs were crawling on the ground, but his hind legs were strangely cocked, just like the tail of a scorpion.

Although he despised Chu Yun in his mouth, he knew in his heart that Chu Yun's combat effectiveness was terrible.

So, he didn't take it lightly and showed his best.


Liu Ziguang leaps to the sky with amazing bounce power. This jump is at least hundreds of meters long, and even his body shape has changed slightly!

A few seconds later, Liu Ziguang came down from the sky, hands together, carrying the power to suppress the heaven and earth, and rushed to Chu Yun.


Chu Yun's mouth starts a curve. For Liu Ziguang's powerful attack, Chu Yun doesn't even hide. He is arrogant and stands at the same place. Seeing Liu Ziguang's double fists are about to fall, Chu Yun suddenly punches!

"Three style thunderhand!"



The huge thunder sounded, and after the blast, the waves began to roll violently and collide with Liu Ziguang.


Chu Yun's legs fell into the ground without any sign, and the ground didn't even reach his knees!

The aftereffect of this touch, towards the ripples around, blowing many core disciples, face pangsheng pain.

Liu Ziguang leaped down from the sky, looked at Chu Yun with a grim face, and said: "good boy, I have a little ability. It seems that I looked down on you before! But then, I haven't shown my real strength. When I urge Jasper toad with all my strength, you don't even have a chance to beg for mercy! "

"What nonsense."

Chu Yun shook his head disdainfully.

"Boy, it's so arrogant to die!"

Liu Ziguang made a strange cry, and his body began to expand infinitely. Then he suddenly leaned down and pouted up. The poisonous pimples behind him began to rumble and boil, emitting a light green smoke, as if there was boiling water inside, which made people feel sick.

Some of Liu Ziguang's core disciples, covering their mouths and noses, left tens of meters in a row.

"Poof! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! "

The sound of a series of water sprays was heard. One by one, the poisonous pimples exploded, just like a balloon filled with water. When the balloon exploded, the water in it puffed out.

The green venom is thick and comes from the sky.

Chu Yun frowned. The demon night said well. Liu Ziguang's moves were disgusting.

"Get up!"

Chu Yun opens his hands and drinks them in a low voice. The strong aura forms a round light shield, which blocks all the green venoms out.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The venom hit the shield and hissed at the corrosion of the shield.


A figure swooped in, fast as lightning, slamming a fist on Chu Yun's face.

Liu Ziguang didn't know when he had come to him. He had a disgusting smile on his face. He called out, "I heard that you are very good at fighting. How many punches can you get from me?"

Finish saying, Liu Ziguang is a fist again, his bulging figure is very funny, like a big balloon, but the speed of the fist is not slow at all!

"Bang! Oh! "!"

Several punches in a row, all on Chu Yun.

The power is huge. Chu Yun is dizzy.

"Chu Yun, don't be confused by his huge body shape. His speed is very fast!"

Demon night high voice way.

"Late! No one can survive under my chain fist! "

Liu Ziguang cackled, confident.


The voice is not down, Liu Ziguang once again, gather the strength of the whole body, toward Chu Yun chest smash!


Just as he was about to win, he found that his fist couldn't move.

Liu Ziguang looked down and saw that his fist was held in the palm of Chu Yun's hand at some time. His power was huge and irresistible.

"Can no one survive with your chain punch?"

Chu Yun put out his hand and wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth. With a cold smile, he immediately roared, "come and taste my chain burst gas!"


Chu Yun's wrists suddenly exert their strength to break Liu Ziguang's arm, and then he punches Liu Ziguang on his huge body.

"Boom! Buzz! "

First, there was a dull sound, and then the power became a buzz. Liu Ziguang's huge body became calm after a sharp fluctuation. He turned around and laughed with his deformed face. "It's no use. I can defuse all attacks. Even if you try your best, you won't hurt me!"

Chu Yun frowned. He didn't believe Liu Ziguang in any way.

Can we neutralize all attacks?

Are you kidding me? If that's true, isn't it invincible in the world?

If it can really resolve all attacks, how can demon night defeat him?

"I don't believe it!"

Chu Yun gathered his strength and smashed it again.

Liu Ziguang's bulging body trembled again, and all the power of Chu Yun was dissolved.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I've said it. It's useless. It's useless! You can't break my defense even if you put your mind to it! "

Liu Ziguang seems very excited.

Chu Yun just saw clearly that when he had just punched him, the fat body like a balloon was shaking at an ultra-high speed. It was this series of shaking that neutralized and neutralized his fist strength infinitely.

The spirit of the demon night is the earth bear. What it is good at is power! Invincible power!

Since demon night can defeat him with strength, why can't I?

Thinking of this, Chu Yun's eyes flashed a flash of determination, regardless of the others. In a blink of an eye, he hit hundreds of fists, each of which gathered a huge aura.

After touching Liu Ziguang's body, Reiki suddenly exploded!

Continuous boxing shadow, continuous explosion!

This is Chu Yun's serial explosion!

With the body strengthened by the Supreme Soul, it can withstand several times the impact of its own aura; with the expanded meridians of the Supreme Soul, the body can store more aura. As for the dragon like spine, it is the source of all attacks!

The continuous explosion of Qi, strictly speaking, is a martial art developed by Chu Yun himself!

Of course, it's also a martial art that Chu Yun can use!

Infinite use of that dragon like spine, swing strength, condense to the double fist.

The fist struck like lightning, with a huge aura. Aura will explode instantly after contacting the enemy, sending out a strong shock!

This is the essence of the chain blast!

At the beginning, Chu Yun used this move to spend his physical strength and spiritual energy on the higher level of Chu Zhou mountain.

It can be said that in the face of the strong enemy, the chain explosive gas is definitely a kill move!

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: after the early morning, there is also a chapter, for flowers ah!!!

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