Sky War Soul

Chapter 759 the secret of breaking through the shackles

The four holy places of the demon family, based on the holy snow peak, began to expand towards other areas of Northern Xinjiang.

The Three Kingdoms of Northern Xinjiang have become stronger with the participation of Saint Xuefeng's family. However, to resist the common invasion of the four holy places of the demon clan is tantamount to a dream.

This time, the demon clan was very smart. Instead of large-scale war, they attacked the cities of the Three Kingdoms in a small scattered way.

It was the same way as the invasion of Northern Xinjiang at the beginning.

Although there are strong garrisons in other regions in the northern Xinjiang, they are always tired of coming and going. They are completely thrown away by the rhythm of the demon clan.

The three kingdoms are crying for help. They can only shrink their forces. Those peripheral cities that can give up will give up first and gather their forces into a dozen main cities.

In this way, the demon clan will get a number of cities without any weapons.

The forces of the demon clan come from the demon domain and are stationed in various cities.

It can be said that two-thirds of the territory in the north of Xinjiang has been occupied by the demons. The remaining three kingdoms have kept the last dozens of main cities, and the situation is in danger.

The kingdom of the night wolf, the palace.

The wolf king, with his brows locked, is working on a sand table exercise with several princes.

"Wolf king, this city was occupied by demon clan yesterday. We damaged half of the army."

"And here, originally the city where snow rhinoceros was stationed, was defeated by the demon clan yesterday."

"According to the invasion speed of the demon clan, several main cities near the imperial city will be occupied in three days at most!"

"We have to change."


Those who can stand here to deduce the sand table are all very high status beings.

In addition to wolf king, there are prince Yang Qi, several princes, and blood evil cult leader.

"Defeat is all defeat!"

The wolf king was a little annoyed, with a touch of anger in his eyes: "in these days, how many battles have been defeated, my kingdom of the night wolf will lose like this again, even the imperial city will be swallowed!"

The leader of xuesha sighed: "the current situation is not up to us at all. The demon clan is so cunning that we can't even fight with them..."

Several princes sighed repeatedly, especially in the south of Song Dynasty, as if they were old for many years, their hair was half white.

"Your kingdom of the night wolf is really a litter of rubbish and useless!"

Just then, the gate of the palace was kicked open with a bang, and then a young man came in.

The young man's face was ferocious. After he rushed into the hall, he roared: "the demon clan is coming. They are still here to discuss. What a fart to discuss! You wolf king is also the king of a country, and he is indifferent when he is attacked by others. He is really a fierce soldier and will bear a nest! "

After hearing the young man's roar, the wolf king's expression suddenly became ugly, but he still resisted the pressure and said in a low voice: "master Mo, we don't want to do this either. It's really the demon clan's momentum is too strong. We are inferior in the high-end combat power, so we can only strategically give up some cities, come..."

"Don't make so much sense to me. I just want to say a word. If you can't resist the demon clan's impact, you wolf king won't do it."

After that, gumer turned around and left.

"Bah, what is it?"

The blood evil cult leader saw this and spat scornfully: "the northern emperor was killed in the gambling fight and lost to the demon family together with the saint Xuefeng, which brought shame to our people. If not, how could the demon clan occupy the northern territory so quickly? After all, a group of bereaved dogs, and the face of shouting here, why not go to the demon family in front of the bravado? "

Gu Mo is Gu Haoxing's grandson, Gu Yang's cousin.

After shengxuefeng was occupied by the demon clan, his family fled to seek refuge in Three Kingdoms.

After arriving at the Three Kingdoms, they moved their minds and wanted to seize power directly by virtue of their family's prestige in Northern Xinjiang for so many years.

Qingniu Kingdom and Yalong kingdom are loyal. They actually gave up the throne to Gu Jia without saying anything. Instead, wolf king pushed it away all the time. They didn't mean to give up the throne at all.

Because of this, Gu family became angry because he felt that wolf king didn't give them face on purpose, so he repeatedly came to trouble.

The wolf king may not care about them because of his identity, but the bloody God is not used to them!

A group of bereaved dogs. What can I do to pretend here?

The blood evil god did not deliberately suppress his own voice, and Gu Mo did not go far, and naturally listened to him.


Gu Mo suddenly clenched his fist, his expression became extremely angry, and his eyes suddenly became ferocious: "old dog, you can't find death!"

The voice falls, Gu Mo roars, and rushes towards the blood evil cult leader.

"Why, when my grandfather is dead, I will howl with you?"

The head of xuesha smiled coldly. He had long been upset with the family.

Before, shengxuefeng was the land of the emperor. When the sky fell down, Gu Haoxing held it up. Other people who were in charge of their families only needed to cultivate in a safe and stable way. They didn't need to worry too much.

But now it's different. Gu haohang is killed first, and then shengxuefeng is robbed. For them, the only patron saint suddenly collapses and they are in despair.

It happened so suddenly that the arrogance of the young generation has not yet changed from this concept. They still feel that they are superior in the north, even the emperors of the Three Kingdoms have to bow down to serve.


The blood evil cult leader clapped Gu Mo to fly with one hand, which was easy.

Later, his figure flashed, his single hand turned into blood claw, which stuck gumer's neck and pressed him on the wall.


Goomer's eyes turned white and he couldn't breathe.

"Boy, I want to kill you. I don't need to move a finger."

The blood evil cult leader's expression is ferocious, and his whole body is full of terrible blood, which is vast and terrifying.

When the other princes saw this, they did not speak.

These days, they were also tossed by gummer, so no one sympathized with him.

"You If you dare to kill me, the whole palace All to be buried with! "

Gumer rolled his eyes and couldn't speak quickly.

At this moment, he really realized the fear of death.

"Grandpa, let him go."

The wolf king suddenly opened his mouth, then sighed and said nothing more.

At that time, no matter where Gu Mo went, he would be treated like chasing stars and holding the moon.

Now Gu Haoxing is dead, and shengxuefeng changes his master. Most of Northern Xinjiang is under the control of the demon clan. At this time, he will continue to look like a ghost. Who will get used to him?

"Don't point here. You're not qualified to point anyone. Your family is a group of wastes, which are scared by the demon clan! "

The master of xuesha sneers and releases his hand. Gu Mo falls off the wall, covering his neck with his hands and gasping heavily.

"You You all wait for me! "

Gu Mo's face was bloodshot, and he hurriedly escaped from the hall.


Chu Yun lies in the cave of Ji Ling mountain, holding the red crystal from the pit of Qin Bai's hand. He is breathing in the rich immortal spirit.

Although the main hall has already been built, he is not willing to move in.

The cave is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it is the closest to the main dragon vein, so you can get the most pure air transportation shelter here.

Since the cultivation of the second soul with the soul guiding formula, Chu Yun seldom admitted the spirit in person, but let the second soul do the work directly.

Now with the red crystal, Chu Yun naturally wants to refine all the immortal Qi in it as soon as possible, so he hands it on himself.

The immortal Qi in the crystal of red spirit is continuously inhaled by Chu Yun and melted into four limbs.

Every wisp of immortal Qi can be compared to thousands of times of spirit Qi.

Even though Chu Yun had just been promoted, his breath was still growing rapidly.

Half a day later, Chu Yun took a deep breath, then slowly spit out.

With the breath spewing, the state of Chu cloud has successfully climbed to the fifth level of the eclosion state, and the Supreme Soul of war has also reached the third level of heaven.

This promotion is a comprehensive one for Chu Yun.

Especially in terms of combat power, it is climbing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Although the red crystal is a little small, the immortal spirit in it is very strong..."

Chu Yun's eyes brightened, he raised the red crystal, smiled and said, "if I could refine it all, my realm would be promoted!"

A small red crystal can promote Chu Yun to double rank in a short period of time, which is very scary.

"Chu Yun, the dragon picture of red dragon, I have seen some clues!"

Just when Chu Yun was immersed in cultivation and could not extricate himself, the figure of taling suddenly appeared in front of him.

Her appearance is as hot as ever, and her beautiful eyes are a little more excited: "cherish the dynasty is worthy of being the first painting saint, this painting can't be described in words, it's just Holy place! "

Chu Yun jumped up abruptly and asked, "come on, what's the function of the Dragon painting of red Jiao?"

"I told you at the beginning that the Dragon painting of red Jiao was made when the emperor was questioned. At that time, he was in a situation of eager to prove himself, so he devoted a lot of his efforts to the painting, so it was called the peak painting. I've guessed some of the effects of the Dragon painting of red dragon, but I'm not sure... "

Taling's voice was obviously excited. It can be seen that she was really shocked by the painting.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Chu Yun can't wait to rub his hands.

"The Dragon painting of red dragon can make you break the shackles once you meet them, and turn the Dragon into a dragon!"

The eyes of talingmei are fierce, and the pupils are shining.

"Break the shackles and transform the Dragon into a dragon?"

Chu Yun was stunned and didn't immediately understand the meaning of this sentence. After pondering for a while, he suddenly saw the light in front of his eyes and asked, "if I can't make it to the peak of yuhuajing, is it a shackle?"

"That's what I mean. It's very likely that the red dragon painting is the key to breaking through the peak of the feather turning environment!"

Taling was elated: "the world has studied for so long, and has not found the secret of breakthrough, and the real secret is likely to be hidden in the red dragon dragon map!"

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: just come back from the hospital, restore and update!

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