Sky War Soul

Chapter 765 the experience of Tangshan River

After crossing several space cracks, several people finally arrived at the destination.

This is a mountain gully, surrounded by many trees, but these trees are very strange, all red, sending out a vicious atmosphere.

A strange bird stopped to perch on the branch of the tree. However, the branch suddenly changed and swallowed the bird.

All this happened between the electro-optic flint. It was so fast that there was no reaction at all.

"This is a scarlet fire tree. It can devour all flesh and blood nearby. It's better not to approach it."

After seeing Chu Yun's eyes, Tangshan River couldn't help but smile and explain: "I planted scarlet fire trees outside the gully. They have a strong smell, which can cover our scent!"

Enter the ditch and come to the central pond.

Beside the pond, there is a strong aura. The air here is quite different from the outside. It is pure, without the pungent smell of sulfur, it's like a paradise.

"Spring of life?"

Seeing the crystal clear water in the pond, Chu Yun was surprised.

He had seen this kind of pond in Lingqiao ancient tree tribe in the cloud world before. It is the spring of life, which contains a strong aura. Cultivating in it can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

I didn't expect there was a spring of life here.

"It's something I've worked so hard to make."

Tangshan River's eyes narrowed: "the smell of sulfur in purgatory is too pungent. I don't like it very much, so I found many miraculous medicines to make the spring of life."

"I can cut off the breath here, even if the rain devil can't detect it. Don't worry."

Tangshan river reaches out a finger, the ground suddenly turns into a few chairs, he raises a hand way: "please sit."

Chu Yun sat down and asked the question in his heart: "Uncle Tang, can you tell us your experience over the years..."

After all, it's not easy to survive in the abyss for more than ten years, especially the four masters of the abyss.

Tangshan river not only survived, but also became stronger. Now it reaches the pinnacle of yuhuajing. If it returns to Taiqian, it will definitely be the most powerful group of existence.

Tang Zixian dried his tears and pricked up his ears. His pretty face was full of curiosity.

When Tangshan river came to meet her, she was still young, and some of the secrets of that year were unknown.

Now Tangshan River wants to tell the story of that year, she is also excited with expectation.

Tangshan River's eyes are a little confused. It seems that he really went back to the time when he was most energetic more than ten years ago.

"Let me start from the beginning..."

Tangshan River smiled quietly: "it was more than 20 years ago, when my brother and I were outside training, we came to this gully to rest and found a transmission gate here by chance. At that time, the family was fighting all over the world. When we saw the portal, we were very excited. We thought it was a small world again. At that time, we immediately informed our father. "

"When my father arrived, the three of us discussed here and finally decided to go into one of them."

"At that time, I was not strong enough, so my father and brother went first. I waited outside. I waited for a few days, and they finally came out, which was unbelievable and unforgettable for my whole life. "

Tangshan River's expression moved a little, then took a deep breath of airway: "my father was seriously injured, and rushed out with the body of my eldest brother. As soon as he came out, he let me run. He said that this is hell, which is a very horrible hell!"

"After returning to the family, my father put the body of my eldest brother into the coffin, and then raised the wound for a long time. He was terrified and said to me that the portal was extremely dangerous. He told me not to step into it in this life. As for what happened in it, he kept quiet. "

"But I was full of anger and resentment. I hated it so much. My eldest brother died in it, but I didn't understand who killed him!"

"So I worked hard in my family. When the state reached the five fold of the eclosion state, I came here again with some like-minded brothers."

"Although my father warned me that I would never walk here, I would not listen. Elder brother can be said to have died because of me. I must avenge him! "

Tangshan river said here, look at Tang Zixian softly.

Tang Zixian, it turned out that this was the case.

"When I came here, I regretted that this is hell, purgatory on earth!"

Tangshan River clenched his fist, and his eyes were angry: "the transmission gate is random transmission. When we came in, we separated. At that time, there were monsters all over the world, countless and dense, too many! "

When he spoke, his pupils opened angrily, as if that memory had not been released.

"I'll kill it. I kill it every day. I can't even sleep!"

"I fought for ten days in a row. I couldn't hold it. I found a place to live when my mind and body were about to collapse."

"After a little breathing, it's fighting again, aimlessly, all day and all night!"

"I have forgotten what I came to do, I have forgotten my original intention, I dare not ask for more, I just want to live in this chaotic environment! For Zixian and Haoran! "

Tangshan River clenched its teeth, and its eyes were covered with blood.

"A few months later, I was finally able to stand here, walking on the edge of life and death every day, and my realm and combat power were rapidly improving. It's like a dream. I have to face countless monsters every day when I open my eyes. Killing has almost become my instinct! "

Chu Yun listened quietly. He could feel the helplessness of Tangshan River, which he had before.

Fortunately, I have brothers, families, friends and relatives.

"A few years later, I have been exploring here all the time. I want to go back. I want to find the transmission gate when I come. I'm running every day, walking and exploring. "

"But I find that there is almost no end to it. The whole land of Taiqian is not as vast as one tenth of it!"

"After more than ten years of searching, I still don't have an answer. Although I haven't given up yet, I also understand that there is little hope. I can only hope that the family has not given up on me, and the family will send someone to look for me! "

"Fortunately, you are here at last!"

The last sentence of Tangshan river is meaningful.

He seemed to be feeling for his years of fighting, as if to find a way out.

Anyway, I finally saw my daughter again.

That's enough.

Tang Zixian was silent for a while and said with a dim look: "I said why uncle didn't have any sign at that time It was here that he died. "

"Uncle Tang, what did you say about the rain devil?"

After finishing his thoughts, Chu Yun began to talk again.

"Rain devil..."

Tangshan River showed a bit of fear in his eyes, shook his head and said: "he is a very horrible opponent. Even if I reach the peak of the eclosion, his combat power is a little stronger than me. I've fought with him many times, but I've lost every time. Maybe he's the strongest presence in this continent! "

Chu Yun's eyebrows are raised to make sure that Yumo is not one of the four masters.

The four masters of the abyss all have the power of half a step sages. It's as simple as shooting dead ants for the peak of the feathering environment.

Although Tangshan river has reached the pinnacle of feathering, I'm afraid that even three moves can't stand in front of the sages!

He can fight with Yumo so many times, which fully shows that Yumo is not the four masters of the abyss.

Thinking of this, Chu Yun looks at Mutu and hopes to get some information from him.

"Yumo, hehe, this dog!"

Mutu grinned: "when I was young and frivolous, I fought with him several times. I won the battle. Yumo is one of the 18 leaders under the four masters of the abyss. He is very powerful. Especially in the rain, his combat power will be improved several times! "

"Four masters and eighteen leaders of the abyss?"

Tangshan River frowned and asked, "you seem to know a lot about this purgatory?"

"Well understood, not to speak of."

Chuyun smiled: "Uncle Tang, your understanding is biased. Yumo is not the strongest here. He is just a small leader. It's not called purgatory here, but abyss. It can be called abyss continent or abyss plane! "


Tangshan River carefully pondered the meaning of these two words, and then nodded: "indeed, I feel like I am in the endless abyss, and can only sink, and finally lose myself."

Tangshan River didn't know anything about the ancient times or about the invasion of the abyss, so he understood it as purgatory.

Only Chu Yun knows how dangerous it is here.

"Uncle Tang, let me explain for you."

Chu Yun's eyes swept over Tangshan River and Tang Zixian. Tang Zixian only knew a little about the abyss, not very well.

"In the ancient documents of Taiqian continent, there should be some records about the ancient war. It's the story of our people's Union army fighting against the demon invasion..."

"Not bad."

Tangshan River nods and looks forward to chuyun continuing.

"In fact, there are some mistakes in this record. The so-called ancient war is not with the demon family, but with the abyss!"

"In ancient times, the land of Taiqian was ten times more prosperous than it is now!"

"Unprecedented prosperity, and even reached the peak state. There are hundreds of people who are strong in the pinnacle of eclosion alone!"

"But one day, the abyss came..."

Chu Yun said all about the invasion of the abyss, the reconstruction of civilization by the five emperors, and the fight against the demons.

Tangshan River after listening, Leng in situ for a long time.

Tang Zixian is also a pupil shrink: "you mean, we are now, on the abyss of the mainland?"

"Yes, this is the first and weakest layer of abyssal continent..."

Mutu pointed to his feet, and smiled bitterly: "Wanyuan plain!"

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