Sky War Soul

Chapter 769 moving portal

Seeing Mutu's expression, Chu Yun knew that things were not good.

Mutu is the demon king of the twelve heavens. He once commanded hundreds of millions of subordinates and occupied countless small worlds.

With his courage, he would never be frightened like this unless he met with something terrible and vulgar.

"What's the matter?"

Chu Yun asked solemnly.

Others also turned their eyes and looked at Mutu nervously.

In the abyss continent, danger can happen anytime and anywhere. Although Yumo, one of the 18 leaders, has just been killed, no one dare to be too careless.

After all, the four masters of the abyss are all half sages. If they find out, no one can escape.

Mutu's lips were pale. It took a long time for his pupils to refocus. Then he gulped his saliva: "I noticed the position of the transmission door, but..."

"But what, you say!"

Chu Yun frowned, and there was a flash of anxiety in his pupils.

In this case, he must keep his head calm to make the most correct decision.

"The portal is not on the Wanyuan plain, but in the lower layers..."

Mutu reached down to his feet and looked pale.

"That's not right. Twenty years ago, when I went out with all rivers, the transmission gate was on the Wanyuan plain."

The emperor immediately retorted, "it's just that the place where the portal is located is very hidden, so it's not found by abyssal creatures!"

"Grandpa, are you sure?"

Tang Zixian asked, after all, this is more than 20 years ago, memory deviation is also very normal.

"Sure, when your uncle was dying, I dragged him out by force; it was so profound that I will always remember it!"

After the Tang emperor's voice fell, he looked up at Mutu with some doubts and frowned: "you said that the transmission gate is on the lower floors, shouldn't it be the wrong exploration?"

"My magic eye is not wrong."

Mutu took a deep breath and said: "it's only in the lower layers. I'm not so shocked. The key is that the portal is moving at a very fast speed, very fast, very fast! "

"Portal, moving at high speed?"

After hearing that, don't talk about Chu Yun. Even Tang Shan He, Tang Baichuan and Tang Huang are stupid.

I'm kidding. The portal doesn't have long legs. How can it move at high speed?


Mutu's eyes were bloodshot, and he was also shocked by the inconceivable result, but it was true.

"Can you look more carefully and see the shape of the conveyor door clearly?"

Chu Yun's expression is very serious, it matters a lot. He has to be careful.

Mutu shook his head and said bitterly: "I have reached the limit. The position of the transmission door is bright red and very fuzzy. I can't see more..."

"How many floors are the gate underground? Do you know that?"

Seeing Mutu's helplessness, Chu Yun was helpless, and he had to go back for the second place.

"Fourth floor."

Mutu was biting his teeth. He forced himself to write down all the passages to the underground.

Now the evil Qi in the body is consumed violently, even the immortal Qi in the red spirit crystal can't be replenished.


There was a sharp cough, Mutu was paralyzed and almost fell to the ground.

The evil Qi in the body has been completely drained. If it's not for red Lingjing, I'm afraid he can't even stand.

"Fourth floor..."

Chu Yun's expression slightly changed. The Wanyuan plain above the abyssal continent is all the weakest cannon fodder. But the more you go down, the stronger the abyssal creatures will be.

On the fourth level, you will surely encounter many abyssal creatures at the peak of the feathering state, and even the abyssal leader will surely encounter several.

Chu Yun didn't worry about this. Tangshan River and Tang Baichuan all have the strength of the peak of the feathering environment. In addition, Tang Huanghe and Mutu don't need to worry unless they meet four or five abyssal creatures at the peak of the feathering environment at one time.

However, the real threat of the abyssal continent is not the leaders of the pinnacle of the eclosion, but the four abyssal masters!

Even in the land of Taiqian, the four half step sages' abyss masters are enough to sweep everything.

If it is true, there is no resistance at all!

Tang Baichuan and Tangshan River both turned their heads and looked at Chu Yun as if they were waiting for his choice.

Somehow, although Chu Yun didn't use too many words to show his status, he had a natural temperament among several people, as if he was the leader of the team.

Strong as Emperor Tang, or two yuhuajing peak of the Tangshan River, Tang Baichuan, instinctively Chu Yun as the backbone.

"Go, you must go!"

Chu Yun said solemnly: "at present, there is only one way to leave here, that is to find the transmission gate. If there are other ways, abyssal creatures don't have to wait for space passage for so many years! Now the situation is not optimistic. If we don't act quickly and are found by the four masters of the abyss, there is only one way to die! "

Several people nodded, without any objection.

Chu Yun is right. No one wants to stay in this barren land.

"But with the way we are, we need to go four floors underground. The goal is too obvious."

The saint frowned.

Chuyun smiled and turned to Mutu: "then I'll trouble you."

Mutu had no choice but to nod.


Chu Yun, Mutu, Dasheng, Tang Zixian, Tang Baichuan, Tangshan River, Tang Huang.

A total of seven people, dressed in Mutu's clothes, all changed to look like creatures in the abyss. Their faces were hideous and ugly, full of sulfur breath, and they stepped forward to the air.

Mutu's magic eye is always open on his forehead, because it can seek good fortune and avoid evil, predict ahead of time and avoid powerful abyss creatures.

He contains the red crystal in his mouth, and constantly absorbs the immortal Qi to supplement himself.

The devil's eye is always in the open state. It consumes too much for him, but he can't hold the red crystal in his hand. In that case, the rich immortal spirit will be exposed.

In this case, Mutu is helpless. He can only open his mouth to contain the red crystal and use his own magic Qi to restrain the immortal Qi.

On the Wanyuan plain, except for the rain devil who often comes to patrol, the strongest abyssal creatures are only the six and seven feathering environments.

It was a peaceful journey, but there was no danger.

Most of the weak creatures in the abyss have low intelligence. Even if they watch seven people pass by, they will not react.

After all, in their view, seven people are the same kind, and they are also the same kind with terrifying power.

For their limited intelligence quotient, this kind of strong person can't be bothered absolutely, must hide far away, in case of provoking, it will be over.

But the plain is too large and vast, and the seven dare not go too fast, for fear of being swept by the spirit of the four masters.

In this way, I walked for three days in a row before I reached the entrance to the next floor.

This is a huge underground volcano, with only one crater of ten thousand meters around on the ground.

From a distance, it looks like a huge basin, except for the edge, all the rest of which are deep in it.

Standing around the crater, you can feel the feeling of being burned by the hot fire, and your face is red and sweaty.

Thanks to the strength of several people, some of the weaker abyss creatures may have melted just as they approached.

At the crater of the volcano, there are several abyssal creatures in the eight fold plume.

After seeing seven people, the creatures in the abyss immediately panicked and knelt down to show their respect.

Seven people didn't even look at them, and went straight into the crater.

"The abyss continent is really hierarchical."

Tang Zixian deeply sighed.

Chu Yun smiled quietly: "when the number of creatures in the abyss reaches a certain level, their strength is the only way to distinguish their identity. They perceive our terrorist strength, so they will be respectful to us."

After drilling into the crater, it was completely empty.

All the way down, about several thousand meters later, seven people saw the ground under their feet.

Looking up again, he found that there was a thick cloud above his head. Previously, people had fallen from the big hole in the cloud.

On the ground, rows of houses, although very simple, but also some of the flavor of the gathering place.

Similar to the Wanyuan plain, it is a pure endless wasteland, without any real houses.

The abyssal creatures living in the Wanyuan plain have very low IQ. They don't even have the concept of building houses and living. They can dig a pit on the ground and become a nest.

These houses are very simple. They are simply built with stones and wood. They don't pursue any aesthetic feeling. It's enough to accommodate themselves.

"The abyssal creatures on this floor are obviously much stronger."

Chu Yun's eyes swept around. The abyssal creatures here are not only powerful, but also significantly less in number. They are not as dense as the Wanyuan plain.

The more bottom creatures there are, the less powerful they are.

The more high-level there are, the less there are, the stronger the strength.

Tangshan river is very surprised to look around, he spent more than ten years in the Wanyuan plain, never thought there was another hole below.

"There's a lot of distance from here to the next passage, and there are some strong breath in this abyss. Please keep up with me, don't save the breath."

Mutu's expression is serious. His magic eye can vaguely feel the breath of the creatures in the abyss of terror, and he can grasp the distance very well.

If you are about to encounter it, take the initiative to avoid it.

The journey lasted another two days.

Seven people came to the next level of the passageway without danger.

The gateway of this layer is built in a huge tree hole. This huge tree is hundreds of meters wide, and the huge crown at the top extends tens of thousands of meters.

Just when seven people want to walk into the tree hole, a cold and hoarse voice rings after itself.

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