Sky War Soul

Chapter 94 appearance of Yin corpse

Chu Yun followed the footprints left by the former man, all the way unimpeded, and there was no danger at all.

Even if it's really dangerous, it should be passed by that person in advance.

Continue to walk forward a hundred meters, Chu Yun suddenly feel foot sticky, like stepping on something. Looking down, there are many black bat bodies on the ground. The green blood almost flows into a river.

These black bats are about the size of an adult's fist, have sharp teeth, are soaked in green blood, and are disgusting.

Chu Yun squatted down and looked at the black bats carefully.

They are all cut by the waist. The incision is very smooth and even. You don't need to think about it. They must be weapons like swords and swords. They will be killed!

Chu Yun went to the side of the wall and found that the bodies of several bats under the wall overlapped, and there was a small through wound in their abdomen.

"The soul of that man is a sword."

See this behind the scenes, Chu cloud heart immediately clear.

The sword can be chopped or stabbed, which is consistent with the wound characteristics of these bats.

Then forward, I saw a row of footprints on the ground. These footprints were too big and didn't step hard.

Chu Yun frowned. According to these things, he had almost judged seven or eight points. A series of pictures suddenly appeared in his mind.

A man with a sword, walking in the underground palace, casually killed the bats that besieged him.

The shallow footprints showed that the man had not tried his best.

Otherwise, the footprints should be very deep!

"It seems that I have met my opponent."

Chu YunRuo thinks.

There are not many masters who use swords. There is one heaven way sect!

Always very low-key Du Yuqing!

Besides him, aoyunzong and yaodongzong should have several others. It's impossible to guess who they are.

But now that we are here, there is nothing to say. The brave win when we meet in a narrow way.

The winner is entitled to the treasure in the underground palace!


Just then, a small explosion came from the air at the end of the underground palace.

The voice was very weak, but it was still keenly captured by Chu Yun.

"There is a battle ahead!"

Chu cloud Mou in a bright, figure a flash, gallop and go.

Sure enough, the closer you get, the clearer your voice becomes.

The shrill sound of explosion, the neighing of monsters and beasts, the singing of Jinge, the shaking of underground palace All kinds of voices are interwoven.

After turning the corner, the front suddenly opened up.

The broad and majestic hall, various bronze statues and majestic dome have dozens of bronze pillars standing here, supporting the bronze ancient hall at the bottom of the ground together!

There is no gate in the ancient bronze hall. Looking up, you can see that there are two figures entwined in the hall hundreds of meters away.


The battle is very fierce, the strong spirit spreads everywhere, and the essence of heaven and earth is hissing under the pressure of the majestic power.


Chu Yun frowned. He thought there was only one person, but it was two.

The two figures, one of them with a sword in his hand, are of great strength, which is completely consistent with his own guess.

His fighting style is domineering, chopping and rolling like thunder. His swordsmanship is overwhelming and the wind is strong! In his hands, the sword interweaves into a circle of pure blue power grid, crackling, covering the other figure, unable to escape.

Although it seems that the young man with the sword has the upper hand, in fact he has not suppressed the other side.

The speed of another dark shadow is too fast to see the number of his attacks. We can only see that he is constantly using his power and speed to impact the blue power grid, which is like a torrent of rivers tearing up the power grid.

"What a strong body!"

Seeing this, Chu Yun was surprised.

It seems that the black shadow doesn't know what fatigue is at all. He only sees his constant outburst and impact. Instead of being dragged down by his physical strength, he is more brave and more brave!


A young man with a sword was accidentally torn off a piece of flesh and blood on his chest, which could not be seen.

Chu Yun didn't mean to hide his body shape, so he stood at the gate of the bronze ancient hall and estimated the strength of the two men in his heart.

This young man with a sword has the same strength as proud blood. It's not difficult for him.

Another dark shadow, his strength, Chu Yun really can't see through.

He is like a painless and tireless killing machine, attacking everything in front of him in the simplest and rudest way.

If he is also a martial artist who mainly cultivates the body, it should be difficult to deal with it.

As soon as the trend of decline appeared, the young man with the sword had been attacked several times in a row. A large part of his flesh and skin had been torn off, and his clothes had been soaked in blood.

In a great hurry, the young man with the sword retreated and said in horror, "come and help me, friend!"

Chu Yun walked two steps closer and looked intently. The young man with the sword was familiar, as if he were a disciple of Aoyun sect. At that time, he smiled and asked, "do you not recognize me? I don't think it's too late to kill you. Help you. Are you dreaming? "


The young man with the sword coughed up a mouthful of blood and could not care to wipe his mouth. He retreated while fighting: "chuyun, I know you! I admit that I am a disciple of Aoyun sect. The patriarch also sent out a message earlier. Let's kill you with all our strength! But now, it's not the time to say that! "

Chu Yun holds his arm and laughs at the play.

"Chu Yun, I didn't cheat you! There is no contradiction between us, isn't there

The young swordsman's mind began to be fretful obviously. Several times, there were instable phenomena. The moves also became out of shape. Within a breath, he even took the number of moves, and he howled in pain.

"What does that have to do with me? There are many treasures in this underground palace, right? If you die, you will lose one person's competition. "

Chu Yun shook his head indifferently.

What does Ao yunzong do with his disciples?

In Yuhuang Island, everyone is a competitor, so Chu won't be stupid enough to be merciful!

"Chu Yun, please help me. The underground palace is very complex. I know where the treasure is! You can't find it without me! "

The power grid of the young swordsman has been torn up by the black shadow. The black shadow's mouth growls in a low voice and moves faster.

Chu Yun was unmoved.

"Chu Yun, if you choose to stand by now, after he kills me, you will be dealt with soon! No matter how strong you are, you can never be his opponent! Because, because he's not human! He is not a man! "

The young man with the sword saw that Chu Yun didn't want to help at all. His face was twisted and he roared loudly.

After roaring out this sentence, the young man with the sword seemed to be drained of his strength in an instant. He was soft and almost sat on the ground.

Chu Yun's expression suddenly changed. He soon understood that something was wrong. Even if the shadow was stronger, it could not be completely without fatigue, right?

But since I came in, the shadow seems to have endless physical strength.

It can be seen from the eyes that, after a long struggle, the young swordsman is almost unable to wield his sword. Only the shadow is still fighting, and the braver the Vietnam War is, the crazier the Vietnam War is! With the speed of terror he showed, even the strong ones with six or seven levels of Qi can't be maintained all the time!

It's like a chain of burst Qi. You can easily do it with the body strengthened by the supreme spirit of war. If you change it into anyone, it will collapse completely because the meridians can't bear it.


With a vague roar in his mouth, the black shadow leaped up, raised his two sharp claws and grabbed at the young man with the sword.

The young man with the sword was scarred and seemed to have confessed his life. In his eyes, there was a strong color of despair, mixed with regret and unwillingness.

In a flash, Chu Yun rushed forward.

The young man with the sword must know some secrets. He can't be allowed to die like this!


Chu Yun rushed to the young man with the sword, looked at the dark shadow coming from the sky, and felt the momentum coming from the face. For a while, he felt unable to move.

"How long have I been There is no such feeling! "

Chu Yun's eyes were full of fighting, and his mouth was curved. The whole spine seemed to come alive. He raised his hand and punched!


Chu Yun smashed the black shadow out of the sky and hit it on the dome.

And he also shook his arm for a while. The whole arm was numb. I didn't expect that the power of that thing was so terrible. Fortunately, his body was strong and boundless. Otherwise, he would be smashed into meat cake if he changed into another warrior!

"What is that?"

Chu Yun frowned and looked at the young man with the sword behind him.

We can be sure that the young man with the sword didn't lie. That thing is indeed not human!

In the fight just now, Chu Yun smelled the stink and rotten smell attached to him. How can a normal person smell a corpse?

The young man with the sword was as pale as paper. He quickly felt for two pills and took them. Then he whispered: "he was the elder of the Jade Emperor!"

"How many years have yuhuangzong been destroyed?"

Chu Yun frowned and snorted, "if you dare to cheat me, I will kill you first!"

"No, I didn't cheat you. He is really the elder of yuhuangzong. But now it has been eroded by Yin Qi and turned into something that is neither human nor ghost. Its strength and speed have been strengthened endlessly, and its life span is infinite. Without pain, it is hard to be eliminated! "

The young man with the sword was afraid that Chu Yun might misunderstand him, so he quickly explained.


The shadow leaped down from the dome, hands on the ground, raised his head, and looked at Chu Yun coldly.

Until then, Chu Yun saw its face thoroughly.

This is an old man in a broken black robe, but he has no breath of living people. His skin is wrinkled. The gray veins like a little snake are obvious. His eyes are empty and his mouth makes a "giggle" sound, which is disgusting.

In a nutshell, it's like a zombie in a movie.

"After the warrior dies with strong resentment, the corpse is eroded by Yin Qi. The integration of resentment and Yin Qi will generate a huge dark energy, which drives the corpse to turn into a Yin corpse, killing or guarding something by instinct, just like he is now!"

The young man with the sword said word by word.

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