Sky War Soul

Chapter 99 do evil and do not live

When the voice fell, the ghost of the heavy armor Knight behind Zhong Nan suddenly became blurred, and then quickly turned into several shadows, which filled the whole cave.

"A lot of Tianjiao have fallen under my action. Chuyun, you should be honored!"

Zhongnan's hands suddenly pressed down, and his eyes were fierce: "the iron horse is rushing to attack!"

With Zhongnan's voice falling, dozens of shadows gradually become clear, and finally become one after another heavy Armored Cavalry, riding on a horse with a high head, wearing heavy armor, holding a spear, charging towards Chu Yun!


Dozens of tall heavy armour cavalry charge at the same time, resulting in the prestige can not be described in words!


The cave began to collapse. In front of the heavy cavalry, these mountains are as fragile as tofu. A single charge can collapse!

Look at this posture, the threat Chu Yun will face is not only these dozens of fierce spears, but also be trampled by these heavy armored cavalry who are like beasts!!

Zhong Nan's eyes are full of excitement. It seems that he has seen Chu Yun's broken bones being trampled on.

Chu Yun sat cross legged on the ground, his eyes full of anxiety, watching the heavy armour cavalry getting closer and closer to him!

Ten meters, five meters, close at hand!

With the cold air over his head completely dissipated, Chu Yun suddenly shot a fine light in his pupil. Finally, he refined the cold marrow soul calming grass completely, and he could go out without any worries!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The distance is too close. Chu Yun even felt the strong wind coming from the spear!

It's too late to dodge!

Chu Yun gave a cold snort. He made a flash of lightning and grasped the spear.

The heavy armour cavalry who came from the attack obviously didn't expect to encounter such fierce resistance. They were suddenly thrown away by Chu Yun!


Chu Yun, with a spear in his hand, swung the first heavy Armored Cavalry away, and then broke the void with a fist, shaking the world.


Several heavy armour cavalry rushed to the cave. They were blown away and hit the wall of the cave heavily, which made the cave collapse.

"Damn it, let him through! I shouldn't talk to him so much. I should have killed him earlier! "

Seeing the sudden outburst of Chu Yun, Zhong Nan was full of remorse. He knew what it meant.

Chu Yun's own fighting power is infinitely strong. In the face of these heavy armored cavalry with the potential of beasts, he can fight back with one fist. It's really terrible!


A spear pierced through the void and plunged into Chu Yun's chest. Chu Yun retreated continuously under the huge impact.

But he quickly stopped retreating, his feet firmly clinging to the ground, sneering, and cutting off the spear stabbed into his chest!

The heavy armour cavalry was stunned. Before he could respond, Chu Yun rammed his elbow on the forehead and crushed his huge iron bucket helmet!

"The hand of the cloud!"

Chu Yun's momentum soared, and his feelings suddenly changed. He became like a god of war, a man of his own!

"Pooh! Laugh! Laugh! "

The remaining dozens of heavy armour cavalries were shot into nothingness under the authority of the hand of the cloud!

The whole cave rocked violently, and the big stones fell down, which was about to collapse. Chu Yun sneered and punched the side of the cave. He even punched through the ten meter thick mountain directly.

"Here Is this still human? "

Zhong Nan's face is dull. Chu Yun's battle power is beyond his expectation. What can he compare with him?


The whole mountain collapsed completely.

Chu Yun jumped up and rushed out of the hole in time. Zhong Nan was pressed inside.

Chu Yun stood on the ruins, his face cold.

He is very clear that with Zhongnan's strength, this mountain collapse is nothing. Moreover, Zhong Nan's life must be taken by himself before he can stop!


A few boulders were smashed. Zhongnan came out of the collapsed mountain. His face was gloomy. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"Ready to die?"

Chu Yun's eyes were full of coldness. Fortunately, he had refined the cold marrow soul calming herb at the critical moment. If he slowed down a little bit, he would be trampled by dozens of cavalries!

At that time, it will definitely cause the disorder of spirit and Qi in the body due to injury.

Even if you are lucky enough not to die, you have to give half of your life!

So Chu Yun's heart is full of murders.

"Chu Yun, don't be so arrogant. Do you really think you can beat me?"

Zhong Nan seems to be making a choice. He struggles in his eyes and hasn't made up his mind yet.

"Are you afraid?"

Chu Yun claps his hands and grabs Zhong Nan across the void.

Zhong Nan clenched his teeth, reached for a blood red pill and said, "Chu Yun, you forced me to do this! No matter how much I pay, I will let you die! "

Voice falls, Zhong Nan swallows the blood red pill.


When blood red pill was swallowed, Zhong Nan's momentum suddenly increased, like a strong wind, sweeping from his feet!

Although his realm did not change, he suddenly showed a strong, completely different from the previous.


When did a spear appear in Zhongnan's hand? It went straight through the palm print of chuyun. Then, Zhong Nan made a great stride, with a ferocious smile on his face: "do you know what I swallowed? Precious pill, crazy devil life reducing pill! After you take it, you will reduce your life expectancy by half for the rest of your life, but correspondingly, your combat power will soar by 50%

"This is my last card. In order to kill you, I can do anything!"

"Now I am half as strong as I used to be. Chu Yun, how can you fight me? "

Zhong Nan's speed is too fast, which causes a series of illusions behind him, which is dazzling.

Chu Yun is a little surprised. It seems that Zhong Nan is really fighting, even taking the precious pills!

What's more, there's not no price for getting stronger, but half of the rest of your life!

It took a lot of trouble to kill himself. It seems that Zhong Nan is really determined.

Chu Yun has a cool head. With strength and speed, he keeps circling with Zhong Nan.

But Zhong Nan is obviously too strong. Spears are fast, accurate and ruthless, leaving no room at all. Every attack is to lose both sides!


Chu Yun smashes Zhong Nan's face with a fist, and takes Zhong Nan, who is possessed by the mad devil to reduce his life. It seems that his pain disappears temporarily. He can bear the sharp pain of breaking the bridge of his nose, and a spear from his backhand penetrates Chu Yun's stomach.

Lose both!

Chu Yun's eyes are full of ferocity. He is no inferior to anyone in terms of his desperation.

"Bang bang!"

It was a few violent collisions again. Chu Yun, who was always good at close combat, didn't take any advantage at the moment!

"I restrained myself in my best field. Chu Yun, what do you want to fight with me?"

Zhong Nan's eyes were red, and he shouted recklessly. Obviously, he had let everything go.

If he can't kill Chu Yun, even if he wins the battle, he is also a loser!

Chu Yun's abdominal wound is healing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The exuberant Qi and blood, the unparalleled ability of recovery, are his capital for continuous fighting!

"I don't want to waste any more time with you!"

Chu Yun wiped the blood on his face and smiled quietly. The supreme war spirit that had not been used for a long time floated from behind.

"Is this your soul?"

Zhong Nan sneered, shook his head and said, "yellow grade ten, but that's it!"

"You will soon be able to taste the power of the Yellow level ten level spirit!"

Chuyun grins, a very common punch.

Zhongnan's self-confidence is so strong that he even goes back to meet him!

In the past several collisions, he had an illusion that he was no less than Chu Yun in melee when taking the mad devil life reducing pill.


Suddenly, Zhongnan's whole arm couldn't bear the power of chuyun's fist. It exploded!


Zhong Nan was shocked. Because he didn't feel the pain, he couldn't feel the pain in time. After a moment's stupefaction, he found that his arm was indeed broken!

How could Chu Yun's power suddenly increase so much?

Is his spirit of martial arts a special way to enhance strength?

"This is my real strength!"

Chuyun chuckles, twists his body in place and sweeps across!

The whole void is broken by kicking.

With the blessing of the Supreme Soul of war, Chu Yun's whole combat power has been upgraded to a higher level, even more so than the effect of Zhong Nan's crazy devil life reducing pill!

Zhong Nan took the spear to block in fear, but it was useless at all.

Under the overwhelming force of Chu Yun, he can only watch the spear inch collapse, together with the soul of the heavily armored Knight behind him!

The collapse of Wu soul means that he can't even mention the strength of resistance.

Then, the huge impact will push Zhongnan's body away. Even if the combat power soars by 50%, he can't resist Chu Yun's strength!

Chu Yun's eyes were full of murderous ideas. He rushed out like an arrow leaving the string. In a blink of an eye, his figure moved out for tens of meters. He raised his foot and stepped on Zhong Nan's chest, pressing his body down from the mid air and crashing it to the ground.


Zhongnan spurts out a mouthful of blood, the chest bones are all shattered, and the viscera are also shocked into blood at the same time!

"Chu Yun, you..."

Zhong Nan's pupil contracted violently, but he didn't say a word. His head was askew and his Qi was completely cut off.

Chu Yun raises his feet and grabs Zhong Nan's space ring in his hand. It's said that he just got a thousand year old elixir, which is just cheap.

For Zhong Nan, Chu Yun has only six words to evaluate - self - made sin, can't live!

If he doesn't take the initiative to find trouble for himself, he is honest all the time. Maybe he can't remember to kill him!


Just as Chu Yun was about to leave, a series of explosions suddenly came from the sky more than ten miles away.

From a distance, it seems that there are some vague figures fighting together.

One of them has a strong breath. The spirit behind him is a giant bear.

It's demon night!

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: for flowers!

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