Skyrim System In Harry Potter World
Chapter 39 - Level 25[p1]. New abilities
So, I was waiting for a hippogriff to die. By the way, that was another thing that I missed due to all my ideas to change canon. You see, the bird-horse is saved by Harry and Hermione after traveling to the past. However, I decided to make sure there will be no need to go to the past, so hippogriff nearly died.
Thankfully, I thought about the problem in time. However, I had to wait for the actual execution for a really long period. Apparently, the ministry set execution on the last day of exams. But at least I had enough time to make a good plan to save the Buckbeak.
Or to be more precise, what should I do with him after saving him. I definitely not going to just let it go. As for alchemical ingredients, he didn't have any worthy of notice. As for selling him, that would be useless, because the creature is too proud. It would be easier to raise one then bend his will. I can use it as transport. During lessons, he was not against me sitting on his back.
Although I can fly by myself, that takes energy and effort. But with Bucky, all I need to do is to sit tight. Even then, problems arise. "Where to keep?" and "What to feed?". I can't just let him roam around in search of food when he technically needs to be executed. At least till next school year, I think.
And yes. He is Bucky and I don't care what's his original long-ass name. Who the heck gives such a long name to a horse?
As for where to keep… That's a good question.
'System, do you have solutions for keeping animals?'
[Your level is insufficient to request this information.]
The last exam finished today, which means it's time to act. Trio went to visit Hagrid's place to see Buckbeak one last time. They called me to go with them, but I couldn't because I needed to act. Thankfully, I had a legit reason to decline. They needed to get invisibility cloak to get to the hut, but getting under it with 3 teens is already a challenge. 4 people will be literally overstretching it.
I told them I will meet them there. They were a little worried, but they got accustomed to me being able to sneak around. Sometimes, I am really surprised by the children's naivety. I mean there is a 14-year-old kid who sneaks like a ninja, but they don't suspect a thing.
After convincing them, I exited the castle and put on my concealing artifacts. I started moving towards the hut. There I moved to the concealed place, I found prior to the action.
There, I made myself comfortable by finding the optimum position and started waiting.
While waiting, I had nothing much to do so I practiced (grinded) magical channeling. I got accustomed to increasing my skills whenever I had nothing to do. It became a habit already. And from one perspective I was happy that I gained a useful habit, but from another perspective, I was horrified by the amount of effort I've put to raise my levels. I was quite a lazy creature by nature, but after coming to this world, I became a very hardworking person.
In addition to this, I took out my newest project. I was working on it since the New Year. Magical Computer. How did I even come up with such an insane idea?
Well, you see, wizards are not ignorant of science, but they consider it something below magic. Is it interesting? Yes! Is it useful? Certainly! But would you learn science rather than magic? Nope!
That's why many innovative devices and mechanisms that were introduced did not create many waves in the magical world. Although wizards use cars and even enchant them, they don't delve deep into mechanisms driving the car.
That's how the wizarding world skipped over possibilities computers may bring. I mean the concept behind a computer is extremely simple. Problems come with its implementation, but with magic that becomes so much simpler. Moreover, most of the limitations of this time can be just thrown into the window using magic.
Not enough memory? Expand it via extension charm and put in a ton of memory. Too much heat? Enchant with cooling charms. Not fast enough? Shrink transistors.
Of course, I am oversimplifying the solution, because, in reality, connecting components will be a mess, but what I am trying to convey is that magic can make a computer an incredible magical artifact.
So, I am started working on a few simple things and building my own computer via magic. Pure magical based computers with 0s and 1s based on magic and not on gates. At some point, I even theorized if it's possible to find a substance that can be a substitute for a qubit and build something similar to a quantum computer. I was restricted only by my own imagination.
You might ask what's the point? Well... Should there be a point? I mean thanks to my new abilities I might not be the strongest wizard alive yet, but I can ȧssure you nobody will be able to easily kill me now. That's another reason for me to be so bold and change canon anyway I deem fit.
I mean I was going to start changing story anyway, but no so radically. But after I got the Animagus form and then tier 3 abilities, the world stopped being limited to only Britain. I can travel anywhere I want from now on. Plus with my magical talent and the actual amount of knowledge in my hand, I can just knock at 70% of magic schools and they will greet me with open hands.
Anyway, I kinda digressed. Magic computer. Right.
So, my progress on that is quite slow, but it is going. Plus I started on it only recently. In a few years, I think I can achieve incredible results. Plus that's a good grind to crafting and enchantment because I build and enchant new things every 2 to 3 days.
Oh and by the way, speaking of my new abilities. During this school year, I got a few new abilities, 2 of which are tier 3.
These tier 3 abilities are legit overpowered, but we will return to them later.
First, we start with the ability I upgraded recently after reaching 45 in studying.
『 Studying 』
〖Better memory ➔ Unmatched memory〗
〖Your short-term Eidetic memory will be elongated from 1 second to 1 month in addition to the overall improvement of your memory in both memorizing and recalling.
Note: Eidetic memory month long will give a longer buffer zone for short-term memories to transfer to long-term memories.〗
Back in my world, it was theorized that if eidetic memory is longer it can become a photographic memory. Of course, there was a lot of debate around the existence of photographic memory, but I digress.
Normally most ȧduŀt humans have a second long Eidetic memory. Why so short? How would I know? All I know is that humans since birth have an incredibly long eidetic memory, but after growing older it shrinks to one second, due to the learning of language. However, that is highly debatable.
Anyway, I have "Better memory" for 3 weeks already and so far this ability is amazing. I literally can recall 90% of what happened in those 3 weeks. That's incredible.
Example? Easy! Most people won't remember what human spoke, but can only recall the meaning of the conversation, but I can repeat the whole conversation!
Is it helpful? Well... kinda? It's a short term memory even if it lasts for a month, so after a month it will be harder to recall. Nevertheless, because this memory survives for so long, I have more time to turn it long-term, so memorization certainly became better.
But enough of that! Let's move to the next ability.
『 Magic Theory 』
〖Better concentration ➔ Absolute concentration〗
〖You concentration reaches absolute during any process involving magic. Your brain is enhanced beyond human limits. You are incapable of missing any details or making an inexperienced mistake. Moreover, your thinking process is sped up and the brain is not limited by energy intake anymore.〗
"Arrogant and Mighty!"
The first step on the road of becoming a terminator is done.
Not much to say other than that about the ability. The description was pretty self-explanatory.
Next! My first tier 3 ability!
『 Magic Channeling 』
〖You have full control over the magic in and around your body.〗
Unimpressive? That's because you are not a wizard and never ever used magic. You see, the problem of modern magic is that is heavily based on charms and their complicated method of channeling magic. So, wands and wand gestures are used to help cast charm spells and certainly help to do more detailed transfiguration. Do wands empower magic? Certainly, but such a bonus applies when you are a talented mage. It's similar to having the internet. Most people use it to make life and work easier, but do they use it to really change their life or make it better? Maximum "google" something once in a while. Thus, only in the hands of a true professional, this tool can demonstrate 100% of its true capabilities.
The same applies to wands.
However, that's where magic theory comes in place. Thanks to "Absolute concentration" controlling magic becomes as easy as moving a hand. It becomes a part of the body.
Now I am sure that all those novels where MC trains only one attribute or skill makes him transcendent. Bullshit! I need all of my skills to be the strongest!
'Although, there is that problem of dying from training *Cough* grinding *Cough*.'
Anyway, time for the last of the abilities I bought. That is also a tier 3 ability.
That's when I heard the sound of somebody trying to move softly on the grass. Thanks to the fact, that I am practicing magic all the time, my brain is constantly in a state of mini-concentration. It's not the full-blown absolute state, but it's close to one-tenth of that state, and even that is enough for my brain to pick up anything that happens in 50 meters around me.
I concentrated on the location where the sound came from but didn't see anything out of ordinary.
'The trio is here.'
*Full list of abilities with descriptions is coming this Sunday*
『 Alchemy 36 | Sneak 27 | Speech 33 』
『 Studying 45 | Wand Making 32 』
『 Herbology 36 | Magic Channeling 61 』
『 Magic Chanting 40 | Magic Gesturing 40 』
『 Magic Theory 57 | Astronomy 35 』
『 Riding Expertise 15 | Crafting 29 ➔ 30 』
『 Playing Games 15 | Enchanting 38 』
『 Cooking 22 | Training 24 | Physical Activities 17 』
『 Programming 25 | Dancing 0 』
『 Legilimency 25 ➔ 26 | Occlumency 30 ➔ 31 』
Thankfully, I thought about the problem in time. However, I had to wait for the actual execution for a really long period. Apparently, the ministry set execution on the last day of exams. But at least I had enough time to make a good plan to save the Buckbeak.
Or to be more precise, what should I do with him after saving him. I definitely not going to just let it go. As for alchemical ingredients, he didn't have any worthy of notice. As for selling him, that would be useless, because the creature is too proud. It would be easier to raise one then bend his will. I can use it as transport. During lessons, he was not against me sitting on his back.
Although I can fly by myself, that takes energy and effort. But with Bucky, all I need to do is to sit tight. Even then, problems arise. "Where to keep?" and "What to feed?". I can't just let him roam around in search of food when he technically needs to be executed. At least till next school year, I think.
And yes. He is Bucky and I don't care what's his original long-ass name. Who the heck gives such a long name to a horse?
As for where to keep… That's a good question.
'System, do you have solutions for keeping animals?'
[Your level is insufficient to request this information.]
The last exam finished today, which means it's time to act. Trio went to visit Hagrid's place to see Buckbeak one last time. They called me to go with them, but I couldn't because I needed to act. Thankfully, I had a legit reason to decline. They needed to get invisibility cloak to get to the hut, but getting under it with 3 teens is already a challenge. 4 people will be literally overstretching it.
I told them I will meet them there. They were a little worried, but they got accustomed to me being able to sneak around. Sometimes, I am really surprised by the children's naivety. I mean there is a 14-year-old kid who sneaks like a ninja, but they don't suspect a thing.
After convincing them, I exited the castle and put on my concealing artifacts. I started moving towards the hut. There I moved to the concealed place, I found prior to the action.
There, I made myself comfortable by finding the optimum position and started waiting.
While waiting, I had nothing much to do so I practiced (grinded) magical channeling. I got accustomed to increasing my skills whenever I had nothing to do. It became a habit already. And from one perspective I was happy that I gained a useful habit, but from another perspective, I was horrified by the amount of effort I've put to raise my levels. I was quite a lazy creature by nature, but after coming to this world, I became a very hardworking person.
In addition to this, I took out my newest project. I was working on it since the New Year. Magical Computer. How did I even come up with such an insane idea?
Well, you see, wizards are not ignorant of science, but they consider it something below magic. Is it interesting? Yes! Is it useful? Certainly! But would you learn science rather than magic? Nope!
That's why many innovative devices and mechanisms that were introduced did not create many waves in the magical world. Although wizards use cars and even enchant them, they don't delve deep into mechanisms driving the car.
That's how the wizarding world skipped over possibilities computers may bring. I mean the concept behind a computer is extremely simple. Problems come with its implementation, but with magic that becomes so much simpler. Moreover, most of the limitations of this time can be just thrown into the window using magic.
Not enough memory? Expand it via extension charm and put in a ton of memory. Too much heat? Enchant with cooling charms. Not fast enough? Shrink transistors.
Of course, I am oversimplifying the solution, because, in reality, connecting components will be a mess, but what I am trying to convey is that magic can make a computer an incredible magical artifact.
So, I am started working on a few simple things and building my own computer via magic. Pure magical based computers with 0s and 1s based on magic and not on gates. At some point, I even theorized if it's possible to find a substance that can be a substitute for a qubit and build something similar to a quantum computer. I was restricted only by my own imagination.
You might ask what's the point? Well... Should there be a point? I mean thanks to my new abilities I might not be the strongest wizard alive yet, but I can ȧssure you nobody will be able to easily kill me now. That's another reason for me to be so bold and change canon anyway I deem fit.
I mean I was going to start changing story anyway, but no so radically. But after I got the Animagus form and then tier 3 abilities, the world stopped being limited to only Britain. I can travel anywhere I want from now on. Plus with my magical talent and the actual amount of knowledge in my hand, I can just knock at 70% of magic schools and they will greet me with open hands.
Anyway, I kinda digressed. Magic computer. Right.
So, my progress on that is quite slow, but it is going. Plus I started on it only recently. In a few years, I think I can achieve incredible results. Plus that's a good grind to crafting and enchantment because I build and enchant new things every 2 to 3 days.
Oh and by the way, speaking of my new abilities. During this school year, I got a few new abilities, 2 of which are tier 3.
These tier 3 abilities are legit overpowered, but we will return to them later.
First, we start with the ability I upgraded recently after reaching 45 in studying.
『 Studying 』
〖Better memory ➔ Unmatched memory〗
〖Your short-term Eidetic memory will be elongated from 1 second to 1 month in addition to the overall improvement of your memory in both memorizing and recalling.
Note: Eidetic memory month long will give a longer buffer zone for short-term memories to transfer to long-term memories.〗
Back in my world, it was theorized that if eidetic memory is longer it can become a photographic memory. Of course, there was a lot of debate around the existence of photographic memory, but I digress.
Normally most ȧduŀt humans have a second long Eidetic memory. Why so short? How would I know? All I know is that humans since birth have an incredibly long eidetic memory, but after growing older it shrinks to one second, due to the learning of language. However, that is highly debatable.
Anyway, I have "Better memory" for 3 weeks already and so far this ability is amazing. I literally can recall 90% of what happened in those 3 weeks. That's incredible.
Example? Easy! Most people won't remember what human spoke, but can only recall the meaning of the conversation, but I can repeat the whole conversation!
Is it helpful? Well... kinda? It's a short term memory even if it lasts for a month, so after a month it will be harder to recall. Nevertheless, because this memory survives for so long, I have more time to turn it long-term, so memorization certainly became better.
But enough of that! Let's move to the next ability.
『 Magic Theory 』
〖Better concentration ➔ Absolute concentration〗
〖You concentration reaches absolute during any process involving magic. Your brain is enhanced beyond human limits. You are incapable of missing any details or making an inexperienced mistake. Moreover, your thinking process is sped up and the brain is not limited by energy intake anymore.〗
"Arrogant and Mighty!"
The first step on the road of becoming a terminator is done.
Not much to say other than that about the ability. The description was pretty self-explanatory.
Next! My first tier 3 ability!
『 Magic Channeling 』
〖You have full control over the magic in and around your body.〗
Unimpressive? That's because you are not a wizard and never ever used magic. You see, the problem of modern magic is that is heavily based on charms and their complicated method of channeling magic. So, wands and wand gestures are used to help cast charm spells and certainly help to do more detailed transfiguration. Do wands empower magic? Certainly, but such a bonus applies when you are a talented mage. It's similar to having the internet. Most people use it to make life and work easier, but do they use it to really change their life or make it better? Maximum "google" something once in a while. Thus, only in the hands of a true professional, this tool can demonstrate 100% of its true capabilities.
The same applies to wands.
However, that's where magic theory comes in place. Thanks to "Absolute concentration" controlling magic becomes as easy as moving a hand. It becomes a part of the body.
Now I am sure that all those novels where MC trains only one attribute or skill makes him transcendent. Bullshit! I need all of my skills to be the strongest!
'Although, there is that problem of dying from training *Cough* grinding *Cough*.'
Anyway, time for the last of the abilities I bought. That is also a tier 3 ability.
That's when I heard the sound of somebody trying to move softly on the grass. Thanks to the fact, that I am practicing magic all the time, my brain is constantly in a state of mini-concentration. It's not the full-blown absolute state, but it's close to one-tenth of that state, and even that is enough for my brain to pick up anything that happens in 50 meters around me.
I concentrated on the location where the sound came from but didn't see anything out of ordinary.
'The trio is here.'
*Full list of abilities with descriptions is coming this Sunday*
『 Alchemy 36 | Sneak 27 | Speech 33 』
『 Studying 45 | Wand Making 32 』
『 Herbology 36 | Magic Channeling 61 』
『 Magic Chanting 40 | Magic Gesturing 40 』
『 Magic Theory 57 | Astronomy 35 』
『 Riding Expertise 15 | Crafting 29 ➔ 30 』
『 Playing Games 15 | Enchanting 38 』
『 Cooking 22 | Training 24 | Physical Activities 17 』
『 Programming 25 | Dancing 0 』
『 Legilimency 25 ➔ 26 | Occlumency 30 ➔ 31 』
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