Skyrim System In Harry Potter World

Chapter 50 - Announcement

So I saw people who voted for this novel more than I did (124 stones in initial stages to get it going), so I decided to say this:

Thank you very much for your support and voting dear Mr. Svenwarrior(First place with 135 votes)

Thank you very much for your support and voting dear Mr. AncientTeaDrinker (Second place with 133 votes)

Thank you very much for your support and voting dear Mr. q25t (Third place with 129 votes)

Thank you very much for your support and voting dear Mr.DarknossYami (Fourth place with 124 stones)


With that being said, I was thinking and came to idea. Not sure you like it. But for every 4 more people crossing the mark of 124 stones and further I will write one chapter. Chapters will be made on weekends, because I have no time to write chapter on weekdays))

Once more thank you for all your support and I know how confusing novel became lately, but that is the groundwork for ending. As I noted previously that this novel's main story won't go over 100 chapters and I need explanation out of the way. Some next few chapters there will be some laws explanation about how everything works but in pieces, through conversations and stuff.

And because this work is my first work, I am trying to write all those different things. I am trying my hand at everything. And now as you saw I am trying to improve my dialogs and character reaction. Hopefully you continue enjoying this and let's go with it to the end.



JSJJ where are you? Haven't seen you commenting for a while now. If you dropped my heart will be broken))) Also guys come to discord I will leave link to it in comments under this chap. This way you can copy it I think. Can be wrong though xD

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