Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1263: Kaihua Longding

"My brother looks good, I want to touch you." She said this boldly and bluntly.

His eyes were ignorant of innocence.

And sometimes, to be pure to the extreme is to desire to the extreme.

The two of them looked like this, it seemed, it seemed that He Nanxian's voice tightened for a while, and he forced himself to turn his head and stagger her eyes.

"Do you know what terrible things can happen when you touch a man in the middle of the night?"

"Brother is going to do terrible things to me?" She was a little excited in her tone, her eyes lit up, and she seemed very curious about what it was.

He Nanxian: ...

Forget it, she doesn't understand anything now, he forced himself to lie down and closed his eyes: "Sleep, good night and peace."

Ruan Xihe:......

Want to do terrible things? Why not do it?

She came over and put her arms around his neck: "Brother, what's the terrible thing? Why didn't you do it?"

He Nanxian: ...I'm tired and don't want to talk

"Brother, do you do it, and want to see terrible things." Her shoulder strap just dropped and hung loosely.

The neck and shoulders draw a nice and straight arc.

The gully is also very conspicuous.

With a big hand, he held the little girl in his arms: "Hehe good, my brother is going to work tomorrow, and he is sleepy. Hehe accompanies my brother to sleep, hush, good night."

Sure enough, the little girl was afraid of affecting his work the next day. After a while, he listened to Ruan Xi and Qing Qian's breathing and opened his eyes in a daze.

He was upset and didn't know how to get along with her. He restrained him every time. What if he couldn't restrain himself one day?

What if she recovers her memory?

What if she is with others?

The reason why he didn't dare to cross the line was that she was afraid that she only liked him and relied on him because of the baby's psychology. Then if she regained her memory, what would be left between the two?

He Nanxian always doesn't take things very seriously, but since she started to like those expensive and beautiful things, he actually felt a sense of guilt, because he couldn't give her so much guilt.


"What's wrong?"

The little girl was silent again, and she seemed to be talking in her dream.

His heart softened a little bit.

Lightly patted her back.

The night is still long, and people who fall asleep fall asleep, and the dream is very sweet.

People who haven't fallen asleep count the stars in the sky, and hold people they don't dare to like in their arms.

When she got up early the next morning, there was no one by her side.

The cold bed made it clear that He Nanxian had been away for a long time.

She sat on the edge of the bed for a while, and there was a handful of hair on the top of her head, which was curled up mischievously, which might have been pressed while sleeping at night.

After regaining consciousness, he got out of bed to wash and change clothes.

I almost fell asleep while taking a bath. Fortunately, a phone call came in and she picked it up. It was Yan Fufeng who asked her what time to come.

"In one or two hours, I haven't eaten yet."

"Then I'll let Uncle Cheng make more, you just come over to eat, you like to eat, milk tea with a little ice." Yan Fufeng said.

Ruan Xihe's eyes lit up: "Okay, I'll be there in about an hour."

"Okay." On the other end of the phone, the corner of Yan Fufeng's mouth rose slightly.

After hanging up the phone, Yan Fufeng said to Uncle Cheng: "Bring all those boxes of snacks, and you can prepare them for her in the afternoon."



He Nanxian was taken around by the chief consul here and sat in the VIP room to rest.

The chief consul wiped the sweat from his head embarrassedly. In the past, Mr. Yan would come to support the field every year. I don't know why this year. If he didn't come, is Mr. Yan not satisfied with himself?

The sir also seems to be a little absent-minded, after all, he is not pleased...

He Nanxian asked Tao Huixi in a low voice, "Where did she go?"

"Go to Lisboa with Miss and Miss."

He Nanxian twisted his brows without a trace: "Yan Fufeng is also in Lisboa?"


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