Chapter 353 Mighty Sakuragi

Sakuragi, as a person with a speed like lightning, he did not fall behind in the face of Aomine in time, not to mention the ice chamber Tatsuya of this player who was close to the miracle era.

“With you, you also want to win our Chengjing team.”

Sakuragi took the lead and received a pass from Vulcan Daigo.

When Sakuragi received the ball, the three people of the Yangquan team came up to wrap it, after all, Sakuragi’s speed was too terrifying.

“In that case…”

Sakuragi looked at the defense of the three people, no matter how he dribbled, he was blocked by them, and no one could break through with a little empty silence.


Sakuragi saw that there was no way, and he immediately passed it to the Vulcan Daigo.

As soon as he got the ball, he immediately launched a quick attack, and the other Yangquan people saw this and immediately separated, leaving only Ice Muro Tatsuya to defend Sakuragi.

“Just you defending me alone?”

“Of course!”

“Hehe, then let’s see if you can keep up with my speed!”

After speaking, Sakuragi suddenly ran, and Ice Room Tatsuya, he immediately followed Sakuragi closely, without the slightest carelessness.

At this moment, the Vulcan had broken through with the ball, and Kenichi Gangmura immediately went up to defend.

The attack speed of the Chengjing team is very fast, and they cannot be sloppy.

“You don’t want to break through.”

Gangcun Jianyi said coldly.

When the Vulcan saw their defense, without the slightest pause, he broke through fiercely, and his breakthrough was very fierce, even more fierce than before.

Suddenly, when he broke through, he suddenly went to the side without looking at the ball, and his movement was to continue running into their penalty area.

“What do you mean?”

The people of the Yangquan team felt very incredible.

“Be careful, it’s the scene just now.”

Outside, Icy Chen also reacted, and he immediately cried out.

And the people of the Yangquan team also reacted, and they immediately ran over, trying to stop their distribution.

Tetsuya Kuroko made a quick pass.

His passing, but fantastic, is powerful.

At this moment, after Bing Muro Tatsumi also reminded him, he found that the figure of Sakuragi behind him was gone, and when he looked, Sakuragi had already entered the basket and jumped high.


Bingfuchen was also shocked.

He only gave a slight reminder and he was gone.

At the moment, he was very unwilling to blame himself in his heart, and it seemed that he was still careless.


This time Kuroko passed the ball not to Vulcan, but to Sakuragi in the air.

“I’ll come!”

Liu Wei saw that Sakuragi had gotten up and wanted to snap, he jumped up sharply, although his bounce was not as good as Sakuragi, but his height was a little taller than Sakuragi.

At this moment, in mid-air, the duel between Liu Wei and Sakuragi made many people at the scene notice.

“That Yangquan team, he seems to jump quite high.”

“Yes, but his bounce is still a little worse than Sakuragi.”

The audience was talking.

“I must stop you.”

In the air, Liu Wei’s voice reached Sakuragi’s ears.


Sakuragi was in the air, suddenly moved, he twisted around, instantly dodged his block, and after that, he lifted the ball, threw it lightly, and the ball went in.

“Ugh!” Hit.

The ice chamber minister outside also saw this scene of Sakuragi and was immediately shocked.

He has already jumped just now, why can he still be in the air and make movements?

At this moment, the audience cheered after seeing Sakuragi hit the ball, and the goal just now was really wonderful.

The first time I was able to break Yangquan’s basket, if it was a fluke, then the second time? Or is it a fluke?

Facing Yangquan’s absolute defense, the Chengjing team can still easily break the opponent’s defense, making the players of the Yangquan team look gloomy.

“The attack of the Chengjing team is really very powerful.”

Tatsuya Ice Room, he also knows Sakuragi’s strength now, it is too strong.

Although his ability is good, in front of Sakuragi, it is still far from it.

Offense and defense conversion.

It was the Yangquan’s turn to attack.

They were playing more carefully at the moment, because their defenses had been broken twice in a row, so they fought cautiously.

At this moment, they passed the ball to Kensuke Fukui, the point guard.

And it is still the Vulcan Daigo who defends him.

After the two of them had been entangled for a while, Kensuke Fukui immediately passed the ball into the hands of Tatsuya Iceroom.

Ice Muro also faced Sakuragi’s defense, and after not being able to break through Sakuragi’s defense, he immediately gave the ball to the inside line Kenichi Okamura.

As a big forward for the Yangquan team, his strength is still there.

Kenichi Okamura faced the defense of Teppei Muyoshi, and he played toughly. Although Makiki Yoshitehei is known as one of the five generals without a crown, he is not afraid in the slightest.

When carrying Muji Teppei on his back, he turned around and immediately snapped.

His movements are very fast and agile.


“Think you’ll be able to score points just like that?”

Muji Teppei sneered in his heart.

He jumped up and slapped the ball in his hand.

However, Gangcun Jianyi sneered at the moment, bent his hand, and passed the ball, and Liu Wei behind him immediately followed to catch the ball.

“Do you think you can catch the ball?”

Suddenly, Sakuragi’s voice sounded in his ears, making Liu Wei stunned, and the ball in front of him disappeared, and came to Sakuragi’s hand instead.

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