Seeing Sendoh's arrival, Taoka suppressed the anger in his heart and quickly asked him to warm up.

"No, I came here for a run and I'm already warmed up."

Sendoh said confidently,


“Both starters came out.”

The starting players of Shohoku and Ryonan all came to the center of the court to salute each other.

"Please give me some advice!"

"Please give me some advice!"

Taoka Moichi looked at Shohoku's starting five, thinking about the information reported by Aida Hikoichi just now.

This newcomer named Mizutani Yu is just average and should not pose any threat to us.

And that red-haired boy actually defeated Akagi.

If he was so good, why would Coach Anzai put him on the bench?

And Kaede Rukawa, who was said to be so worthless by Hikoichi,

I have watched him play with my own eyes, so I have a good understanding of his strength.

"Hey, I really don't know which sentence is true and which sentence is false."

Coach Taoka looked at Hikoichi who was excited and shook his head helplessly.

On the court, Akagi and Uozumi are preparing for the jump ball.


As the referee blew the whistle,

Akagi Yuozumi and the two jumped up high at the same time,

With a "bang" sound, Akagi successfully hit the ball into Mizutani Yu's hands.

"It's Shohoku's ball!"

Ayako looked at the two people jumping the ball and became worried.

"Although we got the ball, we were still evenly matched when it came to winning the ball. You know, Akagi-senpai was able to suppress Uozumi steadily last year!"

Coach Anzai added from the side,

"It seems that Uozumi-san has been training very hard this year!"

Mizutani Yu got the ball on the court and immediately started the fast break mode. Ryonan defender Uekusa came directly to defend.

Seeing Mizutani Yu trying to dribble the ball in search of a breakthrough opportunity, Uekusa seemed a little dismissive.

"A freshman who wants to break through me when he comes up must be looking down on me!"

While Uekusa was distracted, Mizutani Yu started directly.

I saw Mizutani Yu skillfully dribbling to the left, and then quickly changing direction to the right to get rid of Uekusa's defense.

The broken Uekusa tried to prevent Mizutani Yu from scoring, but it was too late.

Facing the unguarded inside line, Mizutani Yu easily completed a layup.


Shohoku got off to a good start as soon as he came on.

This made Shohoku's bench and the people who came to cheer for Shohoku extremely happy.

Coach Taoka couldn't help but feel a little surprised when he looked at Mizutani Yu who was high-fiving Akagi.

Didn't Hikoichi say that this Mizutani Yu is just an ordinary player?

How could it be so powerful?

Look at his skillful dribbling and quick changes of direction,

This is obviously not something that ordinary players can master, and there are probably not many people in Kanagawa who can do it.

Thinking of Hikoichi's evaluation of Kaede Rukawa, this made Taoka even more suspicious of the authenticity of his information.

It's Ryonan's turn to attack,

Defender Uekusa quickly found Sendoh with the ball. Sendoh accelerated and easily got rid of Kaede Rukawa's defense.

Facing Akagi's defense, Sendoh casually hit the ground and passed the ball to Uozumi's hands.

Yuzhu faced the basket and dunked angrily.


"Sendoh is so strong, facing Shohoku's defense is like no man's land!"

"The combination of him and Uozumi is very powerful, Shohoku is in trouble!"

Shohoku's ball possession,

Mizutani Yu gave the ball to Kogure,

Kogure is looking for opportunities with the ball,

Suddenly, I saw a hand quickly reaching out and snatching the ball away.

When Kogure reacted, he could only see a man wearing a white No. 7 jersey rushing towards his own basket.


Sendoh scored an easy layup,

Mizutani Yu once again held the ball to attack, while Kaede Rukawa on the other side was frantically winking at Mizutani for the ball.

Mizutani understood that Sendoh's performance just now must have stimulated Kaede Rukawa.

He has always been strong and will definitely work hard to prove that he is not inferior to Sendoh.

So after a fake move, Mizutani passed the ball to Kaede Rukawa.

Facing Kaede Rukawa with the ball, Sendoh who was guarding him immediately became interested.

For this rumored first-year rookie of the year, Sendoh still wants to compete with him.

I saw Kaede Rukawa dribbling the ball, then quickly accelerating and directly asked Sendoh's defense.

"Wow, that's so fast,"

"He actually got rid of Sendoh."

Kaede Rukawa, who entered the paint, jumped up and prepared for a slam dunk.

Suddenly, a tall white figure appeared in front of Kaede Rukawa.

It is where fish live,

Uozumi jumped up high and slapped the ball away from Kaede Rukawa's hand.

Kaede Rukawa also fell to the ground in various ways,

After getting the ball, Sendoh didn't give Shohoku any chance to react and once again completed the fast break score.

After scoring, Sendoh came to Kaede Rukawa and praised his performance just now.

"You're not bad. You actually broke through my defense. You just have to be too tough!"

Kaede Rukawa ignored Sendoh. In his opinion, this was just what Sendoh said to mock him.

Seeing that Kaede Rukawa's offense did not have the desired effect, Akagi, as the captain, felt that he should step up and score.

After all, last year, I had an advantage against Yuzhu.

Facing Akagi's initiative to ask for the ball, Kogure passed the ball directly to him.

Seeing Akagi decide to challenge him to a duel, Uozumi didn't relax at all.

He has been training hard for a year just for this moment.

Yuzhu shouted,

"Come on, Akagi!"

Facing Uozumi's defense, Akagi directly deceived Uozumi with a fake move.

Then he turned back and went straight to the basket,

But he didn't expect that Yuzhu was not deceived by his fake move.


Uozumi blocked Akagi's sure goal with a solid slap.

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