Slam Dunk: Get Nba Star Ability At The Beginning

Chapter 84 Mizutani Vs Kaede Rukawa, The Battle Of Shohoku's Trump Cards!

After returning from Aichi Prefecture,

Mizutani Yu continued to increase his training volume,

The purpose is that when Shohoku encounters a strong opponent in the national competition, he, Shohoku's ace, has enough strength and physical strength to deal with it.

Sakuragi, who has always been lazy in training, also trained even harder after being easily hit by Shigehiro Mori.

Even Akagi praised his performance in recent training.

On the other side, Kaede Rukawa seemed to be stimulated by something,

He also trained very hard,

Even in the practice matches, I tried my best to fight for every ball.

The aura he showed shocked everyone.

It turned out that he went to see Coach Anzai again two days ago.

He expressed his desire to play in a beautiful country,

Coach Anzai only gave him one sentence,

"You can beat Mizutani Yu and become the number one high school student in the country!"

That's why he works extra hard in training,

As the day's training came to an end,

Kaede Rukawa quietly walked up to Mizutani Yu and said softly,

"Mizutani-san, let's have a fight!"

His voice was not loud, but everyone in the basketball stadium heard it.

Miyagi looked at the two of them and said,

"It seems that Kaede Rukawa wants to decide who is Shohoku's real ace,"

"But, will he be Mizutani Yu's opponent? This guy is a pervert!"

Mizutani Yu knows the character of Kaede Rukawa, and he will come back to find his own sooner or later,

So I readily agreed to his request,

"All right!"

Looking at the two people who were preparing for a duel, everyone else in Shohoku made room to watch from the sidelines.

At this time, Haruko and two of his classmates also happened to arrive at the basketball gym.

Looking at the two people about to duel, Haruko said silently in his heart,

"In the duel between Mizutani-san and Rukawa-san, Mizutani-san should be the winner! He is the MVP of the prefectural competition!"

On the court, looking at Kaede Rukawa who is ready,

Mizutani Yu handed him the ball directly and said,

"You come first!"


Kaede Rukawa did not refuse,

He knew that there was actually a certain gap between himself and Mizutani Yu.

It’s very difficult for me to win today.

Now that Mizutani Yu has already spoken, why should I refuse?

The duel between the two begins,

Kaede Rukawa took the lead in attacking,

After a short dribbling adjustment,

Kaede Rukawa suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the left side of Mizutani Yu,

Mizutani Yu moved his steps to follow him,

"Does he want to use speed to break through Mizutani Yu? It's too difficult!"

Miyagi looked at Kaede Rukawa's movements and said,

Mitsui responded to him from the side,

"No, this is just a test!"

Sure enough, Mitsui just finished speaking,

Kaede Rukawa leaned on Mizutani Yu's body and turned to the right.

Taking advantage of this turn, Kaede Rukawa blocked Mizutani Yu behind him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kaede Rukawa directly held the ball with his right hand and started a layup.


Mizutani Yu, who was behind Kaede Rukawa, stretched out his left hand and accurately hit the ball in Kaede Rukawa's right hand.

"Oh! What a pity! I almost got in,"

"Yeah, it's just a little bit close,"

First-year Kuwata and others felt regretful that Kaede Rukawa's goal did not go further.

Mitsui also shook his head and said,

"It's a pity, Kaede Rukawa is too impatient. He could have just taken two more steps forward!"

Comes the round when Mizutani Yu attacks,

Facing the dribbling Mizutani Yu, Kaede Rukawa defended extremely seriously.

Mizutani Yu dribbled the ball and suddenly accelerated towards Kaede Rukawa's right side.

Kaede Rukawa reacted quickly and immediately followed the defense to the right.

But Mizutani Yu suddenly stopped,

For his operation, Kaede Rukawa had already expected it,

So he still calmly stabilized his body and prepared for Mizutani Yu's next move.

Based on his team Mizutani Yu’s observations from many games,

After Mizutani Yu made an emergency stop, he most likely took advantage of the defensive player's unstable center of gravity to accelerate and break through again.

The main thing is to take surprise,

So Kaede Rukawa controlled his focus very well this time,

If Mizutani Yu breaks through again, he is confident that he can keep up,

However, after Mizutani Yu made an emergency stop, he did not choose to break through again as usual.

Instead, he directly chose (bhcf) a fadeaway jumper.

After all, I haven’t actually fought with this new skill since I got it.

Just use him to practice your skills,

Seeing Mizutani Yu unexpectedly choose a fadeaway jumper, Kaede Rukawa quickly jumped to block it.

Although Kaede Rukawa is not bad in terms of height and jumping,

But when he jumped up and stretched out his right hand, he still couldn't touch the earth in Mizutani Yu's hand.

"Fadeaway jump shot! Mizutani Yu's fadeaway is so wide!"

Watching Mizutani Yu's shot, Mitsui said in surprise,


Mizutani Yu's shot went in easily,

Kaede Rukawa stood there a little annoyed,

He had done a good job defending just now, but at the end, Mizutani Yu's fadeaway jumper left him unable to do anything.


It's Kaede Rukawa's turn to attack,

This time Kaede Rukawa wanted to catch him by surprise,

After Mizutani Yu served him, he quickly launched an attack.

Then when Mizutani Yu came to defend,

He also stopped suddenly and started shooting,

When Mizutani Yu jumped up to defend,

Kaede Rukawa rushed to the basket at great speed again.

“Kaede Rukawa got rid of it,”

"not at all!"

Just when Kaede Rukawa was about to get rid of Mizutani Yu and prepare to slam dunk,

Mizutani Yu rushed over from behind him instantly and slapped the basketball out of his hand.

Kaede Rukawa looked at Mizutani Yu, said nothing, and didn't seem to be too surprised.

As a teammate, he has seen the speed of teammate Mizutani Yu many times.

"Oops! It was so close again!"

Several people in the first grade said again with great regret,

Mitsui said to them,

"That's just what you thought was just a little bit off. In fact, everything is under Mizutani Yu's control,"

Mitsui didn't say the last sentence,

He knew that Mizutani Yu just didn't want Kaede Rukawa to lose too ugly.

After all, Kaede Rukawa's character is too arrogant, and it would not be a good thing to hit him too hard.

Came to attack Mizutani Yu again,

This time, Mizutani Yu still took the lead and made breakthroughs accordingly.

Kaede Rukawa, on the other hand, defended with all his strength,

Try not to let yourself reveal any flaws,

Mizutani Yu stopped again when he saw this.

Kaede Rukawa, who was afraid that Mizutani Yu would repeat his same tricks, had to move his body forward to defend Mizutani Yu's fadeaway jumper.

At this time, Mizutani Yu suddenly accelerated and rushed to the right side of Kaede Rukawa.

The whole process is exactly the same as Kaede Rukawa's last offensive action,

Kaede Rukawa, who was left behind, did not give up, but closely followed Mizutani Yu,

When Mizutani Yu made a layup, Kaede Rukawa jumped hard to block his layup.

However, Mizutani Yu directly transferred the ball from his right hand to his left hand and easily avoided Kaede Rukawa's block.

And successfully sent the ball into the basket with his left hand,


"Wow! The showdown between the two of them is so exciting!"

"Yeah! It's really hard to imagine that they are all in first grade like us,'

Kaede Rukawa, who was already 2 goals behind, did not give up.

He knew that he had little chance of winning, but he still tried his best to win.

Even if he loses, he still wants to know what the gap is between himself and Mizutani Yu.

Kaede Rukawa's third attack,

He dribbled the ball in front of Mizutani Yu, and before he could choose his attack path,

Mizutani Yu suddenly ran up and clung to him, blocking his attack.

Facing Mizutani Yu's sudden and pressing defense, Kaede Rukawa seemed a little at a loss.

He tried his best to find a direction to dribble past,

But Mizutani Yu's hands were tightly wrapped around her body like vines,

Let yourself not find any chance of breakthrough,

There was really no other way. Kaede Rukawa decided to dribble to avoid his wave of defense first.

But he just dribbled the ball,

The basketball was intercepted by Mizutani Yu,

Mitsui and others on the sidelines looked at Mizutani Yu and Kaede Rukawa.

Everyone looked at each other,

"What kind of defense is he? Why can't Kaede Rukawa seem to be able to move?"

"I've never seen Mizutani Yu use this move before. This guy still has some backup after winning the prefectural competition?"

Here comes Mizutani Yu’s attack again,

Mizutani Yu picked up the ball and said to Kaede Rukawa,

"Are you ready? I'm going to start,"

Kaede Rukawa looked at Mizutani Yu without saying anything and responded with a nod.

The moment Kaede Rukawa nodded and ended,

Mizutani Yu suddenly stood up and shot directly.

The speed of jumping and shooting is extremely fast!

Although Kaede Rukawa had reacted quickly, he still could not stop Mizutani Yu's shot.


The ball went in!

The duel is over!

Mizutani Yu won 3:0,

Kaede Rukawa, who lost the duel, did not show any frustration.

But after saying "you win", he went to train alone again.

The few people watching the excitement began to disperse gradually.

Seeing Mitsui about to leave, Mizutani Yu said to him,

"Mitsui-senpai, how about the two of us have some fun?"

"Forget it! I don't feel well today!"

Mitsui directly found an excuse to reject Mizutani Yu's proposal,

He still knows his own strength,

If there hadn't been that two-year window, he would have argued with Mizutani Yu no matter what.

But now my strength is still lacking. Mizutani Yu is too much.

After this episode of the duel between Mizutani Yu and Kaede Rukawa,

The Shohoku Basketball Club is back to training day after day,

But on this day, an unexpected situation occurred and broke the peace.

The school’s final exam results have been announced!

In Shohoku School, there is a strange rule,

Students who have failed 4 subjects or above are not allowed to participate in activities of major societies.

The basketball department is also included in this regulation.

That afternoon, Mizutani Yu, who had just finished school, went directly to the basketball gym.

As soon as I entered the basketball gym, I heard Akagi getting angry.

"What on earth are you bastards doing every day? What kind of scores did you get on the test?"

Mizutani Yu walked over and asked other people to find out,

The people in front of Akagi all failed too many final exams.

According to school regulations, they cannot participate in the national competition.

Mizutani Yu looked in front of Akagi,

I saw that the four main players, Kaede Rukawa, Sakuragi, Mitsui and Miyagi, all failed.

So he walked up to Akagi and said to him,

"Captain, this,"

Akagi waved his hand and continued,

"Don't plead for them, I will teach them a lesson today.

Mizutani Yu said awkwardly while taking out the transcript,

"I'm not begging for mercy on their behalf, I've also failed 6 subjects!"

Akagi was so angry when he heard this.

Quickly take a look at Mizutani Yu’s transcript.

Good guy, except for history, I failed all the other subjects.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Mizutani Yu. Before time travel, he was not good at studying.

After traveling through time, I became even less good at it.

But fortunately, this neon high school history is all historical common sense before Mizutani Yu traveled through time.

For example, who built the Great Wall?

I already knew this kind of problem when I was in kindergarten.

With this advantage, Mizutani Yu did not fail the history course.

The other 6 classes are also terrible, not much better than Sakuragi.

Akagi looked at the five guys who failed the exam in front of him,

I'm so angry that I'm about to have a heart attack,

There is really no way, without the five of them,

Shohoku can't win the national competition at all,

Akagi had no choice but to plead with the teacher in charge with a stern face, asking them to be given a few make-up exam opportunities.

Fortunately, the teacher in charge agreed to Akagi's request and agreed to let them retake the exam tomorrow.

After returning from the teacher's office,

Akagi said angrily to Mizutani Yu and five other people,

"After training, all five of you will go to my house for tutoring tonight! No one is allowed to run away!"


Facing the angry Akagi, Mizutani Yu and others angrily agreed to the request to go to his house. .

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