Chapter 112: The Battle of the Strongest Rookie!【4/X】

"Here's the ointment that will heal your injuries. Nan Lie was the first to speak

At this time, Nan Lie no longer has the indifference he had in the arena before...

On the contrary, the whole person was like a joke, and secretly took out the ointment in his pocket.

"Hmph, isn't it poisonous inside?" said Hiroaki coldly

"Don't worry, it won't. "

"Please trust me. "

"My family runs a pharmacy. "

Nan Lie said

At this time, Hongming, who was hostile to Feng Yu, wanted to say something, but at this time, Zhang Feng took the ointment in Nan Lie's hand with one hand and said, "Okay, thank you." "

"Well, actually, I didn't mean to hurt you on the field... Of course, you won't believe me if I say this now. Nan Lie said with guilt and self-blame

"Nonsense, that's of course. Hiroaki off-road said

"Ahem. At this time, Lingnan coach Shigeichi Taoka coughed a few times and said, "We believe in you." "

"Me too. Zhang Feng also said


"Coach, Ah Feng, you..."

Cross-country Hongming really couldn't think clearly, his coach and good friends actually believed this guy's words...

It's really...


At this time, Shigeichi Taoka said slowly: "Mr. Kitano told me everything about you. "

"Eh, what a bunch of silly kids. "

After Shigeichi Taoka finished speaking, he recounted the causes and consequences between Nanlie, Toyotama, and Kitano.

After listening, the opinion, the most hostile off-road also quieted down.

Looking at Nan Yeol and Kishimoto's eyes, there was a little more sympathy and admiration.

It turned out that they were playing so 'dirty' because they wanted their coach to return to Fengyu.

For this 'righteousness', although their approach is very extreme, it is really difficult to make people hate.


Kishimoto and Nanyeol couldn't help but burst into tears when they learned that Kitano was still silently watching them behind them.

At this time, even the little pigtail 'Kishimoto' cried like a child.

Seeing this scene, Shigeichi Taoka couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and he also began to be comforted.


"Ah Feng, can we train together after the national competition is over?" Nan Lie said

"Hehe, okay, but you have to accompany me to the United States. Zhang Feng said


After hearing Zhang Feng's words, Nanlie was also stunned like Kenji Fujima before.

After all, the United States is a basketball mecca, and not all players can go there...

I remember that many years ago, many Japanese high school students went to the United States for special training, and when they came back, all the sharpness on their bodies was worn out...

The whole person is like a frosted eggplant, and then... And then there is no more...

As a result, many coaches do not recommend local high school students to go to the United States, even if they are extremely talented.


"If you're going to go, I'll go with you. "

Nan Lie pondered for a moment before speaking


Last night, Kenji Fujima called himself to tell him that he was going to go with him to the United States to participate in this year's (2000) ABCD training camp.

adidas ABCD Camp is short for adidasbasketball campingdrill.

It's Adidas' junior basketball tournament in colleges and universities across the United States (a bit like the NBA's summer league, a loose league), and only recruits local recommendations or Adidas to find junior basketball players, Kobe, Maddie, James, and even Yi Jianlian have played here and achieved good results.

To Zhang Feng's great surprise, Kenji Fujima's aunt, who moved to the United States, actually served as an executive at Adidas.

For this reason, Kenji Fujima has already asked his aunt to get 5 places.

Kenji Fujima, Zhang Feng, and the remaining three.

In this regard, Zhang Feng also told Xiandao, however, Xiandao didn't want to miss the beautiful holiday... Tactfully refused...

As for the off-road Hongming and Fukuda Jizhao, the two of them need to make up for the holidays because their grades are too scummy... Nor can ...

Instead, Uozumi agreed to go to ABCD because he wanted to see what the basketball kingdom was like.

If Nam Lie joins, his three points can help him open up space, and in addition, Nam Yeol's enthusiasm and desire to win is also very strong, and he can defend like Hyena Beverley.

It's still very easy to use.

In this way, there is one last person missing.

Who to look for?

Forget it, let's wait until after the national competition.


On the other hand.

Sanno Industries, which also defeated its opponents today, also gathered together to discuss the next opponents.

The Mountain Kings are powerful, but they are not arrogant at all.

On the contrary, in the face of any opponent, I will think about it carefully.

In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

It is precisely because of this that Sanno Industry has been able to dominate the high school league for many years.

"Zebei, your opponent has appeared. A big-faced, honest-looking boy said

"Really?" Zebei glanced at the photo of 'Zhang Feng' and said with a smile: "I'm looking forward to it." "

"He's just like you, he's only been a first-year ace on the team. "

"And the way he plays is more headstrong than yours. "

At this time, Sanno Industries' coach 'Goro Domoto' introduced 'Zhang Feng' meaningfully.


"Dare to throw a three-pointer just after halftime?"

"And, he's improving rapidly every game?"

After hearing Goro Domoto's words, everyone in Sanno Industries was shocked.

"Yes!" Goro Domoto nodded noncommittally.

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