Chapter 115 Crying the Stars [Ask for Subscription]

However, as the strongest No. 2 position in the high school league, 'Zhuxingda', the ability to react randomly is still very strong.

In the face of Zhang Feng's interference, digging the ball...

The stars in the rush-stab were big, and suddenly a deceleration was disguised, and after shaking Zhang Feng away from half a body, he suddenly accelerated.


At this time, there was an exclamation at the scene.

Zhang Feng, who was as fierce as a tiger at the beginning, was almost shaken to the ground by the stars.

"Fuck!" Zhang Feng, who almost fell, couldn't help but burst into a foul mouth.

It wasn't that I was almost shaken down by the stars just now, but because of the sweat on the floor, the soles of my feet slipped.


Zhang Feng knew that no matter how much he explained, it would be useless.

After the end of the game, I will definitely be laughed at by the group of guys who are off-road Hongming...

Shame on you...

With a gloomy face, Zhang Feng, who was chasing after Zhuxingda, saw that Zhuxingda at this time was facing the assistance of the immortal Dao and chose to make a stop-and-go jump shot.

Immortal Dao's height and physical fitness have a lot of advantages for Zhuxingda.

However, Zhu Xingda's shooting point is very high, and Xiandao can't block his shot head-on.


It's okay...

Zhang Feng came out from behind.

With an arm span of 203cm, Zhang Fengren has not arrived, and his hand has arrived first...

Out of the corner of Zhu Xingda's eyes, he happened to see Zhang Feng's arm.

At this time, he was taken aback again.

This is really a monster, about the same height as himself, but his arms are so long...

The stars hurriedly raised the shooting point again...

A person's shooting posture has a great impact on the shooting percentage.

Using an unfamiliar shooting stance will make it difficult for the attacker to accurately adjust the strength of the shot.

The hit rate plummeted, that's inevitable...


There is such a thing as shit luck in the world...

The basketball court has fairy balls...


Zhu Xingda's shot this time first bounced on the neck of the basket, and then fell directly from the sky.


In the middle of the basket heart~


"Zhuxing seniors, it's really strong. "

"Ah Mu, it seems that you are too worried. "

The Hainan team, which finished the game in advance, came to the scene to watch, said Ichiro Shinsojo at this time

"Huh. The gentry sighed and said, "This is not the normal way of the stars. "


He didn't understand what Mu Shen Yi meant.



"He's got four points. "

"What can I do?"

"This guy's luck is really good. "

"We have to find a way to cool him down. "

Zhang Feng frowned in his heart.

In less than a minute and a half minutes of the opening game, Zhuxing scored 4 points.

In addition, the hand of Zhuxingda today feels very smooth.

In addition to hard power, shooting is actually related to luck.

When one's luck comes...

How to vote and how to have!

Nick Young and J.R. Smith in the NBA belong to this category of players.

The stars are big if the hand really comes.

Not to mention 8 points in the game, 18 points and 28 points in the game, it won't be difficult...


That's right...


Suddenly, a bright light appeared in Zhang Feng's mind.


Lingnan attacked.

It's still Zhang Feng advancing.

Ace vs Ace

The strongest in Kanagawa Prefecture vs the strongest in Aiwa Prefecture

Zhang Feng vs Zhu Xingda

"I have to be observant, I have to be calm, as long as I don't let him get up, or, after he starts, follow him and try not to have physical contact with him, so I have a good chance of stopping him. Zhu Xingda bent over and thought with a serious face

From the fight just now, although Zhu Xingda almost shook Zhang Feng in the attack, Zhu Xingda also knew very well that he and this monster were at most just exploding each other.

It's hard to keep him down.

At this time, Zhang Feng, who was holding the ball in his right hand, stretched out 3 fingers with his left hand.

This gesture made the players on the field look at each other...

Because they know...

The stars are about to suffer...

At this time, the placement of the Lingnan players became 'wonderful'.

The fish dwells near the top of the arc outside the third-point line.

The pool is in the bottom right corner.

Sendo is 45 degrees outside the three-point line.

Aoyama Elegance is in the high position on the right.

As for Zhang Feng himself, it is on the left side of the field...

"Is it going to be one-on-one again?"

"I heard that this kid likes answer-ball very much, do you want to shake the stars?"

"Hehe, I guess..."


A surprising scene happened.

As a point guard, Zhang Feng...

Unexpectedly, he chose to be a strong chisel scoring guard Zhuxing...

Well, of course, Zhang Feng's physique is obviously bigger and stronger than Zhuxing.


Zhang Feng first dribbled to the low post, and then began to dig hard with his back.




The crowd could clearly hear the friction between the floor and the sneakers, as well as the sound of muscles colliding.

As well as the stars that can be seen, the face is almost distorted...

Zhu Xingda couldn't help but think with tears streaming down his face: "MMP! Is this guy really a defender???

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