However, although the Mountain King was suspended by Lingnan, no one in Lingnan dared to relax their vigilance.

They knew very well that even if Goro Domoto didn't ask for a timeout, Sanno Industries on the pitch would have the ability to turn the situation back.

The real reason for Goro Domoto's request for a timeout this time was because he had discovered some flaws in the team.

"Zebei, Shenjin, you change your guards. Goro Domoto said

"Okay, Coach. The two nodded

Eiji Zebei and Issei Fukatsu are the top defenders on the outside.

However, Fukatsu Kazunari's height and arm span still suffered.

It was difficult for him to block Zhang Feng's [Amorphous-Sniper].

If you go under this situation, Lingnan can still struggle in a short period of time.

It's like an instability for the game.

However, let the 186cm Eiji Zebei defend Zhang Feng, and the effect will naturally be much better.

"In addition, the team's offense is still dominated by the inside. "

"Kawada, you have to pay attention to this, if Lingnan's ace rushes in to help defend, you have to pass the ball out in time. "

Goro Domoto continued

Lingnan's inner line pillar is Yuzujun, as long as it is blown up, then Lingnan's inner line will be completely empty.

As for the kid who can make offensive fouls, he can't make any waves.


The game continues to begin.

The Mountain King is still chiseling the inside line, although Lingnan has taken a 2-3 inside line joint defense.

As the team's starting small forward, Sendo went to help fill the inside, but he still couldn't stop Masashi Kawada from asking for it under the basket.

At this time, Masashi Kawada actually chose to attack in a low-level plane.

It's terrifying...

Masashi Kawada's speed is comparable to that of a small forward with good athleticism.

This is a nightmare for Yuju.

After all, Masashi Kawada can suddenly throw.

As for Ryoji Ikegami, it's okay to have one or two hits in the whole game, but if there are too many, it is easy for the opponent to see the routine clearly.

Not to mention a top-level insider like Masashi Kawada.

In the face of Yuzhu alone, Masashi Kawada attacked!

In the face of the co-defense, Masashi Kawada is still attacking!

In the face of the bag, Masashi Kawada passes...

A sensible combination of offense and passing, as well as a high shooting percentage of interior players under the basket.

In the next game, chase the score back little by little.

After all, facing Zhang Feng, who was defending by Eiji Zebei, although he had [amorphous shooting], his bounce speed, bounce, height, arm span, defensive experience, and defensive awareness, which was close to perfection, greatly suppressed Zhang Feng's shooting rate.

By the end of the first half, Masashi Kawada had 20 points, 15 rebounds and 7 assists.

The whole team of the Mountain King also scored 47 points...

As for Lingnan, although Zhang Feng scored the highest score of the half '30 points', the team trailed the opponent by 5 points at 42:47 because Zhang Feng's shooting rate was only 30%.

Most of the shots are three-point relationships.

With a full second half to go, a difference of five points is nothing...

But the bad thing is...

Uozi has already been saddled with 3 fouls.

Ryoji Ikegami, also had 3 fouls.

In addition, the first Yuzumi, Aoyama's elegant physical strength has been exhausted...

Lingnan's defensive titan 'Ryoji Chikami' is also half-dead.

Xiandao was also sweating profusely and panting.

As for Zhang Feng, who has the level of Sakuragi Flower Road, it's okay, but if you continue to fight at this intensity...

Your physical strength will soon fall below 6 percent...

At that time, [Amorphous Shooting] will not be able to start...


Unlike Lingnan, Sanno Industry consumed almost half of Lingnan just through a 'Kawada Masashi'.

And this is also one of Goro Domoto's plans.

In the first half, the main purpose was not to pull the score away, but to consume your players.

Wait for the second half, suddenly a force, directly take away the game in waves.

In the second half, Sanno Kogyo had 'Nobe Shohiro' replace Masashi Kawada as the team's center.

Nobe Shohiro, height 196cm, weight 84kg.

Although he is a bench player, his rebounding ability can almost blow up the power forward of every team.

The reason why he was placed on the bench is very important is that the captain of the team, 'Nishida Dry Record', is more comprehensive.

On the other hand.

Shigeichi Taoka looked at Jun Uomi, who had fought against Masashi Kawada for half the game, and he couldn't even walk steadily.

I wanted to put it on the bench and rest for a while...

However, this was rejected by Usumi.

Yuju understands his mission very well.

If he didn't play, then Lingnan's inside line could be said to be really useless.

Now I may not be able to grab the rebound, but I can help Zhang Feng block the board.

The list of players in Lingnan in the second half: Zhang Feng, Koshimi Hiroaki, Xiandao Zhang, Fukuda Yoshizhao, Yuzumi Jun.


The second half of the game begins.

Sanno Industries adjusted its offensive strategy, and at this time, the firepower of the attack was suddenly concentrated on the outside line.

The aces of the team began to really take over the game.

Facing the defense of the fairy road, Eiji Zebei, after two consecutive feints, did not completely shake off the fairy road.

Xiandao didn't seem to have an obvious performance in today's game.

But Shigeichi Taoka and Goro Domoto both knew very well that without his presence, Eiji Sawakita would be unstoppable.

Of course, even a player like Xiandao who can change a team is still a little inadequate when facing Zebei.

Seeing that the feint did not pass the immortal Dao, Zebei, then a spinning top turned around and leaned on the body of the immortal Dao and went around.

Fukuda Jizhao wants to help defend...

However, he found that a strong wind swept across his right side, and Fukuda Jizhao didn't even have time to respond, and Zebei had already disappeared...

Zebei, who rushed to the basket, faced Yuzhu's defense, used a tomahawk to split the dunk, and played 2+1 across Yuzhu.

At the beginning of the second half, Sanno Industry had already signaled to Lingnan that it was going to harvest the game!!

PS: Go run for an hour, come back and continue writing.

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