Time flies quickly, and the day of the Kanagawa Prefecture selection tournament is getting closer and closer.

Zhang Feng is still the same as before, going to class, getting out of class, practicing...

Of course, it's a little different.

Ye Zi, who studied at Lingnan High School, would go to class, practice, and go home with Zhang Feng every day.

To this end...

Cross-country Hongming and Fukuda Jizhao were also very interested and did not go to Zhang Feng again.

However, the relationship between the three giants of Lingnan in the past is still very good.

In addition, there are some troublesome things.

That is, Zhang Feng will receive countless love letters every day, and in addition, when the principal of Lingnan listened to the report of the director of the admissions office, he suddenly discovered a very strange phenomenon.

This year, there are a total of 458 new students in Lingnan, but about 80 percent of them are girls, or 380 of them.

Among them, there are some female students who are beautiful in appearance and have excellent grades.

Is this the basketball effect?

Or is this the 'Zhang Feng' effect?


In a few years, our Lingnan High School will not only dominate the high school league, but also become a first-class high school because of the influx of countless new students.

Thinking of this, Principal Lingnan couldn't wait to go to the Lingnan Basketball Stadium now and kiss Shigeichi Taoka and Zhang Feng fiercely.

The principal of Lingnan is also a very sensible person, and he knows that the changes in the school are brought about by basketball, so he has increased the cost of the basketball club this year.

And the benefits of the basketball club are not comparable to other clubs.


In the evening, the team training match came to an end.

When Shigeichi Taoka announced that everyone was disbanded and went home, he suddenly said: "Tomorrow we will have a friendly match between Lingnan and Xiangbei, and I hope everyone will pay more attention to it." "

"Yes, coach. The crowd shouted in unison

Nowadays, Lingnan is full of talents, especially the first and second year players last year have been greatly improved.

Zhang Feng's omnipotence!

Sendo's attack and organization!

Yuzumi's interior defense, off-ball screen, rebound protection, and outside three-pointers!

Fukuda Yoshio's off-ball running position, inside cut!

Stable mid-pitch of off-road Hongming!


There is also Ryoji Ikegami's fake fall...

These little guys, through sweat and hard work, have made qualitative changes in themselves.

In addition, Tetsuya Naito and Shigeichi Taoka, who are in the first grade, are also looking forward to it.

According to the results of his discussion with Ah Feng, Naito Tetsuya was cultivated as the [Cake Emperor].

The main thing is to train his finishing ability under the basket, in short, that is, after receiving the ball,!

In this way, he will not waste his tendon meat.


Although Liuchuan Kaede, a newcomer from Akagi and Fuqiu High School in northern Xiangbei, is not bad, it is only good, and there is no comparison with his own Ah Feng at all.

The reason why he agreed to Coach Anzai for a friendly match is that the main purpose is to hope that Lingnan will start from this game and start on the right track.

After all, this year's high school league is about to kick off.

For Lingnan, who has Zhang Feng, not winning the championship is a failure.


In the Xiangbei Basketball Stadium.

"Brother. "

"Are you going to Lingnan tomorrow?"

Haruko Akagi asked Akagi Tsuyoken with little stars in her eyes

"Hmm. Akagi nodded solemnly.

"Hey, gorilla, are you scared?"

"Don't worry, gorilla, with me as a genius, that guy named 'Ah Feng', you don't need to worry at all. "

Sakuragi Hanamichi said with an oath

"Bastard, who's the gorilla you call it? "

"And you, a beginner, don't understand anything. "

"He's the number one high school student in the country, you know?"

Akagi said angrily

This troublesome newcomer is really ignorant and fearless.

Regarding Coach Anzai's proposal to find Lingnan for a friendly match, Akagi Gangxian refused at first.

After all, this year's No. 1 ace in the team is back strongly, and Xiangbei has no chance of winning at all.

On the contrary, the strength of the opponent is likely to cause the players in the team to lose confidence.

For Xiangbei, it is very irrational to go to Lingnan to fight.

However, Coach Anthy smiled and said: "I know that we are not their opponents now. "

"The real purpose of this competition is to let everyone know the strength of the top teams, so that the freshmen can train harder. "

Coach Anzai's words made Akagi Goken pause.

The two new guys this year, Hanamichi Sakuragi and Kaede Rukawa are both superhuman guys.

But a stinky fart!

A flamboyant character!

Let them see the market.

Find out what really is powerful.

Also, Yuzhu, I've gotten a lot stronger over the past year.

This time, I will never lose to you again.

Akagi Tsuyoken recalls the scene when he was suppressed by Yuzhu during the Winter Cup.


When Sakuragi Hanamichi was doing basic training, he curiously asked Haruko about Zhang Feng.

"He's a very strong player. "

"You know what?"

"His strength is already comparable to the top high school students in the United States. "

"He won the first place in the ABCD training camp in the basketball kingdom. "

"Hee-hee, there's a good chance he'll be in the NBA. "


Haruko is like a fanatical little fan, narrating Zhang Feng's bits and pieces.

I didn't notice the vinegar and unpleasant Sakuragi Hanamichi at all.

ps: Today's 5 is more guaranteed. 300 evaluation votes plus one change, now it is 7,000 and thirty-nine. Take a whole one, and add one more to 7300.

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