1:21 of the first quarter.

Takeen High School's scoring guard 'Yoshihide Miura' shoots from a long distance.

Off-road Hongming head-on defense...


The basketball hits the iron and pops out of the frame.

Fish live on the card board.

Although Yuzhu's rebounding ability has skyrocketed, the habit developed over the past year has made Yuzhu still like to block rebounds for Zhang Feng.

Of course, this is also related to Lingnan's tactics.

Zhang Feng took advantage of the situation to protect the defensive rebound.

Zhang Feng, who grabbed the rebound, quickly launched a fast attack.

The speed of the wind made Zhang Feng look like a gust of wind, sweeping the court.

Zhang Feng, who started at full speed, couldn't prevent Zhang Feng at all.

Two people, still.

Three people, enough to choke...

At this time, the three people from Wuyuan High School, like a fishing net, wanted to capture Zhang Feng.

In this case, if Zhang Feng breaks through a little arrogantly, it is basically not a big problem.

It's just because there is an assist mission...

Zhang Feng chose to pass...

With a back-of-the-head pass, the basketball was like a scalpel to the fish who had just reached the top of the arc outside the three-point line.

The Great Ape King received the ball without ambiguity, and raising his hand was a three-point shot.

100 steps through the Yang!

Hollow hit!


In less than a minute and a half of the opening game, Zhang Fengqiang brushed up three assists, one steal, and one rebound.

Such an amazing performance made the coaches on the bench of Wuyuan High School gasp.

Such Lingnan is simply terrifying!

I really can't think of any way to defeat them.


"Nicely dried, fish lived. Zhang Feng and Yu lived in a high-five celebration.

"Hey, that's your beautiful story, Ah Feng. Yuzhu said without greed

"Cut, two stinky guys are actually touting each other. Off-road Hongming, who didn't get a point on the field, complained in his heart


Takesoen High School, as the top 8 team in Kanagawa Prefecture.

There is still some background.

In the next offense, the 180cm tall point guard and Oda Ryumasa made a block.

The essence of the pick-and-roll tactic, in addition to allowing the defender to break through, is to make the formation of dislocation.

After the block, Oda Ryumasa's speed was very fast and quickly appeared in a high position.

The fish live in the big center, and the movement speed is okay...

But in the face of a mini center with a height of only 185cm, it is naturally a little difficult to keep up with the footsteps.

As a result, Oda Ryumasa and Zhang Feng formed a 'dislocation'.

It's just that this misalignment is somewhat fake...

As a center forward, Ryumasa Oda is 8cm shorter than Ryumasa Oda, who is 193cm tall.


After Ryumasa Oda received the ball, he immediately let the players around him scatter.

He is going to have a one-on-one duel with Zhang Feng.

'The hatred of taking his wife' Xiao Tian Longzheng said to Zhang Feng with a gloomy face: "Hmph, if you don't grow tall, you have great strength." "

Although Oda Ryumasa is only 185cm tall, he can play as a center forward at Wuyuan High School, and he still has two brushes in his strength.

In the previous game, Oda Ryumasa also faced off against many centers who were taller than him, and he had a big advantage in strength.

In Oda Ryumasa's view, although Zhang Feng is tall and looks fierce, compared with himself as a center, he is naturally inferior to himself in terms of strength.

Oda Ryumasa attacked with his back, intending to defeat Zhang Feng in the purest way, so as to regain Yezi's favor.




Oda Ryumasa fell off the ball, and his back was hard chiseled.

Zhang Feng spread out his hands and let Oda Ryumasa impact his steel-made muscles.


An extremely embarrassing scene occurred on the field.

As the center forward, Oda Ryumasa couldn't even bump Zhang Feng at all.

At this time, Oda Longzheng's face was already pale, and the whole person almost hugged Zhang Feng's arms.

As for Zhang Feng's words, his face was light, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if to say: "Old sister, use a little force, this massage is so cool for me." [For reference, the weakened version of Downs bumps into the enhanced version of Cousins]



"This guy. "

"It's just no one. "

"Others are still newcomers, so why don't they give any face. "

On the substitute seat in Lingnan, the third-year veteran 'Ryoji Chikami' said angrily

"Ikegami-senpai, you're not right. Zhang Feng's number one little brother 'Tetsuya Naito' said with a straight face: "You can't let my boss Xue learn from you, just fall to the ground." "

"Get out. What do you know? Is that wisdom, you know?" Ryoji Ikegami said angrily

"Oh, okay, you're a senior, you're right. Naito Tetsuya said helplessly


Returning to the court, Oda Ryumasa, who couldn't hit Zhang Feng because he couldn't hit Zhang Feng with all his strength, was sentenced by the referee to a 5-second violation with his back.

"Sao Nian, come on, you can almost hit me no matter how close. Zhang Feng said

"Hmph. Oda Ryumasa snorted coldly with a pale face.

The scene just now can be regarded as the most embarrassing scene in his basketball career.

And in front of so many people, especially after hearing the sighs of the female students of Wuyuan High School, he felt even more embarrassed.


Lingnan attacked, Zhang Feng dribbled the ball after half the court.

An abrupt figure sounded in the arena.

A tall and muscular man, shaking the towel in his hand, shouted, "Boss, attack one." "

"Who is he?"

"Is it a player from Lingnan?"

"Huh... He looks so old, so fierce, and so ugly. "

At this time, the girls in the audience began to discuss.

"Uh..."Tetsuya Naito, who spoke, heard the girls say that they were so old, so fierce, and so ugly...

For a while, I couldn't wait to get into the cracks in the ground.

"Woooooo I'm not fierce, I'm gentle, I don't have a girlfriend yet. Naito Tetsuya's heart was trampled by 10,000 grass and mud horse beasts.

At this time, Zhang Feng also felt the need to show Oda Ryumasa what real power was.

A bitter gourd face, as if Lao Tzu owes you money.

But if you think about it carefully, because of her arrival, it really made Oda Ryumasa a a single dog.

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