The night of the decisive battle.

Zhang Feng's phone rang.

At first glance, it was the eldest brother 'Kenji Fujima' who called.

On the phone, Kenji Fujima, who is approachable and like a spring breeze in front of outsiders, opened his mouth to say a foul sentence: "TMD, that damn No. 15, is simply a monster." "


With a height of 199cm and a weight of 99kg, Mori Shigehiro wears a size 15 jersey.

Kenji Fujima said a lot, mainly around how he was bullied by Mori Shigekuan.

The voiceover, Zhang Feng could hear it.

This thing obviously wants to get revenge on him.

"Don't worry, I'll teach him a good lesson. Zhang Feng said

"Hmm. Kenji Fujima said, and in turn, Kenji Fujima explained the general situation of Mori Shigekuan and the main tactics of Mingbo Industries.

Before Kenji Fujima met Zhang Feng, he was a male god-level existence.

Dealing with people and things, quite a general's style.

However, after encountering Zhang Feng, the hidden belly black element was developed.

Of course, finding Zhang Feng this time is not mainly to really let Zhang Feng avenge himself, this is just a small talk between good friends.

The real purpose is to give Zhang Feng some useful information, so that Zhang Feng can easily pass the test.


When Kenji Fujima was gushing about the advantages and disadvantages of the famous friend industry, Kenji Fujima actually heard the snoring sound on the phone.

This Nima's...

The angry Kenji Fujima hung up the phone directly.

After the sound of 'doodoo' came from the other end of the phone, Zhang Feng's snoring stopped abruptly and muttered: "Why didn't this thing have such a mother-in-law before..."



The national competition ushered in the first focus battle - Mingpeng Industry vs Lingnan High School.

This game can be described as a high-profile match.

This year's Mori Chongkuan and last year's Zhang Feng are quite similar.

They are all rising at an astonishing speed, and the talents of the two are also visible to the naked eye.

Although the two are not in the same position.

But both of them are absolute kings in the same position.

Before the game, there were countless media interviews with both sides.


Locker room at Lingnan High School.

"Hello, in the face of today's opponent Mingpeng Industry, how are you feeling at this time?" a reporter asked

"It's okay. Zhang Feng said with a smile, there was no trace of abnormality in his eyes and expression.

It seems that the famous friend industry that has recently become famous in front of him, like the average team, there is no difference in the slightest.

Zhang Feng's eloquence and IQ make it difficult for the media to find loopholes in his words.

This is why Zhang Feng is one of the most unpopular figures in the media.

But it can't be helped...

The performance of this product is so amazing.

Journalists are very clever in order to get the so-called breaking points in the news.

They found Lingnan's first-year rookie, Tetsuya Naito.

"Naito-san, you've been doing very well since the Summer League. A good-looking reporter said

"Thank you. Hearing the praise of others, Naito Tetsuya couldn't stop smiling

"You're about the same size as Mori Shigekuan, and even have an advantage in weight, so what are the odds of winning if you fight him?" the reporter asked

"What are the odds?" Naito Tetsuya scratched his head, pondered for a moment, and said with a straight face: "Four-six, I'm four, he's six." "

"Oh, is it?" the reporters couldn't help but excitedly pick up a small notebook and record it after hearing this.

Although Naito's performance is not bad, he can be regarded as outstanding among this year's newcomers.

But he is obviously a lot worse than Mori Shigekuan.

This remark undoubtedly shows that Naito is very arrogant.

Immediately afterwards, the reporter asked again: "May I ask Zhang Feng of your team and his position, in terms of winning rate..."

Before the words fell, Naito Tetsuya said again: "Ten deaths, my boss, the strongest on the surface, there is no one." "



The reporters were surprised by Naito's words, and couldn't open their mouths.

Mori Shigekuan's strength can be seen with the naked eye, even the first center in high school 'Masashi Kawada' said that he is not absolutely sure that he can defeat Mori Shigekuan, but Naito's words can be heard that the two are not on the same level at all.

These words can be regarded as one of the strongest breaking points of this year's national competition.


"Drop!" the game begins.

The battle for the pinnacle is unveiled.

Tonight's Lingnan sent out: Zhang Feng, Hiroaki off-road, Akira Sendo, Tetsuya Naito, and Jun Usumi.

Mori Shigehiro and Uosumi Jun perform jumping balls.

As soon as he opened, Mori Shigehiro showed his strong personal talent, jumping to win Jun Yumi, who was 6cm taller than himself and 205cm tall.

Mingpeng Industrial's tactics are very simple, inside singles.

Mori Shigekuan was in an important position on the inside, and the team's starting point guard passed the basketball to Mori Shigekuan's hands.

In the face of the big ape kingfish, Mori Chongkuan is not ambiguous at all.

Eat on your back!




The strong strength directly arched the fish into the basket.

Naito didn't do the packing, mainly because the opponent's big forward pulled out.

The coach of Mingtomo Industry has equipped Mori Shigekuan with a projection power forward.

In this way, Mori Shigekuan can have more space under the basket.

Fish live and are forcibly eaten!

Mori Chong Kuan and fierce force, directly turned over and strengthened.

Although Yuzumi suffered a great loss in strength, he was not overturned by Mori Shigekuan, and at the same time, he also jumped up tenaciously and tried to interfere with Mori Shigekuan's attack.

"Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!"...

The basketball bounced on the hoop a few times before falling into the hoop.

This goal is scored though!

But the audience can clearly see that Mori Shigekuan does not have as strong interior dominance as before in front of Yuzumi.

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