Pause back.

The Knicks attacked, and Carmelo Anthony picked up the defensive burden of the whole team and took the initiative to defend Zhang Feng, a former friend.

For Zhang Feng, Carmelo Anthony, who has shared the same bed for two years.

It can be said that he is one of the people who knows Zhang Feng's strength best.

This guy's projection ability is rare...

So as soon as you get past halfway, you have to be cautious and keep the space that can interfere with his shots, but not too close to him.

Because the power of this bastard is simply a non-human existence.

Get too close to him, and he'll just pass you, unless you're faster than him.


"Hahaha, Cameron and Ah Feng began to fall in love and kill each other!" At this time, Zhang Lili in the live broadcast room of Huaxia Sports couldn't help but ridicule when he saw the appearance of 'Zhang Feng' and 'melon' on the court.


"Teacher Zhang, your analogy is very good. "

"However, Cameron is indeed the player who knows Afon best. "

Su Skirt said

Cameron Anthony He even knows Zhang Feng's next move after a look, for this game, Cameron has been preparing for a long time, and in the past half a month, he has been watching Zhang Feng's game video and some of his usual actions.

This made him, who was already outstanding in physical fitness, bring a lot of defensive pressure to Zhang Feng.

Seeing that his good friend was so difficult, Zhang Feng planned to pass the ball to Barbossa, but Zhang Feng's eyes betrayed him, Cameron predicted in advance, turned into a phantom, pounced forward, and cut off the pass.



Cameron broke Zhang Feng's pass for the first time.

At the same time, Cameron launched quickly, and Cameron, who is still a skinny melon, is still quite fast.

The perfect height and amazing physical talent made the audience all sigh that the future of this young man is not simple.

The fast break came to the free throw line, and Cameron glanced back and found that Zhang Feng was still half a body away from him.

With his college experience, he has escaped from his defensive zone.


Cameron gave his 'sweet and charming' smile and took a big step to the basket before getting up for a dunk.

However, just as Cameron was about to touch the victory, a dark shadow enveloped him.


"How is this possible?"

"Did he really catch up?"

When Cameron lifted the corner of his eye, he found a very familiar face... And, with a hateful evil smile.


"Don't think!"

Cameron roared in his heart, and at this time, the arrow had to be fired.

Cameron rounded his arm and squeezed the basketball toward the basket.

At the same time, Zhang Feng's big hand also waved over.


The basketball let out an explosive moan.

"What's going on with this guy's power?"

"Why did it suddenly get so big?"

In the wrestling, Cameron was surprised

Suddenly, with a 'poof', Zhang Feng even took the ball and pressed Cameron Anthony to the ground.


The former 'Snow City Twins' staged a thrilling bloody drama of 'falling in love and killing each other'.

But this made the audience addicted to watching.

Anthony steals.

Zhang Feng chased the hat.


At this moment, the basketball rolled to the ground...

Just as Zhang Feng was about to pick up the basketball, a fast figure sped by.


The basketball on the ground is gone.

At the same time, Zhang Feng was stunned to see that the basketball had already hit the board and flew to the basket.





"It's Earl Boykins!"

"The shortest player in the NBA, only 165cm tall!"

"That's a great speed. "

"I actually stole chickens. "

Zhang Lili in the Huaxia live broadcast room said with a smile

"The little guys who play basketball in the NBA are monsters. "

"It can be said that there are no other disadvantages other than height. "

Su Skirt said


"Bastard, what the hell did you eat?"

"Why did the strength and speed suddenly become so strong? "

Carmelo Anthony said angrily

"Hehe, I don't know. "

"Maybe that's talent, after all, I'm the top pick this year. "

Zhang Feng said with a sigh of air


Carmelo Anthony's face couldn't help but have some black lines, obviously choking on anger.

But Cameron Anthony was not to be outdone, and although he was his own brother, on the court, proving that it was not an act of plastic friendship or using 12 points to beat him.

In the face of Zhang Feng's defense, Cameron turned and leaned back after a few tentative steps.

Although the lean melon's back is not as picturesque as the nag, it is definitely handsome enough.

Zhang Feng's bullet speed was fast, but in the face of Cameron, who was attacking the kaleidoscope, he was still slightly half a step slower.

In the end, Cameron faced Zhang Feng and shot the basketball.

After scoring the goal, Cameron said in a deep voice: "Ah Feng, you are not the only one who has improved. "

"Oh, really?"

In the next round, Zhang Feng attacked outside the three-point line, Sam Gaode stepped after worshipping Buddha, shook the melon away, rushed to the inside line, faced the defense of the inside, borrowed his strength, and hit the big pull rod in the air.

At the same time, he also won a foul.

He looked at Cameron and said, "Yes, you are not the only one who has improved, but I am the one who has improved the most!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's boasting, the melon pouted.

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