Inside the basketball court at this time.

Spectators in the stands watched nervously as they watched.

On the field, at that moment just now, everyone saw it.

Ye Chen suddenly jumped after taking the ball, and his body swooped towards the basket like a giant eagle.

Ye Chen's body seemed to be out of gravity, his arms were stretched straight, and his entire body was on par with the rebound.

You can also make a crotch change in the air, and turn around in the air, which is like walking in the air!

The basketball was smashed into the basket in Ye Chen's hand in an instant, and there was a loud noise.

That height, that distance!

That's unbelievable.

Everyone was amazed by his high flying.

"Crazy, right? What did I just see?"

"The 10th in Xiangbei just now, is it flying in the sky?"

"What kind of streak is this?"


No one dared to believe that what they had just seen was actually happening.

is a dreamlike dunk, and it doesn't even feel like it's even in the movie.

It makes them feel as if they are not alive in reality.

It's more like an illusory existence made up by someone.

And Ye Chen is the real protagonist in this illusion, which is incredible.

Seeing this scene, several people from the Sakuragi Legion were also stunned.

"That's not something a weird man like Sakuragi can do. "

"Although Sakuragi is also very talented, the gap is still very big!"

"It's already superhuman!"

Haruko Akagi was even more shocked.

She remembers Sakuragi hitting her head on the bottom edge of the rebound during the game.

And now Ye Chen, not to mention that his whole head hit the rebound, his body has simply exceeded the top of the rebound.

Journalists gathered and discussed something lively.

The cacophony filled the entire stands, making it a little unbelievable.

At that moment just now, it seemed as if suddenly, a figure jumped up quickly, like a nimble cheetah, slashed a beautiful arc in the air, captured the prey in the air, and finally landed firmly on the ground.

This amazing action stunned everyone, and some people couldn't believe their eyes and didn't know if it was true or not.

"That's an exaggeration, what the hell is going on?"

"It's a jump of the century!"

"Oh, it's a shame I forgot to press the shutter?


Many reporters are extremely remorseful at this moment.

They were all attracted to that moment, and they forgot their jobs for a while.

And at that moment, it can only be deeply imprinted in their minds.


Qingtian and the others looked at each other, and their hearts were full of surprise.

He even rubbed his eyes, trying to make sure he was not mistaken.

Takasago Kazuma and other big men were also dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

"What's the operation?"

Gao Touli exclaimed, completely conquered by this amazing move.

He couldn't help but sigh: "The bouncing power shown by Ye Chen, I'm afraid that NBA players can't compare to it!"

"Just in terms of bouncing, he's a god-like being. "

Mu Shenyi also subconsciously swallowed his saliva and froze.

He had never seen such an astonishing scene.

"That slam dunk just now, did it really happen?"

Mu Shen looked at Ye Chen on the field, his eyes were full of surprise and awe.

He can be completely assured that the goal just now is definitely beyond the limits of human beings.

He couldn't imagine that someone would be able to fly so freely in the air.

Ye Chen's body was like electricity, and he jumped into the air in an instant.

His body resembles a falcon, flying high with wings spread.

He stretched out his arms, grasped the basketball, and with a flick of it, the basketball made a beautiful arc in the air and dunked into the basket with unmistakable accuracy.

In such a state of stretching to the extreme, it is completely flying!

Even after playing so many games, it was the first time for Mu Shen to see such a scene.

At the same time, I suddenly felt that I was afraid that I had always underestimated Ye Chen.

After all, is this kind of dunk something that a normal person can do?

At this time, Kiyota Nobunaga couldn't help but think.

"Ye Chen seems to be a Chinese, is this the legendary light skill?"

When the gentry heard this, he reprimanded.

"Big idiot!"

"That kind of thing only exists in legends. "

"Ye Chen may have just jumped a little higher, which proves that the limits of human beings may not be even so. "

"What century is it now?"

Obviously, he didn't believe in the existence of such a thing, and he couldn't believe it at all.

But the shock in my heart has not diminished.

In the rest area of Xiangbei, everyone was stunned.

Ye Chen is like a flying eagle, soaring into the air in an instant, which makes people marvel.

Even them, as Ye Chen's teammates.

It's the first time I've seen such an exaggerated scene.

It feels so incredible.

I usually see Ye Chen's other tricks, and I feel that it is exaggerated enough.

None of them can do it easily.

Even some tricks are difficult to achieve even if you work hard to train.

But what do they see now?

It's like a superman, and this is no longer a technical action that they can expect to do.

Sakuragi and Twilight were even more shocked, they had never seen such physical qualities before.

"Hey, Brother Glasses, did you see that?"

Sakuragi Hanamichi patted Mu Twilight next to him on the back again and again.

Even a bouncing genius like him feels too exaggerated.

Compared to Ye Chen, is he still a genius?

Mu Du nodded repeatedly.

"Well, it's flying. "

At that moment just now, Mu Du also watched Ye Chen's movements intently, he clearly saw every detail of Ye Chen, and his heart was completely shocked.

Ayako covered her mouth and almost screamed.

couldn't help but praise: "This guy is really a perverted physical fitness." "

As a coach and former national player, Coach Anzai has a deep understanding of the difficulty of this move, and he was also shocked by Ye Chen's amazing performance.

Even he had seen for the first time that someone could do this.

It was completely beyond his imagination and cognition.

Ye Chen's waist and abdomen strength and bouncing power are amazing.

Every move he makes is full of strength and beauty, which makes Coach Anzay can't help but admire his talent and strength.

At the same time, his face was full of doubts.

He didn't expect that there would be people in Huaxia who would do light work now, and he didn't expect Ye Chen's behavior to greatly exceed their expectations.

I don't even know if I should believe that all this is true.

If you don't sit on the sidelines and see it with your own eyes, you would even think that this is a dream.

Love and side.

Looking at Ye Chen's performance, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He knew that Ye Chen was a very good basketball player, but he didn't expect that Ye Chen's strength had exceeded his imagination.

Everyone was dumbfounded, they didn't know what to say or what to do, they could only silently watch Ye Chen complete this shocking button.

"Is this really fake?"

"Liar, isn't it? How can anyone do such an exaggeration!"

Looking at Ye Chen hanging on the basket, they were still unwilling to choose to believe.

Although they saw Ye Chen's performance, they still couldn't believe that all this was true.

Ye Chen's performance is already beyond the scope of ordinary people.

A slam dunk from a meter away from the free throw line?

It's just a dunk, but every change is amazing.

His body flew in the air like a free bird, flying on the basketball court.

His movements are full of power and beauty, but also full of incredible fantasy.

Aihe Academy coach's eyes widened, and the corners of his lips trembled slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

Not sure what happened. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's no longer an offense that can be described as an ordinary slam dunk.

As a basketball coach, he has met many talented people.

At the same time, there have been many studies on the history of basketball development to the present, and there are many world-class players.

But Ye Chen's ball made him see his blind spot in knowledge.

At that moment, Ye Chen simply flew into the air, like an eagle spreading its wings and flying high, making everyone's eyes widen. []

At this moment, the atmosphere on the field was extremely weird, and the players of Xiangbei and Aihe were stunned.

The expressions on his faces were surprisingly consistent.

I didn't expect that Ye Chen would be able to make such an action.

I thought he was crazy enough to jump from that position.

Who would have thought that he would be able to succeed and complete such wonderful technical moves?

This has already scared everyone, and it can't even be described as just horror.

Especially Ai and a few people, they originally wanted to defend Ye Chen, but they saw Ye Chen flying over their heads?

Is this a basketball game or a science fiction movie?

They all felt like it was crazy.

Even if it's presented in front of you, it's so unbelievable.

At this time, Ye Chen had no change in expression at all, and was very indifferent.

It's like it's all just a routine operation.

For him, there is nothing to be surprised about.

Suddenly, Ye Chen let go of his hand.

Then he landed easily, and the whole person looked relaxed.

It doesn't look like a super dunk at all.

If it was on the field, someone made a wonderful action and dunked, I am afraid that they would have already raised their arms and shouted.

There are few who are as calm as Ye Chen.

It's as if this dunk has nothing to do with him.

Then, Ye Chen turned his head to look, and the expressions of the audience and the referees were surprisingly consistent at the moment.

Their eyes widened and their mouths wide open, as if they had seen some kind of ghost.

Even the referee was stunned, and he had never seen Ye Chen's performance like this.

He couldn't help but wonder in his heart, how strong is this young player?

He just stared at Ye Chen directly, unable to say anything.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but wave his hand to remind the referee.

"Does a score count?"

This sentence was like an alarm clock, which woke the referee from his surprise.

Being reminded by the players on the field made the referee bow his head in embarrassment, blushing a little embarrassed.

This can be said to be a mistake by the referee.

If you can't focus on the game, you're not qualified.

Because he hadn't seen what was going on just now, he couldn't answer now.

So, he asked to check the replay to confirm the result of the match.

In the process of waiting, several people in Xiangbei pulled Ye Chen over, pinched his muscles, and teased him in various ways.

Curious babies gathered around and stared at Ye Chen.

I looked closely, trying to see what was different about him.

How can it be done to this extent.

But after looking at it for a while, they realized that there was nothing different.

What's going on?

"It's weird, it's all two arms, two legs. "

"Yes, it's all two eyes and one mouth, why are they so powerful?"

Several people shook their heads again and again, and the more they looked at it, the more incredible they felt.

Ye Chen stood in place stunned, letting a few people check on him, and there was no expression on his face.

At the same time, Ai and Zhuxing were also standing in place, silently looking at Ye Chen.

They were more shocked than everyone else.

I was even more confused.

"'~This guy, isn't it some kind of superman?'

The second half had only just begun, but it was definitely a crucial moment.

As a result, the atmosphere inside the arena became tense.

Ye Chen made an amazing slam dunk so far away from the basket.

The audience is also looking forward to the outcome this time.

The referee stood on the technical bench and kept replaying this wonderful moment, making sure that there was no foul action in the whole process, except for an exaggeration.

Wave your hand to signal that the score counts.

The matter came to an end and the game continued.

The ball was transferred to Aiwa, Takayuki Otoyo sent the baseline ball, and Suzuki received the ball and began to dribble.

Miyagi stared at Suzuki closely, ready to go on the defensive.

Everything was back to normal on the court, but Suzuki didn't seem to have recovered from Ye Chen's slam dunk.

His eyes were glazed, as if he was thinking about something.

The crowd began to cheer him on, hoping that he could continue to play to his strengths.

Suzuki clenched the basketball in his hand and tried to get away from Miyagi's defense.

However, the next moment, the ball in his hand suddenly disappeared.

Because his spirit was in a trance for a while, he was directly robbed by Miyagi successfully.

The fans in Xiangbei immediately cheered, and they knew that this was their chance to fight back.


I saw a figure suddenly appear in front of the court, it was Ye Chen, who had just shocked everyone.

Ye Chen's figure appeared, and Miyagi felt very happy.

There was no Ye Chen by his side in the first half, and it even made him feel a little bad at playing.

Every time I try to find such an opportunity, it is difficult to do it.

After all, even Rukawa Kaede couldn't get rid of the defense so quickly.

With such a speed and this kind of coordination mode, only Ye Chen can do it.

And at the beginning of the second half, Ye Chen showed such an offensive desire, which made Miyagi even more excited.

This means that in the second half of the game in Xiangbei, they will definitely be able to launch a strong counterattack and completely overtake the score!

"It's coming!"

Miyagi's eyes were quick, and while shouting, he immediately sent out (Qian Wang Zhao) a fast attack.

Ye Chen turned his head and glanced at the trajectory of the basketball.

One step inside the three-point line, directly like a tiger pounce.

His movements are as swift as the wind, but they are also full of strength and graceful posture.

Seeing Ye Chen's movements, everyone in Aihe Academy didn't dare to be careless.

Zhuxing was the fastest, and he took advantage of the gap between Ye Chen's jumps to take the lead in reacting.

His gray sneakers slammed against the floor, making a slight grinding sound.

His eyes were focused and sharp, as if he wanted to see every detail of Ye Chen clearly.

His muscles tensed, exuding a sense of great power.

His body seemed to be stretched by a rubber strip, jumping vertically, reaching out to defend.

His movements are like that of a cheetah ready to pounce, agile and swift.

"There's no way you'll get your way!"

The stars let out a roar from the bottom of their hearts.

He wanted to completely intercept Ye Chen and prove his strength.

At the same time, I hope to stabilize the situation and calm down my teammates through my own efforts.

However, at the moment when he jumped, Ye Chen's operation made him dumbfounded.

His body seemed to turn into a bolt of lightning, flying directly over his head, easily bypassing his arms, as if mocking his defenses.

His mood was like a piece of fabric that had been torn apart, and he couldn't calm down for a while.

Ye Chen's movements were like a flowing picture, slow and fast, as if his body had merged with the basketball.

His maneuvering amazed everyone, and his speed and skill made everyone feel an unprecedented shock.

His body was like a gust of wind, grabbing the basketball in an instant and pushing it towards the basket.

The basketball is like a bombshell in his hands, and he is more like a madman who carries a bag of explosives and bombs the basket.

Then, the whole body power exploded, and the momentum sank into a slam dunk.


Completely blew up the toilet.

This ball seemed to blow up the entire basket.

It's unbelievable!

Suddenly, everyone in the basketball hall was stunned and completely dumbfounded!

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