Mingjuan sees that there is water and drinks it all at once. She drank down her stomach and found that it was white water, which was clear that it was hot pepper water. She could not open her mouth at all, only felt that her mouth was burning.

She immediately understood, Ah Jiao this is to see through her trick, deliberately in her, she covered her mouth, angry said: "you deliberately? Do you dare to abuse me on purpose

"What's your sister talking about? My sister, how dare you beat my sister. My sister asked herself that she was always diligent and timid in Xue's house. She just wanted to do her own thing well and take her sister-in-law to make a living here. But sister also has its own principle, that is, people do not attack me, I do not prisoners! If someone makes trouble on purpose, my sister is not a good persimmon In the face of Mingjuan's repeated troubles, she can't be silent any more.

Mingjuan angrily threw the plate on the ground: "don't think the general can take the opportunity to fly to the branch and become a phoenix after several times of medication. You are a criminal slave. You are not worthy to carry shoes to the general! "

A Jiao disdains to smile: "as far as I know, the elder sister's family is also a slave for generations, not higher than me to where. You worked so hard in Xue Fu, but you didn't want to fly to the branch as you said. In that case, my sister is not qualified to comment on me! "

"You Cough... " Mingjuan couldn't speak.

"Excuse me, sister!" Jiao walked out of the dining room.

Mingjuan this just know that this Jiao is not as easy to deal with as imagined, it seems, she must come to a point. She's hard to deal with. Her stupid sister is a good fit. She wants to see how capable she is.

Jiao walked out of the dining room, just for the joy of the moment, suddenly hit a hard meat wall. She was so scared that she raised her head and found that it was Xue chengkai. How did she find out recently that he was a little ubiquitous. It was by the well last time. This is outside the dining room. It is said that "the gentleman cooks far away, but he never comes here.".

"I have seen the general!" She bent down in a hurry.

"You are so bold. When do I say I want to eat red bean cake?" He just saw what happened to her two.

Jiao quickly knelt down: "general, forgive me! Servants are helpless! Please forgive me She just wanted to punish Mingjuan, but didn't think about the consequences.

Xue chengkai suddenly laughed: "you just did a good job. Why should I punish you! Remember, the next time someone tries to hurt you, fight back like you just did. "

She looked up in surprise, I don't know why he said so.

He realized that what he had just said would attract people's imagination, so he looked away and said, "I just don't want my green bamboo house to be polluted by the intrigues of you women every day. I don't have time to deal with your grievances. You must learn to solve your own problems and difficulties. Only in this way can I be qualified to stay in my green bamboo house. "

Well, as long as he doesn't blame himself for it, he can say whatever he wants.

"Yes She simply responded to him.

He was not satisfied with her answer, so he said, "I want to eat red bean cake!"

"What?" Did she hear right?

"I said, I want to eat red bean cake, now!" He stressed it out loud again.

"Well, I will do it now." She turned and went to the dining room. After a few steps, Xue chengkai was following her.

"General, is there anything else I can tell you?" She asked.


"The general will go to the room to have a rest, and the maid will bring it to you when it is ready."

"No! I'll wait here! " He passed her and went straight into the dining room.

At this time, Mingjuan came out of the dining room and saw Xue chengkai suddenly appear. She was frightened and saluted immediately: "general!"

Xue chengkai didn't even look at her, but said, "you go down!" Then she turned her head to Ah Jiao and said, "don't hurry up! I want to eat red bean cake, you want to starve me to death! "

Ajiao trotted into the kitchen with him, leaving only a stunned face of Mingjuan.

Jiao took out the delicate red beans in the jar, washed them, and put them into the pot to boil them over a small fire. She took out the glutinous rice flour and added water to knead the dough slowly. Soon the dough became slippery. Xue chengkai sat on one side of the cane chair and looked at her making cakes without saying a word. Seeing her busy in front of him, he suddenly felt a sense of serenity, and all those troubles in his heart were swept away.

She took out the red bean paste and kneaded it in the dough. Soon the red bean cake was ready. She took it out of the steamer and put it on the plate. Xue chengkai was really a little hungry, smelling the fragrance, he stood up, reached for a hand and put one into his mouth.

"Hold on!" Gillian quickly stopped, took his hand that piece of red bean cake gently blow blow blow, until the confirmation will not burn mouth, only handed him.

"General, just out of the pot, it's easy to burn your mouth!" She reminded him.

He took the red bean cake in her hand. From this angle, he just looked at her in four eyes. He suddenly felt that the smiling face in front of him was particularly moving, especially the way she worried about herself just now. It's been a long, long time since anyone showed this kind of heartfelt worry about him. His heart was throbbing.

So he said, "it's still very hot. You peel it and feed me!"Although she was very embarrassed at his request, she could not help but obey the master's orders. She gently peeled the cake, blew it, and then handed it to his mouth: "general, it's not hot!"

He took a small mouthful with satisfaction. He felt that the taste was good. He said again, "go on!"

Ah Jiao broke a small piece of blowing and handed it to his mouth. In this way, a piece of red bean cake was quickly finished. He never liked desserts, but this time, he felt that the red bean cake was better than the delicacies he had ever eaten.

The ambiguous interaction between the two in the dining room falls into Mingjuan's eyes. She clenched her fists with hatred. Lian Ajiao is really capable. She can't leave her in Qingzhu house to tempt the general.

She thought she found Mei directly. May is gathering rose petals. Mingjuan went over and laughed at her deliberately: "I'm still trying my best to pick these useless petals. I see, even if you wash it again, the general can't smell it, and I don't want to touch you again!"

Ah Mei turned and glared at each other: "what do you say?"

"I mean, while you're picking flowers, your sister is in the dining room, and she's in love with the general. They've already found a new way to get there." Mingjuan is full of ridicule.

"What you say is true!" Ah Mei asked suspiciously.

"If you don't believe it, you can go and see it now!"

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