She came to the dining room in a hurry, and soon came with a basket of food. While she was setting the plate, she explained to him: "general, the dinner prepared by the dining room for you is cold. These dishes are not delicious when they are hot. I will make you some porridge again. Although it is simple, it is very fresh. Would you like to try it?"

He was so hungry that he was not so particular about it. He took a bowl and ate it with a spoon. He looked up after a bite. A Jiao looks at his expression, do not know is delicious or not delicious.

"General, isn't it delicious?" She asked nervously.

He shook his head and she became more nervous. Unexpectedly, he asked, "what kind of porridge is this? It's a strange taste."

"General Hui, mint lotus seed and osmanthus porridge. Inside the mint lotus seeds and osmanthus are usually picked in the garden, very clean and fresh. Does it taste to your taste? " She just felt that the porridge would help digestion and ease the fatigue of the day, and didn't care if it was right for his picky taste buds.

"Not bad. It's fresher than eating big fish and meat. Do you have any more bowls? " He asked.

"Yes! Would you like another bowl, general She happily took out a bowl.

"Sit down and eat together! You should be hungry, too He pointed to the chair beside him.

"I dare not! You'd better wait on the general to eat first. " How dare she sit with him for dinner.

"If I let you sit, you can sit down. What dare you! Sit down At his command, Gillian could only sit down.

He lowered his head to eat, finished a bowl, and filled it himself. Seeing her sitting there, he filled her bowl again and handed it to her, "you made it. It's not afraid of poison, is it? "

she took the bowl, picked up the spoon, and began to eat. She was really hungry and soon finished eating. He filled her up carefully. She suddenly let go of the tension, the fullness of her stomach let her relax. She felt that eating with this dignified man was not as terrible as she had imagined. She secretly looked at him, he is quietly eating porridge in the bowl, it seems that her porridge is quite to his appetite. She couldn't help feeling satisfied.

When she was staring at him, he suddenly looked at her, and she quickly withdrew her eyes and avoided his eyes. He suddenly put his face in front of her so that she could only gaze at him.

"Will General "

" don't move! " He watched her shaking and shaking to the left and right in a panic, holding her in place.

She was so scared that she couldn't come out. His face was getting closer to her. She felt that the tip of her nose had touched the tip of his nose.

He held his face and looked directly into her eyes. She was so scared that she forgot to breathe. And he suddenly said with a smile: "your eyes are really good-looking, just like Chu Yan's Xinghai lake, I am in your eyes like in the lake, interesting!"

She took a breath. It turned out that he was looking at herself in her eyes. But when he said that, she could see what she was like in his eyes. Like a frightened fawn, it looks funny. She calmed down a little, looked at herself in his eyes, and found it interesting.

Two people so close together, looking for each other's eyes of themselves, the whole room is unusually quiet. But at this time, Xue Cheng Kai's eyes glided, staring at her small mouth which opened slightly for breath. It looked so cute that he couldn't help trying it. He lowered his head and bit her cherry mouth when she was unprepared.

She opened her eyes wide with fear, and she saw the panic stricken self in his eyes. Did he surprise her?

Her head was held by his hands and could not move, but her little hands were fluttering. He didn't care at all.

Just when he was proud of himself, the door was suddenly opened, and Qinglin walked in quickly, "general

Seeing the hot scene in front of him, Qinglin closed his mouth and turned around.

Xue Cheng opened to let go of a Jiao, Jiao blushed, like a rabbit who had just escaped from the hunter's hand, and ran out.

Xue Cheng opened his eyes and watched her run away, but he still had some ideas. He yelled at Qinglin SA Province: "Qinglin, when did you become so reckless and dare to run in?" It's bad for him.

"General atonement, Qinglin did not know that there was someone in the general's room. Qinglin received the urgent notice from his wife and came to tell the general, so he ran in in a hurry Qinglin quickly explained.

"Forget it, you don't do it twice. Come on, what's up? " What's the matter? Her mother sent someone to inform her so late.

"Madame is worshiping Buddha in Taihang Mountain, and a letter comes from the special envoy with a whip." He presented the letter to Xue chengkai.

He opened his mother's letter and read it. It turned out that the mother returned to the house two days later, and with her there was Chu Yan's Princess Chu Jiangxin. At the invitation of her mother, she came to stay in the mansion for some time. His mother specially informed him of this, so that he could clean up the yingyingyanyan around him in advance, so as not to displease the princess.

He looked unhappy after reading the letter. Hum, he threw the letter on the ground. He didn't expect that his mother would really invite the princess into the mansion. It seems that she is really determined to tie the princess with himself.The princess was interested in him and had been paying special attention to him since childhood. He didn't know that. Now to the age of marriage, she also put a heart on her body. However, he had only friendship with the princess. Before that, he would feel uncomfortable if he married her according to his mother's request. After all, he doesn't want to talk about marriage now, let alone to be tied to his marriage.

But he can't help himself. In his mother's plan, the princess is an indispensable part. They are just pawns on the road of revenge. They don't need emotion. To marry her is just the need of the situation. He really doesn't have to care too much. But when he got to this point, he was still reluctant. He hopes to achieve his goal by his own strength, not by sacrificing a woman's marriage or his own marriage. In his heart, he is shameless.

He was upset at the thought. Sent away Qinglin, he sat alone in the study. Just then, a fresh fragrance floated into his nose. He looked at the small sachets on the table, and his confused thoughts suddenly became clear, and his irritable mood settled down. He thought that the sachet could clear his mind every time he needed to be calm. It was amazing. He couldn't help but think of the owners of these sachets. He couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth when he thought of that uncontrollable kiss.

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