Liu Xinlan's face of disbelief and disdain: "in vain, I trusted you three times and four times, but what about you? You can only let me down again and again! Well, Lian Mei, do you really think I'm a fool? "

"It is true, mother! I have no way back, I now take every step must be very careful! So please trust me again and give me some time! Don't you just want the general to give up Lian Ajiao and make her pregnant with other people's children? I think more than you! So I have told her about Gillian's life experience. Although the general has rescued her, but according to her character, she knows so many unbelievable truths, will she continue to be confused and give up? She will ask the general for an answer

"Pa!" As soon as Ah Mei finished, she was slapped in the face again.

Liu Xinlan glared at her more angrily: "wanton! You cunt, you told me about it! I have already promised huan'er, Ah Jiao's life experience in addition to his permission, can never speak to her half a word! But you'd better tell her everything without telling me! If the general's good deeds are broken, you will die a hundred times without regret! "

Ah Mei covers her mouth and looks aggrieved, but she is full of hatred in her heart. This dead old woman has never looked up to her and has not really regarded her as her daughter-in-law. Just use her when you need her, and abandon it when it's useless! But it doesn't matter. As long as you get rid of Lian Ajiao and help Xue chengkai achieve great success, not only Liu Xinlan will look at her with great respect, but Xue chengkai will also see who is the woman he really needs! At that time, her position was supreme, and she would trample the old man under her feet, and let her now be arrogant and wantonly scolding her! She wants to pay back ten times and a hundred times!

"Mother, you are happy and angry," she said with a cry! Listen to me! Tell Lian Ajiao that her life experience must be done, otherwise we can't separate them at all! The general clearly knew that Lian Ajiao was the eldest daughter of the Xue family and was the enemy's woman. Even she was the only one who untied Xueyu and got the surprise soldiers from heaven. However, because he was deeply in love with Lian Ajiao, he even ignored her identity. If it goes on like this, it will even consume all the general's fighting spirit! You can see how great the general has changed these days because of Lian Ajiao! Do you want that star to continue to harm the general?

Liu Xinlan finally calmed down and thought carefully after listening to her words. Her words are reasonable! She is a bit too confused recently, her son won't let her do, she even obedient obedience, which is her Liu Xinlan style!

Mei saw that Liu Xinlan's expression was loose, so she continued: "tell Lian Ajiao, at least it will make them have a rift in their hearts! How can they love each other when they are enemies! Even if the general does not care, even a Jiao will take care of it! What's more, her own parents are still living a miserable life in the mansion. Who do you think she will blame? In this way, even if they love each other again, ye can't break through this barrier! Let her go to mischievous wantonly. When the general can't bear her any more, we will never hinder her in any way! "

Liu Xinlan agreed and nodded: your consciousness is, let me watch its change? Just waiting for them to fall out? What if they don't get there? Then I don't want to wait until their children are born, and then I intervene? "

"Of course not! I mean, instead of fighting with the general, we'd better follow him and let them break up first, and then we'll add fuel to the flames! Maybe we can achieve our goal more easily

Liu Xinlan gave her another look: "if you say it all, you don't know if it's really useful! But this is the only way to do it! But at present, if the wedding is held, she will be the general's wife. In the future, she will have a bad reputation for huan'er. "

Ah Mei was open to her, "my mother has been worried about it. When she arrives, she will be charged with an unwarranted crime. Who knows whether it is true or not! Anyway, if you put all the shit on her head, you can't even talk about the general's head! "

Liu Xinlan listened to it as a way, nodded, and acquiesced to Ah Mei's track, "then I'll trust you again! If I can't see the effect in three days, I'll make you worse than death, and then make another plan! You should pray that your idea will not be in vain

On the other side, Xue Cheng opens to hold Jiao, who wants to be burned, to the room. He puts her down gently, but she doesn't want to leave his body, "hot, hot!" She was in a daze, only to feel a little more comfortable holding him. Close to his skin will make her feel cooler.

"Jiao, you are drugged! Good, you take a bath first Xue Cheng opened in her ear and said, but she couldn't hear at all. She was painfully immersed in the burning sensation.

"Hot, I'm so hot! Don't go! i want you! How cool you are She closed her eyes and tried to grasp him as if he were a big piece of ice!

"Ah Jiao, I don't want your body under such circumstances! What's more, tomorrow is our wedding day! Let's take a shower. Maybe you'll be better! " He held her

he put her down and pressed her on the bed, "then let's marry in advance!" Luo Zhang light dim, two people tightly embrace together, can not cover up the charming.There is a magpie crowing outside the gate, it should not stop chirping. Outside the general's gate, there were long lines of servants. These people are all here to wash and dress up for the two newlyweds.

Originally, according to custom, the two new people should be separated until they enter the bridal chamber. But last night, we all know that general Xue took the nuns to his room. He had been told by Qinglin for a long time. He came to wash and dress up the next morning.

But they all came, but was rejected by the green forest: "you wait first, the general has not yet got up!"

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