Xue chengkai has never seen such a stubborn woman. She would rather suffer to the end. He didn't like her stubbornness, which bothered him. So he said to his mother in displeasure, "what are you still in a daze, and then palm your lips!"

Ah Jiao closed her eyes and waited for mother Li's slap to fight again. And at this time, a tear is not clear, so it flows down. She even shed tears, she knew it was not because of the pain on her face! What is the reason? Is it because of the pain in my heart?

With a slap, Xue Cheng took Chu Jiang Xin's hand and turned away: "let's go!"

Jiao bit her lips tightly and didn't want to let her tears fall again. Finally, Li's mother was tired after the fight. She shook her hands and swearing and left. Jiao collapsed on the ground, tears or can not help but flow. She's driving herself crazy.

I do not know how long, she wanted to get up, but numb feet let her heavy fall. At this time, Mei came.

"I didn't expect my sister to be today! Try your best to drive me away from the general, and you didn't get along for long. You look worse than me. At least now it is Mrs. Liu who offends her. You may not know her means! "Ah Mei said, standing in front of her with a smile.

Ah Jiao really did not expect that it was her sister who fell into the well at this time. She was dizzy and couldn't talk to her too much. She stood up and said, "if my sister thinks of me like that, it's useless for me to say so much! "

as she was about to leave, a Mei stretched out her right foot, and Jiao fell heavily on the ground again, her head was knocked on the big stone beside her, and suddenly her blood flowed.

Mei was scared and said, "I didn't mean to. It was you who were not careful." Then he ran away.

A Jiao just stood up, not far away came a few servants, can not help but pull her away.

"What are you going to do with me?" She doesn't know why.

"By the order of Mrs. Liu, I'll put you in the wood room." One of the servants said coldly.

She gave a wry smile. Well, Chaifang is a relatively more comfortable place.

The next day, Xue Cheng got up and came in to wait on him. It turned out that Qinglin was there to serve him, "how could it be you?"

"Back to the general, Ah Jiao was put into the firewood room. Mrs. Liu's new maid has not been decided yet, so Qinglin comes to serve first." He replied.

Xue Cheng opened not happy: "you a big man, how to understand these, go to call Jiao over quickly, must arrange a new person, go to call Jiao over, I am used to."

"But Madame..." Qinglin is in trouble.

"Not yet!" He said in a loud voice, Qinglin immediately went to the firewood room, and soon, a Jiao was brought over.

She looked down and her clothes were messy and dirty. He frowned and looked at her standing there. He snapped at her, "come here soon!"

A Jiao thought that after this "natural disaster", she would no longer have to wait on him, but who ever thought that she had been called over early in the morning. She did not speak, and obediently went over and dressed him.

She quickly put on his coat. She knelt down and was about to put on his trousers when he suddenly raised her head. He suddenly lost his mind. Her cheeks were more red than they were yesterday. And her forehead was also hit a large piece, blood has coagulated, but not carefully cleaned up, looks shocking. One day, she turned out to be like this.

Thinking that he had hurt her unintentionally, he touched her cheek and asked, "does it hurt?"

She lowered her head. "It doesn't hurt." She was so upset that she forgot to use honorifics, which she did not notice.

Xue chengkai didn't care. This woman has been angry with herself since she came here. How could he not feel it. What happened yesterday was his fault, but he had to do it. That would at least save her life. It was not the first time that his mother killed her close maid. As long as she felt that she was not good and had an intention, she would never be soft hearted.

But yesterday, the three princesses had lightened the punishment. She was fighting with herself. He had never seen a woman who loved to ask for trouble so much. In his view, women only know how to show weakness in order to skillfully protect themselves. But she must be hard to think of a stone, and what good does it do to her to meet others? No, In the end, you'll only get yourself hurt!

"Remember, you asked for it!" He had to make her understand the rules of welfare. There is no right or wrong, only what the master said is right and wrong.

"I know! Please raise your feet, and I will dress you! "She's still kneeling there, just trying to finish what she's doing and get out early. She doesn't want to be here for a moment.

He raised his feet to help her get dressed. After washing, she was ready to go out. He took her and pulled her to the bedside. She just sat up. She stood up.

"What else can I do for you, general! "She looked at the bed nervously and felt that it was just like a tiger's den.

"Yes! That is to sit down immediately! "He ordered, she still stood still," and forgot her identity? Who is the master? "He can only crush her with an identity.

He sat her down on the bed. He picked up the towel in a basin of clean hot water next to him, then lifted her face hard and wiped it gently."Ho "When the warm water touched her cheeks, she could not help but utter a painful voice. She wanted to turn her face around, but his hands were extremely tight.

"Don't move! Bear with the pain for a while It's better than getting worse and rotting.

He cleaned her up, turned around and took out the familiar medicine box. "You are the most vulnerable woman I've ever seen."

Her heart cold hum, this injury is not all thanks to you!

Of course, he knew what she was thinking at this time, but he didn't care. He took out a bottle of Medicine: "no matter how serious the wound on your face is, it's a small matter to me. You girls love beauty. I won't let you leave scars on your face

He fell a little crazy in the palm of his hand, then picked up a clean cloth towel and gently stroked her face. A Jiao originally thought that the back is very painful, but unexpectedly unexpectedly extra cool, will her face hot pain relief many. When he took the medicine, it didn't hurt at all.

"Take this medicine. You can apply it every half an hour. The swelling will subside in one day, and it will be cured in two days." He handed her the medicine. Seeing that she didn't reach out, he just put the medicine into her hand.

"You don't have to accompany me to practice sword. Go to the dining room to prepare breakfast! Two, and the princess will have dinner with me He ordered.

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