She rushed to Mrs. Lin's room. At this time, Mrs. Lin is sitting on the ground meditating. Someone suddenly opened the door and sat up in surprise. But when she saw it was Ajiao, she stood up happily.

"Serf! It's you! It's really you! I thought I was wrong! How did you get in? " She was excited to hold her.

"Hush! madam! I sneaked in! I want to see you Ah Jiao said and closed the door immediately.

Two hands holding hands and sitting down, "nun, you are too brave! Xue chengkai has ordered no one to come in to see me, especially you. You dare to come! I'm fine. You really don't have to worry about me! "

Ah Jiao said: "if I don't see you with my own eyes, I can't rest assured! It's OK. No one knows I'm coming! "

Mrs. Lin suddenly burst into tears. "Ah, if ah Wang is not around, you are just like my daughter. I am so lucky that I can feel the happiness of having a daughter."

Jiao's heart sighs that she is your daughter! But she can't say it now. "Mrs. Lin, I am your daughter. If you treat me so well, you will treat me as your own daughter. In Xue's house, we depend on each other."

Mrs. Lin wiped her tears: "good, I'm so happy to see you!"

"Did they embarrass you?" she asked

"No! I've had a good time! Just came out of the firewood room, I was in poor health. Xue chengkai took good care of me in order to find a doctor! Although he broke all my maids and servants, the new comers were very polite to me and took good care of them. I can see that it was Xue chengkai's order. Moreover, with his people, Liu Xinlan never came again, and I heard that she couldn't come in. "

When Mrs. Lin said this, Ah Jiao knew that, as Qinglin said, Mrs. Lin was taken good care of and safer than before. She didn't need to worry.

At this time, Mrs. Lin asked again, "by the way, I heard from my maid that Xue chengkai wants to marry again? Is it Fan Zhiyi's daughter? "

Ah Jiao nodded, "yes!"

"Do you agree?" Mrs. Lin asked nervously.

"How can I object? I'm not qualified for that! " She said sadly.

Mrs. Lin knew that she was sad and did not want to, so she said: "he is a general, it is difficult to take only one wife. I'm afraid you will be wronged when the new lady comes! After all, compared with her, you have no relatives and no background. I'm afraid you will be bullied! "

Afraid that she was worried about herself, Ah Jiao immediately said, "no! That Miss fan is very kind and looks very kind! It should not be difficult for me! Besides, if I don't fight or rob or interfere with each other, there will be no more trouble! "

Mrs. Lin was still worried, "I'm just afraid, it's not so simple! I can't help you any more! "

Ah Jiao patted him on the shoulder, "madam, don't worry about me! As long as you are here well, I will be satisfied! No matter when, I know I'm here, not someone, and you! And the old general

As soon as Mrs. Lin heard her mention of the old general, she burst into tears again, "I don't know how he is now!"

Ah Jiao doesn't know where the old general is now and how the situation is. But in order to reassure Mrs. Lin, she promised: "don't worry, I'll see the old general as soon as possible! I'll come and see you again when I can! "

Mrs. Lin nodded! Ah, Liu Xinlan, the mother and son, I am more and more suspicious of their conspiracy! In fact, I suspected them for a long time

Jiao asked: "what does madam doubt?"

"I suspect that Xue chengkai is not the general's child at all!" Mrs. Lin said firmly.

"Why does Madame say that?" Although a Jiao knows she guesses right, but still want to ask her how to detect.

”When the old general came back with Liu Xinlan, I found it strange that this woman was not Chu Yan's woman, but southern woman. She was small, delicate and smart! I asked the general. He said it was a friend's sister. Because her friend died in battle, he brought her back. Later they got married, and Liu Xinlan soon became pregnant. I was pregnant, too. I asked the doctor by accident. The doctor said that her child was about a month older than me. But I have such a calculation, at this time, she has not yet arrived at our Xue mansion. Was it the old general who made her pregnant before? But I also inquired from the old general. The general roomed with her after they were married. I was surprised at the time, but then we gave birth together, so I have no doubt! "

Mrs. Lin hesitated and then said, "but later, Xue Cheng became more and more unlike the old general and the old general. Slowly, he and the old general also became very strange. It seemed that he was deliberately alienating the general, and even looked at the general with hatred every time! At that time, I was very strange. I mentioned it to the general, but he only said that the child's character made him cold and aloof. But I don't think so. Later, the general was paralyzed by a stroke and was almost imprisoned. This suspicion was deepened. It's just that I don't dare to speculate for Wang's sake, so I can only live a life with tolerance! Now their mother and son are more and more arrogant, I think their true face will be exposed! "

When Ah Jiao heard this, she didn't want Mrs. Lin involved in the dispute, so she comforted her: "madam, maybe you think too much. Xue chengkai's personality is a little odd, which may be influenced by Liu Xinlan. Madam, just stay here. I'll go and inquire about the old general! "After pacifying Mrs. Lin, Ah Jiao left. She can't stay here long. She went back the same way. She climbed up the wall and was about to jump off, but when her foot slipped, she was about to fall.

At this time, a broad shoulder hugged her, she turned around and found that it was Xue chengkai! He frowned and looked at her displeasantly. She thought it was over.

Xue Cheng held her open and said, "have you eaten the gall of the leopard with bear heart? How dare you jump on such a high wall! You forget that you are pregnant or you want to kill your baby He said angrily.

"I, I don't have that idea! I'm just, she's just looking for a place to go in and out.

"From today on, you can't go out of the room at all!" He ordered.

"No! I'm not a cat or a dog. Why should I be in charge! I want to be free, too She protested!

"Give you freedom and you'll fool around! You don't have the right to say anything to me until you have a baby! " He refused mercilessly.

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