Liu Xinlan looked at him, "this Fan Yu Xin Xin also has to die!"

"Mother, never! Since Fan Zhiyi is dead, I have no choice but to deal with this matter according to your method! But fan Yuxin is Fan Zhiyi's only daughter. I don't want you to hurt her again. Let her live! As long as you get the amulet from her, it's over! No more involvement of innocent people

Liu Xinlan sighed helplessly, "ah! How can my son be so kind! She has made us lose our cord blood

Xue chengkai was surprised that his mother even knew, "did mother know about this?"

"I said, I'm old, but I'm not stupid! This matter, a little check to know the clue! She made us lose our umbilical cord blood. Are you going to let her go? "Liu Xinlan said that in order to stimulate him. She always felt that the grass would not be removed, and the spring breeze was blowing deep! Fan Yuxin still can't be retained.

Xue chengkai had no choice but to say, "shouldn't my mother regret that she lost a grandson?"

"Xinlan is really ridiculous? Where did I get my grandson? I'll never admit that the little girl's child has anything to do with me! What I regret most is the umbilical cord in her belly

Xue chengkai shook his head helplessly, then avoided this topic, "mother, fan Yuxin's matter, leave it to me to deal with! As long as you get the amulet on her, please let her go. How about it? When we get the talisman, we will master the 100000 elite soldiers of Chu Yan. At that time, even if there are no strange soldiers from heaven, we can start an accident! "

Liu Xinlan reminded him: "don't forget that in addition to the 100000 elite soldiers, Chu Jiang Li also trained an army in private, which is still a mystery! We have no idea how many men and how powerful this army is! Once something happens, it's just a shot in the arm. There's no room for turning back! Huan'er, we can't fight an uncertain battle! We have to get it

"I'm sure I can win! It's just going to take some time! " Xue chengkai said.

Liu Xinlan doubts: "isn't fan Yuxin's child killed? Did you drive her out? In my opinion, you simply quit her, and then according to my method, let her immediately pregnant with other men's children! You just don't listen to the advice. If you didn't stop her, you let Xue Da take her body. It would not be so complicated now! "

Liu Xinlan's ultimate goal is to let Xue Cheng open a Jiao. She could not accept using her grandson's umbilical cord blood to unseal Xueyu. After all, it was their blood! That's why she agreed with a Mei's arrangement and killed the child in Ah Jiao's stomach by using fan Yuxin! As long as you let your son wake up, agree to her present proposal, and then let Gillian pregnant, and pregnant with other people's children, and have no relationship with their own son, then this is also a satisfactory solution.

But Xue chengkai refused: "mother, I won't quit her! Don't worry, I'll make her pregnant as soon as possible when she gets well! In fact, I have found a solution. You can get umbilical cord blood without harming the child's life, so that you can hold your grandson successfully

Liu Xinlan was pleased, "are you really saying that?"

"Yes, I learned from kyu Hyun Tzu not long ago! When the umbilical cord blood unsealed the blood jade, it will exhaust the child's Qi and blood in a short time, leading to the child's premature death. When unsealing, as long as you connect the Qi jade with the child, you can replenish qi and blood in a timely manner, and the child will not suffer any damage. " Xue chengkai explained.

This made Liu Xinlan very surprised: "then why didn't you say it earlier! If so, I don't have to, "she didn't have to listen to Amy's plan and indirectly killed her grandson!

"No need what?" Xue Cheng opened doubts.

Of course, Liu Xinlan can't let her son know that she is also involved in this matter, so she changes the topic, "no, I just blame you for not telling me this earlier!"

"Mother, I have just learned about it. Besides, you never like Ah Jiao. I didn't know you cared about this child so much!"

Liu Xinlan sighed: "it's all bad luck! She is the eldest daughter of the Xue family, but you must love her! And let her have your baby! This is a big thing for us! What do you want me to do? After all, this child is the blood of our Lingxi! Now that there is a solution, let her get pregnant as soon as you say! This time, don't go wrong again

Xue Cheng nodded and Liu Xinlan thought of something and asked, "what should fan Yuxin do? She doesn't know her father is dead. If she knew that we killed her father, she would not hate us? How can you willingly give us the talisman? In my opinion, the counter business has come to this point, we will give her hard, force her to hand it over! What do you think? "

Xue chengkai immediately rejected Liu Xinlan's proposal, "never! Mother, don't worry about it. I've already figured out the countermeasures! I will marry her He married her as compensation.

He understood what Fan Zhiyi's death meant to fan Yuxin? As soon as he died, he became an orphan himself, and the fan family should not be able to sustain the loss of Fan Zhiyi and be separated. What's more, Fan Zhiyi has a brother who has been eyeing the family business of the fan family. When Fan Zhiyi dies, he will not occupy the magpie's nest and sweep fan Yuxin out of the door?Fan Zhiyi is already very guilty about his death. If his only daughter is left homeless, his conscience will be even more uneasy. So he made the decision to marry her! He believes that with the marriage of the Xue family and the fan family, even if the news of Fan Zhiyi's death is known to all in the future, at least he can support the fan family, and those gangsters are somewhat afraid. That's all he can make up for!

Liu Xinlan was quite surprised, "did you agree? Do you really want to marry her? "

"A word from a gentleman! Mother, please let her go! I just don't want innocent people involved! " Xue quankai said.

Liu Xinlan was finally persuaded by Xue Cheng, "well, that's OK! If you get married, the fan family and the Xue family will become one, which is also good for us! "

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