"Who are you?" Xue chengkai looked at her drunk shaking small head, suddenly asked.

"Me, who am I?" Jiao pointed to her nose and asked, "are you asking me who I am? You, you're not drunk, are you? Who am I? I'm Lian Ajiao! You really think I'm drunk She pouted and said in doubt.

As soon as she had finished, she immediately said, "no! I'm not Lian Ajiao! Lian Ajiao, already dead! She was the first unfortunate imperial concubine of Chu Yan who died suddenly on the night of her wedding to the emperor! And I, is another person, I am a slave, I have nothing to do with her! Even though people in this family have much speculation about me, some even know that I am. I am even a Jiao, but I still pretend to know nothing. But in my heart, I know, they are laughing at me, arranging me, and I, but I open my eyes to say a lie, and the past of their own complete goodbye! But you, but do you know, I just want to be myself. I like to be Lian Ajiao. Lian Ajiao, who didn't enter Xue's house, didn't know you! "

Jiao took advantage of the wine strength, the heart of such a long time to accumulate dissatisfaction and grievances, all of a brain out. Whether she is Lianmu's daughter, a humble servant, Xue Nanshan's daughter, Xue's eldest daughter, she is only a 20-year-old woman. Why should she accept these changes? Sometimes, she really want to leave all the shackles, just do Lian Jiao, just do her own!

Xue chengkai looked at her small face from anger to sadness, and from sadness to helplessness, and finally fell silent tears. Xue chengkai just wanted to take advantage of her wine strength to tease him. He was in no mood, leaving only faint heartache. He gently took her into his arms, chin gently on her head.

"Stop crying! If you don't want to be a nun, tomorrow, I'll tell you that you are Lian Ajiao. It's me who robbed you from Chu Jiang! You are my woman. No matter you are a Jiao or a nun, you are my woman. Your name is just a title! If you care, I will do as you please! Stop crying, will you? " His tone with care, comfort and discussion, gently soft is very gentle.

Ejiao sobbed, slowly gently came over, "have been a slave for such a long time, how to do it back to even Ajiao! Besides, let's make it clear. Why not face Chu Jiang? He has no face. It's time for you again She said worried.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Xue chengkai listened to her words and suddenly burst into laughter.

"You, what are you laughing at?" Did she say something wrong?

"He has no face. What's the matter with me? I may have been afraid of him before, but now the situation is not stop, Chu Jiang Li, including the whole Chu Yan, no one can threaten me! You can rest assured that you want to be yourself. After the success of our plan to restore our country, you will be my imperial concubine, and you will be the mother of the world in the name of Lian Ajiao! What do you say? " He said fondly.

A Jiao wryly smile, "I know, this is what you want to do most! You are not afraid of anyone now, because you are going to marry fan Yuxin. In this way, you can get another half of the amulet, and the whole Chu Yan will be in your hands, right? "

Xue Cheng frowned, "how do you know this?" He thought for a moment and immediately asked, "what did Xue Nanshan say in front of you again? It seems that I should forbid you to go in and out there! "

Jiao shook her head vigorously, "I know, far more than these! I've been to that hut in the southwest corner

"What?" Xue chengkai immediately looked nervous. He pinched her wrist and asked, "what are you doing there? What do you see? "

"I, I just went there by accident, I saw everything! There, why can fall asleep Fan Zhiyi's body! He's dead! I want to know how he died? " She can't tell the truth about how she knows about it, but she wants to know what the truth is at this time! She didn't believe it. It was Xue chengkai who killed Fan Zhiyi.

Xue chengkai turned away and was silent for a moment. "Since you have seen it, it's OK to tell you! Fan Zhiyi died on the way back. I temporarily put his body in that thatched hut! Fan Yuxin doesn't know about it yet. I hope you don't talk about it. I'll arrange for it later! "

A Jiao sneers, fan Yuxin already knew all this, and mistakenly thought she was the culprit who killed her father. But now, she can't say it, she has the words of suffering! She hated fan Yuxin. She killed her child. Now her father is dead. Is it retribution? She should have been happy and happy! But now she was stuck in her throat and didn't dare to say anything.

Yes, she is soft hearted! It's for someone like fan Yuxin! She knows that all this is a Mei's conspiracy, and fan Yuxin is just a chess piece and will be a victim in the future! She suddenly wanted to help her, which was to help herself. So now she can't say anything! After talking to Xue Cheng, fan Yuxin is likely to die.

So Jiao said, "I can't say anything! I saw it by accident. I didn't care who was lying there or how he died. I just care if you caused his death! I only care what kind of person you areShe looked at Xue chengkai and waited for an answer. Xue chengkai also looked at her, then suddenly lowered his head, "although not my hand, but his death, and I can not get rid of the relationship!"

"What do you mean?" She was anxious to know.

"You don't need to know that! Knowing too much is not good for you! As long as you know, I don't want Fan Zhiyi to die. It can be said that I never wanted to let him die! I feel guilty about his death! I can only do my best to make up for his daughter! But since he is dead, I will take care of the aftermath in time. I can't make any mistakes at this time! " His heart is uneasy, even a Jiao can easily find the place where the body is, it seems that he must be more cautious.

Ah Jiao listened to him, even if he didn't understand, she knew who was the real culprit behind the scenes. In addition to his mother Liu Xinlan, who will there be! Since Fan Zhiyi knows their life experience and has half a amulet to restrict them, Liu Xinlan will never leave this disaster. This is her consistent style.

I don't know why, although he didn't want to say anything to himself, but her heart had no reason to be secretly happy and happy.

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