When Xiaoqing asked, Ah Jiao began to think carefully, "there are some impressions, but I can't remember clearly! Well, if I think about it again, I'll draw it with a pen and paper as soon as I remember it! "

"Good! But it can't be too long. I'm just worried that the maid will no longer be in the mansion any longer, so we'll try our best to find it again! " Xiaoqing is worried about this!

"Don't worry, Xiaoqing, as long as I'm still in this house, if this man's goal is not achieved, he will certainly do it again, and we will always seize his handle."

A Jiao's voice just fell, outside the door came a rush of footsteps, and then a burst of quarrel.

"Presumptuous! I dare to block my way! Get out of my way The owner of this voice is Liu Xinlan.

A bodyguard said, "I'm sorry, old lady. The general is ordered. No one can go in and disturb the lady's purity."

"Pa!" A fierce slap in the face of the guard, the guard immediately stopped speaking.

Liu Xinlan pushed the guard aside, and then pushed the door in. Jiao just wanted to see what happened and happened to meet Liu Xinlan who came in. Ah Jiao was a little surprised. She quickly went to her body and said, "my mother, I'm glad to see you off."

But her voice also declined, a slap in her face, Liu Xinlan almost made the greatest effort to hit her face, Gillian fell to the ground.

"Madame Xiao Qing quickly helped her up and held her nervously. She didn't know why Mrs. Liu suddenly came here and why she slapped his wife as soon as they met.

A Jiao also don't understand, but look at Liu Xinlan's appearance, so angry, should come from bad! In her heart, she could not cry.

She held back, raised her head and asked, "mother, did the serf do something wrong? Why do you do it to the serfs as soon as you meet

Liu Xinlan's eyes widened angrily, "is it wrong to hit you? You do those ugly things, you think huan'er don't say I don't know? You... "

Liu Xinlan also wanted to continue questioning, but looking at the servants standing around, she made a wink. A leading maid took all the people out. Xiaoqing didn't want to go, but Liu Xinlan glared at her, and she had to stand up reluctantly.

Jiao looked at Xiaoqing and told her with her eyes that she was OK. Xiaoqing also can't help but walk out. Only Liu Xinlan and a Jiao are left in the ancestral hall. Jiao looked at Liu Xinlan awkwardly and found that she was also staring at herself.

"Scared? Now you know you're afraid? " Liu Xinlan said fiercely.

Gillian summoned up the courage to reply: "mother, nuns don't know what mother is referring to!"

"Hum! Shameless woman! Still posing in front of me! All the people have left, you can show your true face! Don't think I don't know. Huan'er doesn't want to tell others. It's taking care of his own face. Don't think he's ashamed for you! When you sleep with someone else, do you ever think of his face? Have you ever thought about your face? You've disgraced us all! You slut

Liu Xinlan said more and more angry, raised her hand, saw a slap will fall down again, but Gillian dodged in time, Ajiao retreated to one side, pleaded: "mother, since you know this matter, then you should also know, this matter I will not admit, because I have never done, I have not done anything sorry to the general!"

"Well said! You can cheat my son, but don't cheat me! I have long thought that you and Xue Beiwang have some private affairs. Look at the way you look at each other. If you want to say that you are nothing, I don't believe it! You see, Xue Beiwang just came back, you can't sit still! In this ancestral hall, facing the ancestors of your Xue family, do you even want to be chaste? What a shameless thing Mrs. Liu swears.

Ah Jiao couldn't listen, "mother, please don't hurt people! These are not facts! I will prove my innocence! My ancestors, they can see and know that I am innocent! They will help me to find out those who are making trouble in secret, and let them give me a clean

Mrs. Liu was even more angry when she heard this, "do you mean that someone is deliberately trying to hurt you? You don't recognize me as me, do you? I'm not in the mood to deal with you, you little bitch. I won't joke about my son's reputation! Someone is playing tricks secretly. Will Xue Beiwang come here by himself? Someone hurt you, they took your clothes off? What a liar Mrs. Liu's heart is a hundred do not believe!

"Mother, I'll find out all this! Ask my mother to give me some time! " Ajiao argued.

But Liu Xinlan would never give her another chance, "give you some time? Give you time to unite with Xue Beiwang to deal with us? Do you think I don't know your mind? You Xue's family, originally is a group, those two old men, plus you, will not let our plan so smooth implementation. You don't want to give us huaner to have children three times. You are deliberately blocking us and delaying our major events! Now Xue Beiwang is back, but you are secretly passing the song style, which is to make my huan'er lose face! Tell you, you are wrong! absolutely wrong! As long as I'm here, I won't allow you to sabotage our plans! ""Mother! I... " A Jiao just opened his mouth, "pa" a sound, it is a slap in her face.

"Shut up! Who is the mother of a bitch! You marry my son, I open one eye and close one eye, is also for your belly to be able to conceive the child as soon as possible! Huan'er is fascinated by you and insists on marrying you. I can't help it! He used to spoil you and get used to you, but now it's different! He finally saw your true face! You don't want to use my son! Now that he's locked you up here, he's not going to believe you. You can't expect to continue to deceive him with your lies! "

Although Jiao is sad, she still tries to control her emotions: "even if I stay here for a lifetime, I won't admit what I haven't done!"

Liu Xinlan glared at her nose and said, "hum! Huan'er, he's out on business. It's estimated that he won't come back for a month! Since he doesn't have time to discipline his wife, I will help him and take good care of your shameless woman! I won't let you enjoy happiness in this ancestral hall. From now on, I'll let you know what it's like to live like death

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