After Xue Beiwang left, Ajiao slept for a whole day and night, and finally woke up, but Xiaoqing was scared, "madam, you can sleep too much! You frighten me. It's just fever, but I can't wake up. I think there's something wrong with my diagnosis. "

Jiao struggled to get up: "Xiaoqing, I'm in, in your room?"

"Yes, you have been sleeping in my bed all day and all night!" She touched her head. "Fortunately, the fever is gone. No wonder you look better!"

Ah Jiao frowned and asked, "I, how can I come out? Mrs. Liu, she,,

"don't worry, Mrs. Liu is not in the house and won't come back these days. You can rest assured to live here with me and keep your body well. When she comes back, I'm sending you back secretly! Don't worry. My second childe and I have already found out something about that night, and you won't be locked up in a dark dungeon. "

Jiao doubts, "you and Xue Beiwang, what did you find?"

Xiaoqing can't wait to say: "fan Yuxin did it, she set the bureau!"

"It's her!" Ah Jiao was also very surprised, but soon accepted, "I should have thought of it! But how do you know that? "

So Xiaoqing told Ah Jiao what she knew. After listening, she finally had a look of resentment on her face, "Xiaoqing, thank you for all that you have done for me! Now that I know that she's the one who got in the way, I'll never let her off this time! "

"But madam, now we still can't prove that fan Yuxin did all this!" Xiaoqing said anxiously.

Ah Jiao is calm a lot, "we are thinking about it, there will be a way!"

A Jiao in the care of Xiaoqing quickly recovered, but looking at Liu Xinlan is about to come back, Xiaoqing suddenly found some evidence at this time.

"Madam, I've been following fan Yuxin secretly these days, and I've got some achievements! Fan Yuxin had no acquaintances in her family, but she had several exchanges with a maid. I checked, she is a maid in the laundry room. She doesn't like to talk at ordinary times. She doesn't know her very well. She only knows that she can do things and seldom talks! She didn't have a family. She heard that her family had died in the famine, so she bought herself as a slave and went to Xue's house! "

Xiao Qing stopped talking about this, and Jiao continued to ask, "is there a problem with this maid?"

"Very problematic! She came to Xue's house not long ago. However, she spoke to fan Yuxin several times, and she was so secretive that she didn't want to be seen. I think they must have known each other. In other words, the maid may be the one who sent the censer that night! We might as well take a peek at it and see if you can still remember that maid that night

Jiao then followed Xiaoqing to the washroom secretly, pointing to: "is that squatting woman, do you think it's her?"

Her back to Jiao, Jiao can not see clearly, but from the back, there is a little bit of similarity. At this time, the maid turned around and Gillian saw it clearly. Although she couldn't remember the woman's face at all, she didn't know why. In her heart, the woman in front of her must be the woman who gave her fragrance.

"Is that her? Madame Xiao Qing looks at her expression, and doesn't know what her answer is.

I don't know why she looks so beautiful

"That should be right!" Women's instincts are always accurate, "then we'll meet her in the past."

Said, the small green pulls a Jiao to come to that maidservant in front of, the maidservant is obviously frightened, and then immediately calm nodded, attached body say hello, "good wife! Hello, little green girl

Xiaoqing glared at her, "what's your name?"

The maid respectfully said: "my name is mo smile!"

"Don't laugh? What a nice name Ah Jiao suddenly said with a gentle smile, and then asked, "have we met before? I think we are very familiar!"

Mo Xiao immediately denied: "madam, you are wrong. Mo Xiao is the maid of the washroom. She always faces these clothes and bedding all day. She has no chance to contact with the masters. How can you have the chance to meet your wife! "

" really? I may have been mistaken! Excuse me! Be busy Jiao said and Xiaoqing walked away.

Mo smile at their back, a cold sweat, she was just too nervous, can she see that she is that night to send incense burner maid? Then why didn't she just tear her apart? She thought, it must be because they couldn't recognize her, that's why they left like this.

But her heart is still flustered, how can these two people suddenly come to the washroom? Did you come to her on purpose? There is no one in and out of the washroom. They don't come here for no reason.

As soon as she thought about it, she felt more wrong, so she immediately put down her clothes, looked at no one around, and left in a hurry. She just left, not far behind the rockery appeared two figures, Jiao and Xiaoqing.

"As expected, she has really acted. Who is she going to look for? Is it to find fan Yuxin? " Xiao Qing guessed.Ah Jiao said, "we will know if we go and have a look? Let's go and keep up

Sure enough, Mo Xiao walked to a bamboo forest and stopped. Then he looked around and confirmed that there was no one. Then he whispered, "miss! miss! it's me! Here I am

A Jiao and Xiao Qing looked at each other in the dark. Xiao Qing whispered, "it must be to find fan Yuxin!"

Jiao continued to look at the past, at this time, Mo smile in front of the rockery really out of a pin Ting woman, Xiaoqing fixed her eyes on it, it is not fan Yuxin who can be! Xiao Qingqi stomped her feet, almost startled the people there. Jiao immediately pulled Xiaoqing to squat down.

When fan Yuxin heard some noises, he looked left and right for a few times. He was sure that there was no one. Then he said, "don't laugh. I see the note you secretly left in the corner of the east wall. How can you find me all of a sudden? What's the matter? " Fan Yu asked nervously.

Mo laughs and answers: "Miss, it's really an accident!" She approached fan Yuxin and said in her ear, "today, niannu and Xiaoqing went to the washroom. It seems that they are looking for me!"

"What? They found you? How could it be? Didn't you change your face that day? Is it hard for her to see through it? " Fan Yuxin was also surprised.

"I don't know. They just tried to protect themselves, but they didn't think it was me. But I think since they have found me, they must have begun to doubt me. I don't know how much they know! I'm worried about the safety of the young lady, so I'll take the risk to tell her about it! "

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