This day, Xiaoqing is giving a Mei medicine, only to see a group of people come in, including Qinglin. This is a tall man from this group of people came out, is Xue chengkai!

Xiaoqing is very happy, Ah Jiao is also secretly excited, because these days have not seen this face again, she is missing. She stroked her flat abdomen and gently said to the child in her heart, "son, your father is back! Do you see that? "

She raised her head, looked at him, but the heart is fierce very lost, he also looked at her at the moment, a face of indifference. Jiao's heart wants to say words, suddenly at this moment swallow back in the stomach.

But then, waiting for her would be hopeless. Xue chengkai came into her and held her chin with his hand. He used a lot of strength, with a wild and ironic smile. Jiao began to bear, but he pinched is really heavy, Gillian pain called out, "release the hand, you, you pinch me!"

"I heard you were pregnant?" Xue chengkai suddenly opened his mouth coldly.

Ah Jiao has a trace of joy in her heart. Unexpectedly, he has already known this. He should be very happy. No matter what, he should be happy for the unexpected arrival of the child, isn't he? So she nodded.

"No shame!" A Jiao just wanted to speak, Xue Cheng opened a hand to let go, Jiao looked at him in amazement, Xue Cheng opened a look at her with contempt, and asked, "I ask you, whose wild seed is this child?"

This sentence made Ajiao feel like an abyss, and her tears ran down unconsciously. Before she said anything, Xiaoqing anxiously explained: "general, this child is of course yours. Why are you?"

"shut up! There is no place for you to speak here Xue Cheng stopped with a sharp voice, which scared little green leaf. In her impression, although the general was usually very serious and unsmiling, he was calm and had never been so angry with himself. She felt a kind of dangerous atmosphere, so she held a Jiao's hand tightly.

Jiao felt Xiaoqing's fear. She clenched her hand, looked at her and told her with her eyes that it was OK. Then she stood up tremblingly and walked to Xue chengkai: "this child is yours!"

She said it firmly. She was saying a fact, so she was not afraid of his questioning or even malicious eyes. It can be imagined that her answer did not get his little trust and recognition.

"Mine? Thanks to what you said, we have no roommates for a long time, how can we have children? Besides, aren't you always on guard against me, taking musk in secret? The chance of pregnancy is even less! However, some time ago, you didn't hang out with Xue Beiwang all night in the ancestral hall, but now the child comes at this time. I think this child must be you and his wild seed Xue chengkai approached her and looked at her with the most terrible and ferocious eyes.

He has been away for more than ten days, busy with the military affairs of Yelang kingdom. Although he is busy, he is still worried about the woman who betrayed him. He would like to give himself a few hard mouth, let himself not continue to be led by her nose, be deceived and fooled by her. Things have developed to this stage, he even can not bear to punish him, even can not help thinking of him. Several times, he thought about the future war he was going to fight and the way he would go. He could not help worrying about her, and even thought of accomplishing her and Xue Beiwang. If he wants to fight against Chu Yan and can't avoid a bloodbath after all, he would rather let her and Xue Beiwang leave such a land of right and wrong as soon as possible.

After more than ten days of hard thinking, he seems to have made such a decision. In the face of her betrayal, if he can't hate it, let her go! He kept on coming back, but just after entering the house, he knew that she was pregnant and had just been pregnant. The talkative people talked about the rumors, saying that according to the time, the child could not have been opened by him in Xuecheng. There is no airtight wall in this world. On the night of the ancestral hall last time, he told all the people in the know not to speak up, in order to give her some faces, but also to give her some faces.

But who ever thought that in Xue's mansion, this scandal seems to have been well known, and he felt that everyone was laughing at himself behind his back. Especially now, Ah Jiao is pregnant at this time, which makes people think of pianpianpian. He recalled that he had been unhappy with her these days and had no chance to share a room with her. After that, she left for more than ten days. And she was pregnant at this time. He couldn't help doubting who the father of the child was!

His reason was gone at that moment! He went to him like a madman, and was told that she had been put into the dungeon, ordered by her mother, Liu Xinlan. Without much thought, he came to the dungeon at once. See her that moment, full of grievances and anger let him have no way to calm down and rational down, blurting out is hurtful words.

He didn't have time to think about it and distinguish it. He was always out of control when he met her.

A Jiao heard him say that the child is her and Xue Beiwang's wild seed at that moment, I don't know where the courage and impulse, she even fiercely slapped him in the face. That slap, hit particularly hard, Xue Cheng was caught off guard, waiting for him to react, the hot pain on the cheek.

"You He looked at her angrily, "Lian Ajiao, who gives you courage! Do you really think I can't part with you? You're a dirty woman that someone else has slept with, and you're pregnant with another man's son! You think I'll be as crazy for you as I used to be! "At this time, Gillian was so sad that she could not extricate herself. She held back the emotion that she was about to collapse. She felt that the whole blood was expanding, as if it was about to explode. She bit her lips, and her abdomen began to ache. Slowly, the abdominal pain more and more, she pressed, but can not alleviate the pain. She couldn't speak in pain.

Xue Cheng opened his mouth and said, "what? Nothing to say? Default? "

In the face of his aggressiveness, Ah Jiao endured the pain and said in anger: "yes! I have nothing to say. I recognize everything you say Because she talked too hard, she felt more pain in her lower abdomen, and she wanted to lie on the ground. This kind of pain is familiar, she thought of the first time she lost her child busy, but also painful. She was so scared that she was sweating. She wanted to keep the child, which was her only thought at the moment.

So she continued patiently, "I'm a dirty woman you don't want, but you don't want this child, do you?"? No matter who the child is, you need him, don't you? So, help him! Help, help my child The more she spoke, the less she heard, and then she fainted.

Xiaoqing can no longer sit and watch. She lifts up the comatose Ah Jiao and says to Xue chengkai: "general! Ma'am, she passed out! It's time to save her first! You don't know. She just came back from Yama. You can see that she is full of injuries. Anyway, save her first! I beg you, general

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