Liu Xinlan sneered: "hum, your daughter? She's not as big as you! But it's a good death! "

A Jiao only felt a stream of blood gushing into her brain. She was suffocating. She thought her ears must have heard wrong. She asked, "what do you mean by that? What, what a well deserved death, who are you talking about

"Your short-lived daughter, of course, didn't escape and survive like you, which can't blame us!" Liu Xinlan's eyes are vicious!

"My daughter! My daughter, she's dead? How can this be possible? It's obviously protected by Qi jade. You say you can keep her life. Why?! Why are you lying to me! You just want to cheat me to give birth to her, but you don't really want to save her! " Jiao's whole body is paralyzed on the ground, sobbing.

Xue chengkai stood up and raised her: "I didn't want to let her die! It's just that I didn't expect that even Qi Yu could not save her life! I'm sorry He just wanted to hold her and comfort her.

You can push away immediately! Don't touch me. You demons! Isn't she your child? Even if I am the daughter of your enemy, but this child is innocent! She has given you umbilical cord blood. Why don't you just save her? Why? For! "

Words have not finished, Jiao suddenly fainted in the past. Xue chengkai immediately picked her up and put her on the bed, "Xiaoqing, please show your wife a look!"

Xiaoqing immediately went forward to check his pulse. Soon, Xiaoqing said, "general, madam, she was just in a hurry. In addition, she didn't come back from the birth of the baby. Of course, she fainted." She said she took out a pill to a Jiao, "I gave her a stable drug, so that she can have a good sleep!"

Xue chengkai looked at the faint past, wrinkled face, hang full of tears of Ah Jiao, heart is very distressed, he nodded, and then motioned all the people to leave. After everyone left, Xue Cheng opened his mouth and asked, "child, is the child really dead?"

Liu Xinlan sighed: "ah, don't say that my mother is cruel. I try my best to protect her with Qi jade. However, the child's life is not good, and the blood jade is like a blood sucking Warcraft. The child's blood dries up and dies, and Qiyu can't recover at all!"

Xue chengkai approached, seriously asked: "mother, this child, is really not there?"

Liu Xinlan glared angrily, "don't you believe me? The child is dead, of course! If alive, why should I say she's dead? Did you hide her? The corpse has been seen by all of us. It has been buried in the earth for a long time. No matter how she said, she was my grandson. Could I kill her on purpose? You asked me to keep it. I tried my best. The Qi jade didn't work. Do you want to blame me? "

"I, child, don't mean that!" Xuecheng happy feeling also sad to the extreme, fortunately a Jiao fainted in the past, otherwise at the moment. How should he face her? He just knew that the child had not been saved! He promised her, but it didn't come true in the end!

He sighed helplessly and looked at Ah Jiao who was sleeping on the bed. "I owe her more and more!"

Liu Xinlan said unhappily, "huan'er, let go! Now, do you think she will stay with you sincerely and be your wife? Not to mention that you are now a sinner pursued by Chu Jiang Li, even if you restore Lingxi to be the king in the future, she will not stay at your side to be a good princess! "

Xue chengkai didn't speak. Liu Xinlan then said, "seeing that Xue's house is going to fall down, she has no family, and now she has no children, who will she hate? She will only hate you! That kind of hatred, just like our hatred of Chu Jiang Li and Xue Nanshan! Do you think your love is worth the hate? "

Liu Xinlan looked at her son's locked eyebrows, snickered, and then spared no effort to persuade him: "think again, this war is on the verge of breaking out right now. She stays by your side, even if it's not a disaster, it's also dangerous for her! What if we fail? Xue chengkai then raised her head: "mother, you don't have to say anything more! I know what to do! "

"Do you really know what to do?" Liu Xinlan is skeptical.

"Huan'er knows how to behave! Mother, don't worry. When she wakes up, I'll take care of our affairs. "

All day and night, a Jiao because of eating Xiaoqing's valium pills, sleep particularly ripe, Xue chengkai with injuries, all night in front of her bed. You are worried, general. Take a rest! I haven't been able to untie the poison on you. It's not clear. The general should not take it lightly. "

Although Xue chengkai did not have obvious poisoning symptoms at this time, his face was livid, and his muscles were also somewhat stiff. Xiaoqing was worried about the unknown poison. If he did not take the right medicine in time, if the toxicity occurred, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But Xue chengkai didn't care at all, "I'm fine! Xiao Qing, go and help me prepare my brush, ink, paper and inkstone! "

Xiao Qing immediately went to prepare. Xue Cheng came and sat there, waving his brush for a while. He seemed to be writing something important. His whole face was gloomy. Xiao Qing thought in her heart, is Miss Liu really dead as Mrs. Liu said? Miss Ming's body is not her. Do you want to tell the general about these doubts? Tell ma'am?At this time, Ajiao wakes up. As soon as she opens her eyes, she sees Xue Cheng open her back and looks at herself coldly. Jiao immediately sat up and looked at him in horror.

"Don't look at me like that!" Xue Cheng orders to open the road.

Ah Jiao sneered: "how should I look at you? Begging? If I could get my daughter's life back, I would kneel down in front of you and beg you, but I know it's impossible! You killed her and got what you wanted. You should have done it? "

Xue chengkai said: "I have to thank your mother and daughter, because of her umbilical cord blood, I untied the blood jade, now I can mobilize 200000 days to send strange soldiers at any time! As long as you have this army, it's easy to step down the imperial palace of Chu River and you Chu Yan. "


at this time, two men in black came into the door. Xue chengkai asked, "how are things going?"

"General Hui, Chu Jiang left and washed Xue's house with blood. After their men left, we set fire to Xue's house in accordance with your orders!"

Jiao heard this, the whole person collapsed on the bed, "blood washing, that is to say, all the people in Xue's house are dead?"

"Chu River from doing such a thing is naturally familiar with the road!" Xue chengkai said.

"Why are you not? You knew that Chu Jiangli was going to attack Xue's house! Why don't you save them? Let's see all the hands of Xuejiang's house fall off on time! Why is your heart so hard hearted Ah Jiao was weeping. She didn't dare to think of such a bloody scene. Mrs. Lin, general Xue, but her own parents, ah, she had not really called them father and mother, but now they have to be separated by Yin and Yang!

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