"Why did you lie to me! You didn't take the antidote Xue chengkai asked.

"If you die, I can't live. Anyway, I can think of another way." Jiao said weakly.

Xiao Qing murmured in one side, "what other way, only get the mother's blood bat, otherwise what method is useless!"

Xue chengkai suddenly stood up: "Xiaoqing, take care of her!"

He came to the door and said to the soldiers, "brothers, wash poison fairy valley with me, not only to get poisonous bats, but also to sacrifice our dead brothers with the blood of these poisons!"

Xue Cheng opened a call and Bai Ying, he went back to the room again, said to Jiao on the bed: "you will be OK! I'm going to get it back! Before that, you have a way to keep yourself alive, right? "

Jiao nodded and Xue Cheng turned to leave. Liu Xinlan held him, "huan'er, are you crazy? Are you going to risk for this woman? Your poison has just been solved. You forget how you got poisoned? Did you forget how your three thousand soldiers were completely destroyed? Are you going to do it again now? I won't let you go

Xue chengkai firmly said, "I must go! My life was saved! What's more, you poisoned her. I have to get it. You can't stop me! " With that, he walked away.

Xue chengkai said that the team left with a mighty force. Liu Xinlan, with a look of hate for iron and steel, left angrily. Gillian weak lying on the bed, worried about whether Xuecheng open this dangerous.

Xiaoqing comforted him: "don't worry! Since you can lead him alone, he can wash the poison fairy Valley for you

After listening to this, Ah Jiao can only pray for her silently in her heart, hoping that this time there will be no danger.

Two days later, Xuecheng opened a new banner to conquer the whole poison fairy Valley and stirred up the poison cave where Chu River had been planning for many years. He brought back the poisonous bat to do the medicine, let Xiaoqing boil it quickly and make it into a Jiao to take it. Ah Jiao's poison from the bat was solved.

On that day, Xue Cheng opened a marriage to self-suffice a Jiao to take medicine. Jiao did not refuse, but when his hand reached out, she saw a strange mark. She looked at him in surprise.

Xue Cheng opened puzzled, "how can you look at me like this? What happened to me? "

"You, you are the man in black that night!" Jiao said firmly.

"What, what man in black?" Xue Cheng asked.

"That night, you helped me drive away the wolves!" Ah Jiao took his hand and said, "you see, this is the trace of the wolf's bite. I wrapped it up for you, so I remember it clearly. It's a crescent shape! It was you that night, right? " Ah Jiao can be sure that it is him. It can't be wrong.

Xue chengkai pulled back his hand, "what if it was me? Do I want to see you eaten by wolves

"Are you a good man in the mouth of Qingmiao Gang?" Gillian was surprised that he had been helping these children.

Xiao Qing on one side said with a smile, "you don't know. Our general's help is not just a Qingmiao Gang! In Chuyan, there are more poor people like Qingmiao gang. As long as the general knows about it, he will send relief items regularly. In recent years, in addition to spending on the military camp, it is probably spent on the relief of these people. "

Ah Jiao was very surprised. These were the common people of Chuyan. Even if he was a Lingxi person, he didn't need to spend all his energy and money on these people. What's more, the more miserable the people of Chu Yan were, the more indignant they were. This was also a good thing for him. She was more and more confused about who he was and what he wanted to be.

"Do you really want to help them?" Jiao asked.

Xue Cheng opened up and said, "what do you think?"

"I don't know! Why do you want to help Chu Yan's people? Don't you hate us Jiao asked.

Xuecheng opened not to speak, said to Xiaoqing: "take good care of her! I'm leaving for a few days! Don't let her make trouble again Then he left.

"I make trouble?" Ah Jiao was angry when he said that, but he didn't go back. Ah Jiao asked Xiaoqing, "Xiaoqing, listen to what he said and say that I make trouble, I didn't do anything, and the disaster also comes from heaven!"

Xiao Qing covered her mouth and laughed: "how do I see you both want to quarrel with each other?"

"No way! We are enemies! It's the enemy Jiao stressed.

"But I have never seen myself sacrifice myself to save the enemy of the other party!" Xiao Qing made fun of it.

They were talking and laughing when another unexpected guest came outside the door. It turned out that fan Yuxin, who had not been seen for a long time.

"It's you!" Xiaoqing was surprised.

"It's me! Why, look at your expressions, you don't want to see me? " Fan said.

"Of course Xiaoqing said rudely, "what do you want to do here?"

"I dare not be a lady! I am now what Fan family's daughter, but compared to the daughter, I prefer to be my female general! Fight with brother ah Huan She said triumphantly.

"I know you're very powerful now. You don't need to show off in front of us!" Xiaoqing disdains to say."Xiaoqing seems to have a big prejudice against me, but it doesn't matter. I only care about what brother ah Huan thinks of me! I am now his right hand, I only obey his orders, how you treat me, I don't care! I'm not here to show you anything. It's just that brother ah Huan said that Qinglin is not here. Let me protect your safety. "

Xiaoqing laughed: "it's ridiculous, let you protect our safety? Don't you want our wife to die? What you've done that you think we'll forget so soon? "

"I didn't do those things right. I won't ask you to forgive me! However, people do not for themselves, heaven and earth kill, I just want to have a good home! But now it's not the same. This is in the barracks. I'm a female general. I don't have to deal with you two women with despicable means. The real contest is in our ability. I'm not Mei. I can only play tricks that I despise. General has my help, I will help him, what he wants to do, I will fight with him side by side! No matter it's success or death, only I can accompany him! Therefore, he always knows who should stay with him most! Since he asked me to protect you, I will not slack off! You can rest assured Fan Yuxin said a lot, but he was still showing off his different days.

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