"Yes! In fact, you don't have to worry too much. I've been practicing medicine for so many years, but I've been bleeding for three days, and I rarely survive! This life can not be saved. If you are good for me, never let anyone know that the blood comes from my heart! You just have to be at ease; stay with him, you have martial arts, and have children for him. You are the one who should stay with him! Do you understand what I say? " Jiao asked sincerely and said her decision.

Fan Yuxin was just ready to speak, Ah Jiao turned and left, "follow me to get blood! At this time of the day, just come and take blood

A Jiao left, fan Yuxin's surprised face immediately changed into a proud smile, a sense of satisfaction expected. She had just put on a painstaking plan. She had no idea that she would be cheated so easily. She's not as tough as she thought. Thanks to her quick wit, she came up with such a good way to kill two birds with one stone. She knows how much Gillian loves Xue chengkai and how impossible it is between them. He can also feel his personality very clearly. As long as she knows that she is already Xue chengkai's person, she will be sad. If she knows that she has a child, it will be even more disheartened, and die of this heart! Since she wants to sacrifice, she will sacrifice herself and fulfill them!

She said she wanted to sacrifice, so insisting on it was just to make the play more realistic. She just wants to gamble to see if Gillian will make a choice like she thinks! Sure enough, she chose to use her own heart and blood to complete her and Xue chengkai, then how could she fail her kindness!

She came to the door of Gillian's room, only heard a shallow groan coming from inside. She saw Ah Jiao really stabbed her chest with a dagger, and then the blood slowly slid into the bowl along the exposed skin of her chest until it was full. Gillian pressed her chest to stop bleeding for herself.

Fan Yuxin walked in at this time and deliberately said with hypocrisy: "if you can't stand it, stop, use my blood! I'm a martial arts practitioner. I can stand the pain better than you! "

Ah Jiao endured the pain, "although I'm not a martial arts practitioner, my body naturally can't compare with you, but I'm a doctor. I know that the knife goes into my chest a little bit, and I won't die, and I can get enough blood! Take this bowl of blood quickly! I need to stop bleeding! I don't want to bleed to death now! "

Fan Yuxin stopped talking and took away the bowl of blood. As soon as she left, Gillian collapsed on the bed. She sprinkled Sanqi powder to cure the blood, and then took out a pill to strengthen the foundation and strengthen the yuan. She had to keep her life for three days! Three days later, when he wakes up, it's all worth it!

In this way, fan Yuxin took the blood twice. On the third day, a Jiao offered the third bowl of blood, and directly collapsed on the bed. Fan Yuxin looks at the comatose Ah Jiao, holding hands in front of her nose to test, the breath is very weak, she picked up her hand, pulse is very chaotic, it seems that really can not live for long. Fan Yuxin felt relieved and walked out.

Fan Yuxin takes the third bowl of blood and naturally knows that this is the most important bowl. At this time, she should not hide and hide, but deliberately attract the attention of Xiaoqing. When she took the bowl of blood to Xue Cheng's room, as she had done two days before, she held the bowl close to Xueyu. Blood jade just like magic, directly suck the bowl of blood quickly clean.

At this time, fan Yuxin deliberately fell to the ground and fainted, and the bowl broke to the ground with a bang. Xiao Qing came forward and helped her up.

"Fan Yuxin! Fan Yuxin, what's the matter with you? "

At this time, Qinglin and the clan leader also came in, and saw Xue chengkai on the bed slowly recovered his blood color, and the blood jade was no longer glowing as if he had drunk enough blood. The patriarch naturally knew what had happened, so he said to Qinglin, "hurry up, quickly take the blood jade from the general!"

Qinglin did not dare to hesitate, and immediately took the blood jade from Xue chengkai. Strange to say, the blood jade, which could not be taken off in any case before, was taken down at this time.

The patriarch said: "it seems that the general's regurgitation has been lifted, the general's blood gas has been restored, the blood jade has been fed and drunk enough, so it will not be strange again!"

Qinglin doubts, "the patriarch means that someone has fed it with his own blood?"

The patriarch looked at fan Yuxin who was unconscious on the ground and felt for her. Soon, the patriarch said, "it seems that this female general saved the general with her own efforts! I think her pulse is very weak, pale, should be caused by excessive blood loss! Fortunately, this female general is a martial arts practitioner. She is strong and strong enough to survive these three days! "

Everyone was very surprised. She learned how to save the general from Qinglin, but she didn't dare to make a statement. She was worried that once a Jiao knew about it, she would definitely save the general with her own blood! It's just unexpected that fan Yuxin knew it and sacrificed himself to save the general.

"Xiaoqing, you should help general fan go to the room to have a rest and make a good diagnosis and treatment for her. She can't do anything! Or I can't tell the general! " Qinglin said nervously.

Although Xiaoqing still has doubts, Fan Yu's heart is still in a daze, even in danger of life. She does not dare to delay.

Qinglin looked at Xue chengkai on the bed and asked the patriarch, "patriarch, why is the general still unconscious?"

"Don't worry, green forest guard. The general just got his blood and needs to be integrated with his body. When he adjusts himself, he will wake up! Let's not disturb the general, he should wake up tomorrowQinglin listened and asked everyone to step down, hoping that the general would wake up quickly.

On the other side, Ajiao also wakes up. She can't imagine that her pills can work at this time and even save her life. However, she knows that she can't live. After tonight, she will have a blood bat poison attack. At that time, she will still die. She died, in fact, can solve a lot of things, she and Xue chengkai between the resentment actually do not have to worry about, he also has a woman who loves him, to help him achieve great success! What she couldn't let go was actually her parents, who promised that they would live. It seemed that she would betray her promise.

Seeing that it was late, she still had some concerns in her heart, so she forced herself to stand up and walked towards the door. Unconsciously, she came to the door opened by Xue Cheng. At this time, he should not wake up, she estimated to get tomorrow. Well, now that she goes in and looks at him, it's like a last look at him!

She slowly opened the door and went in. Sure enough, Xue chengkai didn't wake up. Ah Jiao quietly came to his bed and sat down.

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