Xue Cheng frowned and his chest rose slightly. Obviously, he was angry by the people below. He was more angry when he saw the people standing there.

"Since I am the king of Lingxi, the whole people of Lingxi are my people. How can I abandon them! Now that Lingxi has just stabilized, you let me do such a despicable thing. What do you mean, Lord Zhou

"The emperor, the wishes of the old minister are all for the sake of Lingxi. Those people are just Chu Yan's people. Why did Lingxi have to work hard? Besides, since ancient times, plague has not been cured successfully. Emperor, you should understand my painstaking efforts."

Lord Zhou knelt on the ground, crying about his grievances, but let Xue chengkai's face become more ugly.

In Xue chengkai's heart, those ordinary people are just ordinary people, whether they are Chu Yan's or Lingxi's people. For now, he is all from his country. How can he watch them die? What's more, it's only three months before the recovery of Chu Yan. More time is needed to prove that he won't be a tyrant like Chu Jiangli We must be a wise king and give them a good life

If he really burns the city, burning those who are infected or not, the plague will disappear, but what the people think, everything he does will be in vain, so this is absolutely impossible!

"Mr. Zheng, I'll send the medical staff of Tai hospital to follow, distribute medicinal materials and food, and try our best to ensure the safety and survival of the people!"

"I'll take your orders!"

Lord Zheng knelt down on the ground excitedly with a little hoarseness in his voice. He was the Minister of Chu Yan, and he was obedient to Lingxi, just to make the people in his territory live a stable life. Lord Zhou was from Lingxi and looked down on himself. His heart was very clear, so he was very careful.

However, the plague in Pixian County was so serious that he had no choice but to turn to Xue chengkai. Unexpectedly, he did not abandon the common people of Chu Yan.

This matter was also discussed in the court, but another thing exploded again.

That's about Xuecheng's opening the harem

Now, after his return to the palace, he has not been able to leave a few people for the empress.

However, Xue chengkai now hears fan Yuxin's name and wishes to kill her. She is also the murderer who indirectly killed Ah Jiao. If it was not her lie and her deception, how could he treat Ah Jiao like this.

As soon as this matter was put forward, it was rejected by him. In this life, even if Lingxi was really destroyed, he would not marry any woman again. Besides, he had a daughter!

Last time after Gillian died, he had doubts in his heart, secretly sent people to look for clues on the day of Ejiao's birth. Although Liu Xinlan did a good job, he still found a trace of it!

On the day of Ejiao's birth, Xiaoqing also said that the baby he held had obvious congenital diseases, and his body was flushed. It didn't look like being sucked to death. He started with the dead baby.

Sure enough, God did what he wanted. He found traces of the evening and thought that he would be able to see his children in a few days. His mood became very complicated.

"Ah Jiao, if you still exist in the world, you will be very happy if you know that our evening is fine!"

He thought silently in his heart, sitting in the pavilion a cup of wine, looked very lonely.

Standing not far away, Xiaoqing and Qinglin look at each other, can see the heartache in each other's eyes


At this time, a Jiao is giving the dog drugs, but each time the effect is not very good, the village people infected with the plague also a few more, which makes her heart more anxious.

Aunt Gu almost lived in a Jiao's home. After all, Jiao is a pregnant woman. She can help her cook and research antidotes.

"Auntie, I'll go to the mountain to collect some herbs. The situation here is stable. Don't worry about it!"

"Ah Jiao, it's going to rain now. You'd better go tomorrow. I'm worried..."

Seeing more and more black clouds gathering in the sky, aunt Gu couldn't help but say with worry.

Jiao shakes her head. All the herbs in the house have been used up. If you don't pick some, you can't fry the dog's medicine in the evening, let alone those people's medicine in the village.

She put her medicine basket on her back and walked up the mountain with a stick in her other hand.

After walking on the mountain for nearly an hour, she also had a lot of herbs in her medicine basket. She stood up slowly, wiped the sweat on her forehead and looked up at the sky.

Now the sky is very dark under the pressure of black clouds. Seeing the rainstorm coming, she frowned slightly and continued to walk up the mountain.

She could not go home now, so she remembered that there was a cave not far from the mountain, which could at least be used for shelter from the rain.Not a few steps, the storm came as scheduled, hit a Jiao's body, she can't help but hit a shiver, the pace is faster, soon saw the cave where.

When she entered the cave, she just wanted to put down the medicine basket, but she felt something stepped on her feet. She screamed all over her body. She turned around and saw a person fall in the cave, looking like she was injured.

She used the fire fold to light the fire, only to see that Chu fell on the ground of the man's lips blue, obviously poisoned, regardless of what men and women give or receive, directly grasp his hand pulse.

This is the snake venom, fortunately, not long ago, and also took some antidotes, Ah Jiao looked at him and saw a black spot on his ankle with two tooth marks on it.

A Jiao in the medicine basket, found a few herbs put into the mouth, chewing, installed in the person's ankle, with his clothes to bind him.

The rainstorm came and went quickly. After about half an hour, the rainstorm gradually became smaller. The man lying on his body also made some sound.

"Are you awake? How are you feeling? "

"You saved me? Thank you I'm fine! "

He sat up slowly. He felt his pulse and breathed out a breath. He looked at Ah Jiao again and said with a smile, "thank you very much. If you didn't meet a girl, I don't know what it would be like!"

"Don't thank me. You've taken the antidote pill. I'm just clearing the residual poison for you. If you don't meet me, you'll be OK!"

Jiao waved her hand with a smile and looked at the day outside gradually clearing up. She got up and put on the medicine basket to leave. There are still people at home who need medicine to save their lives!

"Wait a minute, miss. I want to know if there is a woman doctor named Wan Wan Wan around here..."

The man also stood up with the support of the wall and took two quick steps forward. He seemed to be asking anxiously.

Jiao turned around in doubt. Her name was evening. It seemed that only the people in the village knew who this person was and why he could know his name.

Looking at him, she didn't seem to be a bad man. Jiao then laughed and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter with you looking for the night? She doesn't seem to know you... "

"Oh, I'm offended. Zheng Fanyi is a doctor in Pixian County. I heard that there was a night girl here who was proficient in medical skills and wanted to find her to help people with the plague..."

Zheng Fanyi looks at Ah Jiao Fu's body. He seems to have guessed the identity of Ah Jiao. She looks very respectful. She bit her lips and is in a dilemma. At last, she shakes her head and says with apology, "I'm sorry, Mr. Zheng, I'm weak at night. There are also several infected people in the village, but I can't cure them later..."

"No, no, evening girl, you have to believe that I, the emperor also sent a great doctor. We all have our own opinions, and we will soon find a cure for the plague. Do you really want to watch them die one by one?"

Zheng Fanyi is not satisfied with her voice.

She carried her medicine basket on her back and blessed him. She said coldly, "I'm just an ordinary person. I'll try my best to save people. I'm sorry, Mr. Zheng. The villagers in the village need me. I won't leave with you!"

With that, he left here in the evening. Zheng Fanyi also had some helplessness to hang down his hand.

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