At this time, Xue chengkai suddenly said, "this is Huihuan peak. If I remember correctly, there should be a lake below. If so, she may not die! "

Xue Beiwang also thought: "there is a lake indeed!"

Chu River heart immediately said: "can fall so high, even if there is a lake also may not be able to survive?"

Xue chengkai firmly said: "then live to see people and death to see corpses!"

"But, how can I get down so high?" Chu Jiangxin also said that she could not let him go down to save her.

Xue chengkai thought for a moment and said to Xue Beiwang, "you take good care of the princess here. I will find a way! If I haven't come up in the afternoon, don't delay here. There is a post station ahead. It will be safer for you to wait for me there. "

"No, I want to be with brother Xue!" Chu Jiangxin is not willing to make such an arrangement.

"Obedient, you are the princess of Chu Yan. You must not miss anything! I'll leave it to you! " Then he began to look for the way to the bottom of the cliff.

Chu Jiang stamped his feet, but there was nothing he could do to keep him.

After a while, xuechengkai found a small path. It seemed that people often walked, and it was very wet. There were some water plants missing on the ground.

It seems that this is the path to the bottom of the cliff. He walked along the path for two hours and got to the bottom of the lake. He looked for her figure carefully.

At this time, a cape by the lake attracted his attention. Isn't it the princess's cape? Ah Jiao was wearing when she jumped off the cliff? Excited, he continued to move forward. After a while, he saw a Jiao who fainted by the lake. Beside her was the man in black.

He ran over and touched her breath. Fortunately, she was still alive, but there were traces of resin scratches on her body and forehead. The man next to him had been killed when he hit his head on a big rock on the lake.

She's really lucky.

He picked her up and shook a few times: "wake up, Lian Ajiao, wake up quickly!"

Jiao did not respond.

He knew that she didn't know the nature of water. Did he choke on the water when she fell down? If so, he must take the necessary mistake to save her life!

He kisses her and blows into her mouth. Both hands pressed her chest. This is taught by experienced veterans on the march to save people from drowning. He can only try now.

He blew for a long time, his hands kept pressing. At this time, she suddenly frowned, constantly spit water out, Xue chengkai patted her back constantly for her.

When she wakes up, she finds that Xuecheng is looking at herself with a worried face.

"Are you awake at last?" He asked her.

"General, why are you here? I'm not... " Didn't she fall into the bottom of the cliff with the man in black?

"Yama said you should not die, let me take you back!" He said.

Gillian knew that it was he who had come to save her again, and a warm current burst into her heart.

"What's the matter with you? Can you stand up? " He held her, she just wanted to stand up, but found that her feet hurt so much that she couldn't stand up.

"It hurts

Xue Cheng opened to touch her ankle and said, "is it here? It seems to be a fracture. If you fall down from such a high place, it's only a fracture that counts your life! "

He quickly found two pieces of wood, clamped her ankle, and pulled a piece of cloth from his body, wrapped her ankle, "your feet can't move around any more!"

He saw that it was getting dark. He picked her up and said, "we have to get on it quickly." Then he looked for the path again. But he looked back and forth several times, but he did not find the shadow of the path.

"Strange, there was a path when I came." Why is there only long grass left now.

It suddenly occurred to him that there lived a mysterious stockade near Huihuan cliff, where the people were indifferent to the world, and almost never dealt with outsiders or appeared. They cherish their own water source very much and hide their water source with the organ. In this way, it must be their water source, and the traces of water along the way should be left by them when they carry water. The road he found during the day was the path where they used the water. At night, in order to prevent anyone from discovering it, they hid the road use mechanism.

So he had to wait until they came back to get water. It's getting dark, and they'll have to stay here for one night. What's more, her legs really need rest.

He put her down and let her sit on the grass. "We'll stay here one night tonight, and we'll find a way to get up tomorrow morning."

Jiao nodded, and he found some firewood around to make a fire.

"Your clothes are wet. Take them off and replace them with mine." He took off his coat.

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