Today's Qinglin looks very happy. He wears his new clothes and wanders around. Although many people are looking at him in doubt, he seems to be able to guess, with envy in his eyes.

Especially those friends, have been up to touch, even if they look at it is not very good-looking, and extremely inappropriate, but for them who are not married, it really makes people feel greedy.

"Sister Jiao, look at the green forest, you Look for a lady for our brothers

Several people surrounded Ah Jiao. Jiao looked at her 16-7-year-old brothers and couldn't help laughing. "Well, as long as you are obedient and help your parents do more work, I believe, those girls will make you crazy. Remember, men are the most charming when they work hard!"

"Wow It seems to make sense

Several people kept discussing, Jiao couldn't help laughing again. Looking at the lively and extraordinary people, she couldn't help shaking her head.

Back to God, is to see the green forest looking down at his clothes, while still waving the dust.

"How about it? Are the new clothes warm... "

"Well, warm! I really didn't expect Xiaoqing's personality to make clothes for me. I I'm really happy

Qinglin some incoherent said, the smile on his face like a child, got great satisfaction.

"What's going on tonight? Are they back? "

"Don't worry, all of them will arrive this afternoon. Please take Xiaoqing to Tianjing Lake in front of you when you arrive."

Speaking of this important matter, Qinglin became serious. Ah Jiao nodded, knowing the importance of this matter to Qinglin and Xiaoqing, she would not screw it up.

And she will help them succeed together!

Time passed by, but Xiaoqing was pulled by a Jiao in the room and taught him how to sew in the afternoon. Although Xiaoqing wanted to see Qinglin very much, she couldn't bear to be careless when she looked so serious.

But her heart has always been in Qinglin's body, she always thought, Qinglin will not like, or someone ridiculed his clothes ugly and so on, in short, always think of the bad side.

Jiao looked at her absent-minded look, smile, put down the hands of the needle and thread, asked in a low voice, "in thinking of green forest?"

"Ah?" Xiaoqing suddenly returns to her mind and finds that a Jiao can see that her heart is not here. She blushes with embarrassment and responds in a low voice, "I I'm worried that Qinglin doesn't like the clothes I made. After all, it's really ugly... "

"No, you don't have to worry about it, because Qinglin likes it very much, and his friends all have envy in their eyes. Because of this, Xiaoqing, you should learn this well and let him wear appropriate clothes at least!"

Jiao said patiently, Xiaoqing after listening to finish, feeling very reasonable, then put down all the messy mind in the heart, and Gillian seriously learn up.

Until the afternoon time, a Jiao looked at the setting sun, eyes with a trace of tension, turned into their own room.

"Xiao Qing, try this dress. I made it for you."

Xiaoqing raised her head and looked at Ah Jiao. When her sight fell into her hands, she couldn't help exclaiming and quickly stepped forward, "Ah Jiao, this What a beautiful dress! Is it really for me? "

"That's nature..."

Xiaoqing was flattered and took over the dress. The color of white and pink made people shine in this autumn. There were white feathers on her neck, which was very comfortable and beautiful. The long skirt was soft white yarn, surrounded by many layers and dancing with the wind.

seeing that Xiaoqing really liked it, Ajiao also breathed a sigh of relief and laughed He pushed her into the room and urged her to try it.

Xiaoqing also wanted to try, so she went to the room to change the clothes and walked out slowly.

"Wow, it's really beautiful..."

Jiao said from the heart, looking around her, looks very satisfied, of course, the most satisfied still belongs to Xiaoqing.

She followed the master since childhood, not to mention wearing any old clothes, but these skirts are rarely worn, after all, as a doctor, it is more casual to wear men's clothes.

Now suddenly put on such a beautiful skirt, her cheeks have become red, shy again asked, "Ah Jiao, really good-looking?"

"That's natural. Xiaoqing is the most beautiful! Come on, let's get out of here

"Ah? Don't change it Xiaoqing turned to change the clothes, but was stopped by a Jiao. "Why do you want to change them? Today, there are festivals. They are all by the lake. Let's go quickly!"

Then he took Xiaoqing's hand and ran outside, giving her no chance to resist.

Along the way, Xiaoqing was nervous and embarrassed. After all, this is the first time she wears such beautiful clothes. I don't know what kind of reaction Qinglin will have when she sees it.From a distance, Tianjing lake, where the fire is flying, lights up half of the sky, but it is very quiet, not like a festival.

"Ah, I forgot to take my things. Go first, Xiaoqing. I'll go back when I go."

Jiao then turned around and ran back and forth. Xiaoqing didn't have time to hold her. Looking at Ajiao who ran far away, Xiaoqing had no choice but to shake her head and carry her skirt in both hands, and go where she went step by step.

On the edge of Tianjing lake, there is a big fire. There is a person standing beside the fire. Looking at her back, she looks like a green forest. With a hook of her mouth, she runs over carefully.

Holding out his hand to cover his eyes, he changed his voice and asked, "guess who I am?"

"Besides you, do you think I'll let others get close to me?"

Qinglin said with a smile, stretched out his hand to hold Xiaoqing's hand and turned around, but he was stunned at the moment when he saw Xiaoqing.

"You Today How beautiful

His praise makes Xiaoqing feel very shy. She looks down at her skirt and murmurs in a low voice, "then you Do you like it? "

"Of course

Qinglin said that he was absolutely certain, and there was no hypocrisy in his eyes.

"Why is there no one here? Don't you say there are festivals? "

"It is true that there are festivals, but they belong to the two of us..."

Qinglin looks at Xiaoqing's bewildered face, smiles slightly, reaches out his hand and makes a gesture. After that, a lot of fireworks suddenly appear around the lake of Tianjing lake, spraying into the dark sky, and blooming out with a beautiful fireworks.

"This It's so beautiful

Xiaoqing looked up at those fireworks, unconsciously to see the crazy.


Xiaoqing heard the voice of Qinglin, turned around to see the red face of Qinglin. I don't know whether it was baked by fire or because of what.

However, all of these did not care. Xiaoqing looked at him with something in his hand, which seemed like a handkerchief. However, there were more thoughts in his eyes.

"Xiaoqing, this is the only thing my mother left me. It's a bracelet. It's not very precious, but it's also meaningful."

See Qinglin say such words, Xiaoqing seems to understand what he wants to do, a warm heart, waiting for his next words.

Qinglin's hand is still in the air, but Xiaoqing is waiting for his confession. However, Qinglin misunderstands Xiaoqing's meaning and says with some guilt, "I know this bracelet is not very good. Otherwise, I'll give you a better one next time."

Said, the green forest some lost to take back own hand, small green eyes a stare, rushed to grab the past, to him low voice roar a way, "what are you doing? Can't you keep talking? Do you want me to be so sharp to be satisfied? "

Xiaoqing opened the old looking handkerchief. There was a jadeite bracelet with poor quality in it. However, Xiaoqing liked it very much and put it directly on her hand

"Good looking?"

"It's good-looking, Xiaoqing, everything looks good!"

Xiaoqing looked at his silly look and said with a smile, "this is a fool!"

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