"Even so, you shouldn't leave the princess to go in person! You can wait for our men to come and rescue them! "

"I'm afraid it will be too late." He retorted!

"You! Do you know the princess just came to say goodbye to me! She also said that she would fulfill you and Ajiao, and go back to cancel the engagement between you and her with the emperor. She made this decision because of the ridiculous thing you did, which made her lose face! " Liu Xinlan realized the seriousness of the problem, so he called him as soon as he came back.

Xuecheng opened surprised, he did not expect Chu River heart will come to such a move.

"You don't want to send that Jiao to me quickly! It's better to send it out of the mansion or to another yard. Anyway, the princess can't be misunderstood. Do you understand what the princess thinks about you? She is forcing you to make a choice. Are you fascinated by that fox spirit? Do you know what's going on? At present, the most important thing for us is to obtain the emperor's trust and military power of Chu Yan. Only in this way can we ensure the smooth progress of the restoration plan of Lingxi. Chu River heart is the only breakthrough, only with her marriage, the emperor will completely trust you, you are not unaware! You won't forget your mission because of that fox spirit

"How can a child forget it! My mother can rest assured that I will marry Chu Jiangxin. Since she has a heart for me, she will not leave easily. The child will try her best to make up for it! " He replied.

Liu Xinlan was still worried, "anyway, you are the first to deal with Ah Jiao for me, you must give the princess a peace of mind. Then immediately arrange a wedding with the princess and discuss the date with the emperor, so as to leave the heart of Chu River completely! I can tell you that if you can't make a clear distinction with that a Jiao, I have my own way to let him leave your side, and then it will not be as simple as sending him out of the mansion! "

He immediately looked at Liu Xinlan, "what does mother mean by this?"

"I'm just reminding you! Which is more important, you should understand it yourself! I don't intervene in many things because I believe you have this judgment. But if you lose the sense of judgment, I don't mind helping you solve some problems! " Liu Xinlan can't understand.

Xuecheng nodded: "please rest assured, the child knows how to do! Two days later, my mother will see what she wants to see! "

Liu Xinlan nodded with satisfaction. She still believed in her son. After all, she taught her to do great things. She also wanted to take advantage of it to see how capable he was.

"But," Xue Cheng opened suddenly, "mother, can you know who the gang is plotting against us this time?"

"Who is it?" Liu Xinlan also wants to know.

"The man of plum blossom couplets!" He replied.

"How could it be!" The person of plum blossom couplet is their most loyal army. How could she carry out the operation without her knowledge?

"It seems that mother did not know! I also wonder how my mother could have taken her as a hostage to threaten the emperor. It would have been too clever of her mother to take her as a pawn. However, in recent years, some of the people in the plum blossom couplets have acted recklessly. It's time for mother to take charge of it! " He reminded Liu Xinlan.

"I see!" Liu Xinlan was also very angry, but she wanted to pretend to be calm. "You can solve your own problems first."

"I know! Go away He said and left Liu Xinlan's room.

A Jiao in the room for a day of rest, the body did not have any major hindrance, then came out to walk. But as soon as I came out, I saw that everyone was talking about something happily. She was embarrassed to ask, but she saw not far away Mingjuan and Yanzhu came maliciously, with a proud smile on her face. She thought that the two had never been friendly with her, so she could hide.

As soon as she turned to leave, they ran to her and stopped her: "Oh, don't go in a hurry. How can you hide when you see us like a mouse seeing a cat? We've come to tell you some great news

Great news?

Mingjuan looked at her face puzzled, more proud: "it seems you don't know! Today, our general went to see the emperor, personally proposed marriage, and gave him a good day with the princess. It's the 15th day of this month. It's been ten days. We haven't had a wedding ceremony for a long time. This time, such a big event must be very lively. Don't you see that everyone is busy! "

Listen to the good news, Gillian do not know why the heart "Dong" a sink to the bottom of the valley. He was going to marry Chu Jiangxin. Although she knew it would be sooner or later, but suddenly, why could she not accept it?

Thinking of this, she suddenly laughed at herself: unacceptable? What makes her?

She nodded and said calmly, "it's really a great joy!"

Seeing her smile so naturally, Mingjuan and Yanzhu are also a little surprised. At this time, Li's mother suddenly came over.

"You dead girl, originally ran here, make me easy to find!" She went to Ah Jiao and said, "go, go, pack up, go with me!"

"Where are you going, mama Li?" Jiao was surprised.

"Why do you ask so many questions! Anyway, it's the general's arrangement. You can't stay in the green bamboo house. You always flatter our general. The princess has been unhappy for a long time. Now that they are going to get married, how can you stand in the way here. Come on, pack up and follow me! " She pulled Ajiao and urged her.Jiao's head is in a mess. Is he going to drive her away? Is it because he's getting married soon? But she won't get in the way of his good deeds. Why should he make such a fuss?

However, if she was suddenly granted amnesty, it was inexplicable for her to stay here. It would be better for her to go to other places without seeing. From then on, I really couldn't see each other, and I saved a lot of thoughts that I shouldn't have. Didn't she worry about the trouble she would get from having a close relationship with him? Isn't that what she wants now?

Thinking of this, she followed Li's mother back to the room to pack up her luggage, and Yanzhu said with a triumphant smile behind her: "we can't help ourselves. Our princess just let her go with her fingers!"

Jiao quickly packed up her luggage and followed her mother. Just then, Xue Cheng came back. Li's mother saw him and saluted respectfully: "the general is back!"

Xue Cheng didn't respond, but she was staring at Ah Jiao, who bowed her head to him. She is carrying a burden at the moment. Mother Li quickly explained: "general, according to your orders, the maid is going to take her away!"

Xue Cheng opened and nodded: "let's go!" Finish and move on.

At this time, the general called: "Ah Jiao!"

Xue chengkai stopped and looked back at her. She suddenly gave a smile: "thank you, general, for taking Ajiao to Qingzhu for such a long time! Congratulations on the general's wedding. Goodbye

She was saying goodbye to him. Out of the green bamboo house, there are few opportunities to meet him. Maybe I can only take a look at him from afar.

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