A Jiao doesn't know why Chu Jiangxin suddenly changes into another person, but she doesn't have so much time to think about it. She just wants to show her her mind, without any irrelevance. But Chu didn't want to listen to her explanation.

"You'd better remember the warning from Princess Ben! If the general is not here today, even if he is here, I will do the same. Don't think you can do whatever you want with the protection of general. I can do more than you think! From today on, you are responsible for taking care of the food of the princess. Don't think about the fantastic things

After hearing this, Jiao kowtowed and replied, "yes, I'll obey you."

Xue chengkai didn't know about these things. Yanzhu had already finished his job. Everyone kept silent about Chu Jiangxin's warning to Ajiao. Jiao with a body injury began to take charge of the three meals in the heart of Chu River. She thought, anyway, three days later, the princess will go back to the palace to prepare for marriage. Then she can take a breath and find a good talkative steward to get her best job elsewhere. After a long time, Chu Jiangxin may forget her and won't worry about these things any more.

She was in a trance thinking that the meal for Chu Jiangxin was still cooking in the pot, when Yanzhu came over.

"What's the matter? Is the lunch ready for the princess?" Yanzhu asked loudly, startled her.

"You're ready. You can send it right away!" She replied.

Yanzhu took out a package of ingredients from the basket. "This is the best donkey hide gelatin in the palace. The princess is busy with her marriage these days. She is very angry. Let me make her some donkey hide gelatin porridge for her. You, boil it up

Jiao took donkey hide gelatin and immediately did as she was told. Yanzhu smiles triumphantly and turns away. She walked with her front foot, and Xue Cheng arrived with her back foot.

Looking at Ah Jiao who was busy in the dining room, he asked unhappily, "have you cleared your wound? Who keeps you busy? " He was free today. When he went to see her, he found that she was not resting in the room. He came here and found her here.

"Thank you for your concern. Your servant's injury is no more serious." She didn't even raise her head, just perfunctory. As a matter of fact, she was not only angry about the affairs of tonglefang, but also worried about the warning of the princess, so she tried to keep the distance between the master and the servant.

"Did you see bamboo smoke coming out of here He couldn't help worrying.

"No, I just asked the maid to cook some donkey hide gelatin porridge for her and send it to the princess!" She replied.

Xue chengkai always thinks that these days are quiet and strange. Chu Jiangxin, who had thought he would be angry, didn't come to blame him, let alone embarrass Ah Jiao, which made him feel abnormal. So as soon as he had time, he went back to the house to see her. He wanted to take her with him when he was in school, so as to make sure she was safe. But he must not.

He now saw her standing quietly making lunch. He was relieved. However, he reminded her: "you should be more careful these days. If you encounter any trouble, please tell me immediately!"

Jiao bowed her head and saluted: "thank you, general! Ah Jiao will take care of herself In fact, what she wants to say is that as long as you stay away from me, she will not have any trouble. On reflection, all the troubles she encountered were due to him. It made her laugh and cry.

In order to avoid talking to him about staying here, she quickly put the prepared donkey hide gelatin porridge into the bowl, and then put it into the basket full of lunch.

"General, the maid is going to deliver lunch to the princess. Go first!"

Xue Cheng nodded and made way for her.

A Jiao came to the door of Chu River heart. Yanzhu saw her coming, took the meal and said to her, "you go down!"

Jiao returned to her room, because the body really can't bear, she fell asleep on the table. I do not know how long, the door was "bang" a kick open, Jiao suddenly wake up. I saw smoke bamboo face angry with a group of servants rushed in.

"Tie her up for me! She must have poisoned it! Search carefully for me

At the command of the bamboo, several servants quickly tied her up and searched her room. She did not know what trouble she had made, so she asked Yanzhu, "Yanzhu, what's wrong with this? Why arrest me? Why did you take someone to search my room? "

"You still pretend! If you dare to poison, you are not poisoned Yanzhu said angrily.

After hearing this, Ah Jiao explained in a hurry: "smoke bamboo, the matter of Princess poisoning has nothing to do with me. How can I poison the princess?" Give her ten courage, she dare not!

Yanzhu sneered: "you dare not? Don't you hate the princess? The princess is about to marry the general. You must want to kill the princess and replace him. You're the only one here who has this motivation! "

"It's really not me!" She shook her head vigorously, she thought, there must be some misunderstanding!

"Not you? It's not you. Is it me? These days, you take care of the princess's meal, and the princess is poisoned! What a coincidence! Don't worry, wait for me to find out the evidence and see how you can argue! " "Smoke bamboo to the housekeeper said:" give me a careful search, a good look, a place can not be missed! "The evidence will appear soon!

At this time, a housekeeper yelled, "I found it! I found it He held a bag of powder high.

Yanzhu took it and said, "here is a package of powder. I'll send it to the doctor for examination immediately. If it is found to be the same as the poison planted by the princess, you can stop trying to be crafty."

A Jiao looked at the bag of powder in her hand, did not know when it appeared in her room, she did not remember her room has such things.

"Take her away! Take it to Mrs. Liu, and I will get justice for the princess! "

Said, a group of people escorted a Jiao toward the princess's residence.

Jiao was brought in and knelt on the ground. The princess lay unconscious in bed. The doctor was treating her. Mrs. Liu was worried and walked around in front of the bed. See smoke bamboo brought Jiao, immediately asked: "can we find evidence?"

"Go back to your wife and get the stolen goods!" Yanzhu took out the powder and said, "just give the doctor a check and you will know whether it is the poison from this bitch!"

"Show it to the doctor!" Liu Xinlan was so anxious.

The doctor took the powder bag, opened it and put it on his nose to smell it. After a while, he nodded, "it's exactly the same as the poison planted by the princess. It's called bairizui. It sounds like the name of a kind of wine. In fact, it's a kind of poison fermented from wine red. This kind of poison is colorless and tasteless, and it is not toxic. However, if it is taken for a long time, the toxicity will accumulate in the body. Until one hundred days, the drug will attack intensively, and when that time, it will spit blood and die suddenly. However, the cause of the disease can not be found out. This kind of poison is very rare in Chu Yan. I remember that it was only found in some small countries in Northwest China. "

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