"So you found Lianmu?" Xue Cheng asked.

"He is the most suspect! Because Mrs. Lin was kind to him, he was working as a housekeeper in our hospital at that time. It is very likely that he would know my plan. It is not necessary to inform her in advance! Otherwise, no one would think of taking the baby in advance and taking the blood jade away! " Liu Xinlan can be sure that Lianmu did it.

"But some time ago I caught even wood and tortured him, but he refused to say a word! Finally, he killed himself by biting his tongue. He's going to bring the secret into the earth. I'm absolutely sure he took the baby! He must know where Xueyu is

Xue chengkai said at this time: "so I must keep Lian Ajiao's life! Mother, please think about it. She seems to be as old as her child! "

Liu Xinlan immediately understood: "you mean, she is the girl?"

"It's possible! We can work on her, at least there is a chance! We don't have the princess now. It will take some more time to get the military power of Chu Jiang Li. But now we have another opportunity. I've never been interested in the 200000 troops in the middle of the Chu River. The blood jade wonder is what I want most. If you get it, you will get the world! " She said with confidence.

"Huan'er is right! Ah Jiao can't die! If she were the girl, we would have found the blood jade by following the steps of the tree! " Liu Xinlan seems to have seen the amulet.

"So it's worth sacrificing a dead man!"

Liu Xinlan also said: "then what are we waiting for? We'll catch Ah Jiao and torture her severely and force her to hand over her amulet!"

"Never!" Xue chengkai immediately refused.

"Why! Do you still want to protect this girl! You know, she is probably the eldest daughter of Xue's house and the daughter of our enemies. Do you forget who betrayed his faith and killed your father? Who took me as my concubine's room and let me endure humiliation for so many years? Don't you still remember Xue Nanshan's feelings for your father and son? He is not your real father, your real father is the emperor of Lingxi! You are the prince! Have you forgotten all that? " Liu Xinlan immediately got up.

"The child will not forget it!" His hatred was immediately provoked by his mother. As soon as he remembered, his mother said everything in front of her. He even Xue's father was not his own father. He was the real murderer of his father's emperor at twenty. When he learned that he had been killed by his father's brother in the country, he was killed by his father's brother. His mother, who was just pregnant, was brought back to Xue's house by him. His mother bore the humiliation and married him. He didn't know his mother was pregnant, so he treated him as his own son for so many years.

One year ago, Xue Nanshan saw through their plan. They had no choice but to make him dizzy with drugs, which led to a stroke and left him paralyzed in bed. Liu Xinlan is responsible for sending people to take care of his life. No one can get close to him. He was still grateful for his nurturing kindness and couldn't bear to kill him.

Seeing that he was thinking, Liu Xinlan said again, "you didn't forget the best!"

Xue chengkai explained: "I said that Lian Ajiao could not be arrested and tortured because it was of no use to her. First, in my judgment, she didn't know her real identity. She only knew that she was Lianmu's daughter, not to mention what the amulet was. And come on, if you do torture her, you won't get what we want. Even wood is like this, and so is her daughter. So if we want what we want, we have to find another way! "

Liu Xinlan nodded and agreed with him, "but how can we find another way?"

"The child has his own way! As long as the mother does not impose interference, within a few days, there will be unexpected results! "

He said very firmly, Liu Xinlan has always believed in his ability, "at this time, it is up to huan'er to do it!"

Out of Liu Xinlan's room, he was extremely worried about Gillian's situation. He walked quickly to her room, but couldn't get in. He can use this method to save a Jiao, although it is a good thing, but let him, let Gillian into a new dilemma. Especially for himself, he didn't know how to face her.

If all the inferences are correct, she is Xue's daughter who disappeared that night, then their relationship will become more complicated. He and she would be enemies, and she would have to get involved in her revenge.

Thinking of this, he did not dare to open the door at the moment. He did not want to see the grateful look that she knew nothing about. This will only make him more ambivalent and entangled. He left in silence. From tomorrow on, he must begin to adapt to the new identity she may have, and he must carry out his own plan. Because no one can stop his revenge and restoration plan, because this is the whole meaning of his life.

A Jiao and so on, she is injured all over, but does not want to always lie in bed to rest. But the two maids received the order of Xue chengkai, and they would not let her get up until her wound was healed. This can make Ah Jiao anxious. From time to time she asked the two maids, "what time is it now? Is the general back? "

She wanted to know what had happened and what he had done to save her before she died. But she had been waiting for him all day."Ah Jiao, don't worry. The general has orders when he leaves. When you wake up, just take care of yourself. He will come back when he has time."

Jiao also dare not ask for something, he may have more important things to do! She can only wait slowly. She went to sleep peacefully. In this way, she finally waited until the whole body wound began to heal slowly, she could get out of bed, free in and out of the room.

That day, she took a walk and opened the two maids. She was wandering alone in the green bamboo house, and unconsciously came to the room opened by Xue Cheng. She was wandering outside the door, she thought, he should go to school.

She was thinking, the door suddenly opened and a man came out of it. Isn't this the person she has been missing Xue chengkai?

Missing?! She even shocked herself, she even missed him for several days! But she comforted herself, perhaps just want to see him as soon as possible, ask the matter after all, it is not miss!

At this time, Xue chengkai also saw her, a little surprised, and then asked: "how did you come? Are you better? Just get out of bed and walk like this

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