Xue Cheng went out of the door with an open air, and his heart had lost all interest. It's all thanks to Ajiao. Once again, he knew that this woman had an extraordinary influence on him. As soon as he went out, he was blocked by a sleeping woman when he got to the corner.

A Jiao was already asleep at this time. Xue Cheng was more angry when he saw that the woman who made him angry even sat here sleeping soundly. He picked her up and Jiao woke up with fright.

"Ah As soon as she started to shout, she was stopped with his big hand. He picked her up and went to his room.

Finally returned to his room, Xue chengkai threw her hard on the bed. Jiao like a rabbit to sit up and want to run.

"Where to run!" He went straight to bed in front of her.

"General, what do you want to do?" She asked nervously.

She put her hand against his body, which kept approaching, "general, please respect yourself! Today is your big wedding. You should stay in the new lady's room instead of troubling the maid

"That's not because of you. I don't want to marry now. I just want to teach you a lesson!" To relieve his anger.

"It was just a mistake of the servant. Why does the general have to worry about it?" She didn't understand why he was so angry.

"Was it a mistake? Or is it intentional? " He asked with a smile

he put his hand on her chest and felt her heart beating violently, "still lying!"

"I really don't! The general doesn't have to worry about it! "

"If you don't tell me the truth, I'm afraid I'll keep you for the night. I'll let you out tomorrow when everyone gets up. At that time, everyone will know that on my wedding night, I didn't spend a good night with my new wife, but I spent a night with you. What do you think people will guess? What would your sister think? " He's going to force her to tell the truth tonight.

"You..." She sighed, "why be so aggressive!"

Just a word of truth It's important to him.

"Is that important? What do you want me to admit? Admit that I like you, admit that I'm like other women and finally fall in love with you? Admit I fell in love with you? So you can better play tricks on me? If your purpose is these, I admit, I am in love with you! I'm as addicted to your appearance, your ability as any other woman! Every time you come forward, I am moved. Every time you sweet talk, I am moved. I dare not admit it! Now I admit these, not to get your favor, on the contrary, I want to give this relationship an end. I admit I love you, but I don't want to continue to love you! So, are you satisfied? Can you let me go

She didn't want to play cat and mouse with him again and again.

Xue chengkai finally got his wish and heard her say that she loves him! Every nerve of his was jumping with excitement. But she said she was not ready to love him? Is that what she said?

"Why can't you continue to love me?" He asked.

She suddenly snorted: "because you are the master, the past slave, is so simple. I want the simplest and purest lover, can you? What I need is fairness. Can you do it? I need the people I love to love me, and only love me. Can you do it? You can't do it! You are a general. You can marry a lady of a senior official or your family for your own benefit, or you can take a concubine as you like. This is the privilege of a person like you. But I need that person, is only loves my heart person, the white head does not leave! You can't do it! You can't do it! Therefore, I will not continue to love you! No

Since he wanted to know, she was desperate to make it clear.

He was slightly stunned. This is indeed the first woman to talk about feelings and fairness with him, which is what she pursues from the beginning to the end. He has always been a contradictory person. He always did not like those women who pasted upside down beside him. He only felt bored. The appearance of a Jiao made him see that she was different. It was just in this way that he would take great care of her. But he didn't have the heart to talk to a woman about love or sincerity. He was not sure that he would stay for a person, and why he did not leave. So he wanted her, but he didn't know how to treat her!

But when she finally spoke her heart, he could not escape these problems. He can conclude that she can't give her these now. His future is full of all kinds of uncertainty. He can't even promise his own future. How can he promise a woman a lifetime?

But she wants to go, want to leave him, want to easily do not love him, he is not allowed. What makes her say she'll just go? Stir up his interest, turn around and leave? He didn't agree. Even if he couldn't give her anything, he couldn't leave him. That's what he thinks at the moment!

So he said, "put away your fantasies. These can't give me the reality! I once promised to let you do my bedchamber, you do not! Now that your sister is my concubine, I can ask you again, would you like to be my concubine like her and stay with me? "

"I don't want to!" She gave her answer without hesitation.He took a deep breath and suppressed his anger: "this is my second and last chance to give you."

"I will not! It's the same if you ask ten times a hundred times again! I will not be your prisoner, even if there is no lovely person in my life, don't be a poor man She replied firmly.

He threw her down on the bed: "this can't help you, you can choose not to be my concubine, but you will only become the laughing stock of the whole house!"

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