Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1060: Kunshan Golden Cicada

The four people tidied up briefly, and then opened the door of Lingfeng Pavilion.

In an instant, the players outside fell silent.

Everyone is wondering who the two people who entered just now are, why haven't they come out after they have been in for so long?

This is the first time that Lingfeng Pavilion met with other players before noon.

So the two words about God’s Domain have been madly investigated, but there is nothing to check. Only super guilds like Mythical Empire have a clue, but this God’s Domain is a guild in the Huangtianzhou area. Why does it appear in Here?

And they are so familiar with the people in Lingfeng Pavilion, what is their relationship?

These problems bothered the bigwigs of the Mythical Empire and these super guilds, and at this time the door of Lingfeng Pavilion suddenly opened, and everyone focused on Ling Feng.

Ling Feng and Lingxue are already celebrities in the Forbidden Continent, so it’s not surprising that they came out first, but it’s strange that Su Mu and Xia Feng also followed out, which shocked the players. Up.

It seems that they really know each other, otherwise the two people will definitely end up just like the previous Zhu Chunming.

Ling Tian looked at the surrounding players and said, "I'm sorry everyone, I am going to do a task today, so today's drug auction has been cancelled, please be early tomorrow, everyone."

After speaking, Ling Tian Lingxue walked forward alone, and Su Mu and Xia Feng followed closely behind.

What surprised Su Mu and Xia Feng was that after Ling Tian had finished speaking, no player complained about it, and it seemed that they had become accustomed to such things.

It seems that Ling Feng has never done anything to release pigeons...

After the four people left Lingfeng Pavilion, Myth Empire, Fit, etc., the leaders of these super guilds immediately whispered, without asking, they wanted to let people follow up and see what mission Ling Feng brothers and sisters were going to do.

At this point, the four Su Mu came to the Kunshan Mountains in the Forbidden Area.



The four people walked and slapped the mosquitoes on their bodies. Xia Feng hit his face almost swollen. He said silently, "What the **** is this map? The monster is actually a mosquito? Can I still play? Is it?"

Although the level of these mosquitoes is as high as level 60, they are pitiful with little energy and blood. Even Rank 2 players can easily kill them, but these things are too annoying.

Although the potion Ling Feng gave Su Mu and Xia Feng was able to suppress the mosquitoes around, countless insects still followed.

Xia Feng silently caught up with Ling Xue, and said, "Eh, sister, do you still have this thing on your head?"

Ling Xue wears a mesh helmet on her head, which seems to be a prop in the game, which can avoid all mosquito bites.

"Hehe, I'm just this one, it's my brother." Ling Xue glanced at Xia Feng, then turned around and walked to Su Mu's side.

Su Mu said: "Little girl, you have returned to China, what about your studies?"

"It's okay, the school status has been transferred back, Brother Ying, do you want to wear this helmet? These mosquito bites are very annoying, Xiaoxue give Brother Ying the helmet to wear..."

"No, I'm fine..."

Xia Feng on one side is still an idiot face, why don't you ask Lao Tzu if you want this big brother? I know I care about Su Mu.


At this moment, a buzzing sound suddenly came, and Ling Feng in front stood there and signaled everyone to stop, then squatted on the ground and stared ahead.

The buzzing sound became louder and louder, and Su Mu and Xia Feng's eyes widened after waiting to see what was ahead.

A black buzzing mosquito flew over, and after waiting for them to fly closer, Su Mu discovered that these things were actually bees!

Pattern Bee Lv60

Qi and blood: 500

Energy: 100

Skills: Tail Needle, Poison Sea Needle.

A level 60 monster, but only 500 blood. This monster rank 2 players can completely kill it, but what Su Mu and Xia Feng saw is that the whole world is full of bees rushing toward their faces, and the light in the entire forest is dark. After coming down, it was shocked like a locust crossing the border.

Fortunately, these monsters did not take the initiative to attack, so there was no danger after Su Mu flew over their heads, after which the four stood up and walked forward.

After walking for about three hours, Su Mu also understood that there were countless mosquito monsters on the road, why a guild like the Mythical Empire would not come. Without Lingfeng's medicine, they would basically be wiped out.

The four Su Mu stopped at the edge of a basin. From this position, it looked like a huge crater had been hit by a meteorite, at least a few kilometers in diameter. Su Mu said at this time: "Someone has been following. "

Ling Feng nodded: "Don't worry about them, we will start fighting after we find Jin Chan. In the Forbidden Continent, no one dares to **** the monster from Lingfeng Pavilion.

Su Mu stretched his shoulders. Although Ling Feng said madly, it was a fact. When his interests did not reach the point of turning his face against Lingfeng Pavilion, even the mythical empire would not rob the people of Lingfeng Pavilion. Cicada is a well-known drug monster, so Su Mu felt a little worried at this time.

Those who follow them must want to investigate the identity of themselves and Xia Feng, by the way, to see what the relationship between themselves and the people of Lingfeng Pavilion is.

However, just as Su Mu and the four were walking into the basin, the God's Domain Tower on the neck suddenly lit up with golden light!

Su Mu couldn't help but surprise, Jin Guang!

This is the guidance of the supreme **** of gold.

The Tower of God’s Domain already has four supreme gods including Shuilan, Empress, Wood Spirit, and Tu Li, but now it is missing the gold element among the five elements. As for the light and darkness elements, Su Mu is not sure, because the time and space supreme **** belongs to it. Su Mu is not sure if he belongs to Guangming.

The surrounding bushes were very dense, so the golden light on Su Mu's chest did not attract anyone's attention, but Su Mu was carefully observing the surrounding environment.

When he was in Xianhu Town, Su Mu thought that the center of the lake was the supreme **** of the gold element, but in the end it was teleported to the Huangtianzhou area, so there has been no news about the gold element, but today suddenly appeared, Su Mu would naturally not release it easily. Over this opportunity.

The center of the basin.

As soon as Su Mu and the four walked under a big tree, the forest rain began. The so-called forest rain is the water droplets on these trees, and then slowly fell under the sunlight to form the forest rain.

And Xia Feng raised his head and looked at the huge ancient tree above his head and sighed: "This Nima is at least several thousand years old, right?"

Su Mu slapped his tongue, this tree is a match for the giant sky tree that I saw when he regained the wood spirit, and there were no plants under the canopy of this tree. It should be the cause of blocking the sun. The bottom is damp and smells of rotten leaves.

But at this time, Ling Feng pointed to a hole in the canopy and said, "The golden cicada is inside."

The four people stopped at the entrance of the tree canopy. At this time, Su Mu and Xia Feng couldn't help but grow their mouths, and the golden dazzling light instantly shone from the cave...

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