Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1090: Reincarnation war

"I can't expose your assassin of God's Domain to the enemy in advance!" Su Mu said very positively.

But Gao Liansong and others were excited.

Su Mu said that he valued their existence very much. Before saying that to look down on them was to look down on their game experience, so now, when they are accumulating experience, they should see how the team leader should fight.

And Su Mu knew more clearly that Gao Liansong, one hundred thousand people, would definitely become God's Domain's killer, a sharp knife, an indestructible knife!

A group of hundreds of people followed Su Mu to the outskirts of the resident city of God's Domain. At this time, the sound of booming sounded continuously, and countless round rocks and fireballs were flying outside the resident city.

Gao Liansong and the others were stunned for an instant, because they had never seen it before and never thought that the resident war in the reincarnation was actually the same war as in ancient times?

Catapults, bombing trucks, fire bomb trucks, siege ladders, siege trucks and other fortifications made them instantly sluggish in place.

In small towns and cities, they would not see this kind of resident warfare, because such fortifications and equipment would never appear in cities of the level of Zhongzhou City. Therefore, what they see now is the real war of reincarnation. It's not the kind of gang fight that shouts and kills!

Moreover, Gao Liansong and the others only now know what a sea of ​​people is. The entire resident city is surrounded by onlookers, and while standing on this high slope, you can't see the faces of the members of God's Domain below, but you can see the general situation.

The people of Qin State moved forward densely, countless cobblestones and fire bombs flew down from the city wall, and the people of Qin State were constantly using fortifications and equipment. The bombardment never stopped. The wall was hit. In an instant, the debris flew around, the players were blown up in the air and turned into white light to death, etc. These were the first time they saw them.

Therefore, at this time Gao Liansong and the others realized why Su Mu did not let them participate, because they had never had such a war form in their hearts. This was simply a return to the era of cold weapon wars in ancient China.

"Watching this well, I can assure you that in a month, you will be the sharpest sword in God's Domain! You will make the entire Huangtianzhou area and the enemies of the entire Huaxia area frightened!!"

Gao Liansong nodded heavily and said, "I know Brother Su, I must watch it carefully! Study it carefully."

Su Mu patted him on the shoulder and said, "Hehe, don't be angry, don't need to be discouraged. In fact, if you get up there now, it will be much better than ordinary players, but now I don't want to expose you."


Then Su Mu left here and went straight to the resident city.

With the unfolded blade wings, Su Mu directly entered the resident hall.

At this time, Chen Xiaoruan and Luo Li and Tears and Blossoms were directing the battle in the hall. After watching Su Mu's return, Chen Xiaoruan immediately stood up and said, "Brother Su, our ammunition is almost finished, and it's too late to repair the city wall. , Qin's fortification equipment far exceeds ours."

Su Mu nodded. This is inevitable. A guild of Qin's level naturally has many fortifications. Although they are all E-levels, they can't prevent the occurrence of ants eating elephants.

"Okay, leave the command to me, you return to the team." Su Mu sat down and said.

The three nodded, and then left the resident hall.

It's just that when the three of them returned to the South Gate, they still saw Su Mu still floating in the air, and now they really couldn't tell which was the real Su Mu.

And now there is no difference between Su Mu's true body and clone. All the data are the same, but now Su Mu needs to concentrate on controlling one body, so the other will be in a blank state.




Countless cobblestones flew over from the air, and accompanied by fire bombs and shotguns, although there were few players on the walls and their positions were loose, they needed to drive fortifications, so death would still happen. The siege vehicle will still be destroyed, and the whole scene is full of rumbling sounds.

Su Mu's consciousness returned to the city wall, and then watched the densely packed members of the State of Qin slowly move forward, pulling countless siege trucks and other fortifications.

At this time, the city wall has been turned into empty blood in many places, and the city guard can no longer keep up with the speed of repair.

"Xia Feng, aim at the other side's fortifications! Don't hit anyone!" Su Mu exclaimed.

Xia Feng was startled, not hitting anyone?

Tears and flowers came up at this time and said: "Don't beat people, work for fortifications, do you want to let the other side's fortifications attack the city after lighting up the ammunition?"

Xia Feng immediately reacted. The fortification building was hitting the opponent's fortification building. Once the ammunition disappeared or the durability of the fortification building was worn out, the fortification building would be unusable. Therefore, the resident warfare in the reincarnation has been greatly affected. The strategy master emphasized that when fighting a resident warfare, you are fighting fortifications and buildings!




The one-meter-diameter cobblestone, the two-meter-diameter cobblestone instantly drew a semicircular parabola from the wall, and then fell down instantly.


A one-meter-diameter cobblestone can instantly damage a hundred people around, and at least 20 people in the center will be killed in seconds. Of course, the people of this kind of war will not stand next to one person, they will all be scattered. To avoid those cobblestones falling in the air.

The cobblestone is too big and has a parabola, so as long as you judge it properly, you can avoid it, but those fortifications cannot move flexibly, so the bombing began!

The rumbling sound kept ringing, and the onlookers were amazed. This was the first time they saw the real war in this reincarnation!

It was too scary, and it shocked them too much.

The bombing lasted for nearly an hour and finally fell silent.

At this time, the wall of God's Domain Resident City was filled with smoke, and there was also smoke among the members of the State of Qin below, causing countless casualties.

However, at this moment everyone suddenly discovered that the fortifications on both sides were almost completely destroyed!

There are no more siege vehicles in the Qin Kingdom, and God's Domain has almost been bombed. So for a while, all the players knew that the next charge would be a sea of ​​people tactics!

In the final analysis, the final form of this war is a war between people.

It’s just that the atmosphere of God’s Domain is terribly quiet at this time, because at this time the members of God’s Domain are worth 100,000, while Qin State has at least 1.8 million members, and the main force of the South Gate has at least five. One hundred thousand!

Dong Mingkun snorted coldly and shouted: "Start siege!"




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