Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1110: Mystery mission

Huangtianzhou District, the entrance to the resident order copy.

Hundreds of thousands of Gods Domain members surrounded the fifth, sixth, and resurrection points in the dungeon, and these Gods Domain members turned their backs to the location of the resurrection point and entrance, which made the players strange.

Because it is a resident order copy, ordinary players will not be responsible for things like "clearing the field" of God's Domain. A guild without a resident city will not choose to do this kind of dungeon, and the current guild with a resident city has already completed the resident order. They are all three-revolution copies, so no one in these five-revolution and sixth-revolution areas will do it, and no one dares to say anything even if God's Domain is cleared.

If you refuse to accept it, go and make copies of Rank 5 and Rank 6!

"What's the matter? Why are you surrounded? What kind of planes are the people in God's Domain doing?"

"I don't know, it seems that the Rank 6 dungeon mission is really going to be done, this God Realm is really a bunch of lunatics."

"The last time I did 5th revolution, this time I did 6th revolution directly. This Nima is like Yanhuang and Qin Guo's face. I'm afraid they can't even make a 4th revolution copy?"

"Be quiet, let people hear..."

"I'm telling the truth. Isn't it true? China's top three, four resident locations make it impossible to make a copy. It was embarrassed by someone else's small guild from outside! Pooh! Top three in the country!"

"Fuck, who are you scolding?"

"Just scold you for what happened to Qin? Lao Tzu made a mistake? There is a kind, you also go to make a rank 5 and 6 resident order copy, I will take it immediately!"


The crowd onlookers said everything, but before they went offline yesterday, everyone knew that the people of God's Domain had to make a Rank 6 dungeon resident order, and no one believed that God's Domain could get through it. After all, these Rank 6 monsters are already 120, so Players in the current period want to get through it is simply idiotic dreams, saying that God's Domain is also to increase popularity, or they are deliberately challenging Qin.

Didn't you take down Lao Tzu's resident city? Laozi continues to apply for the resident city, and still applies for more advanced, the resident order must also be more advanced!

In the Qin State Hall at this time, Dong Mingkun frowned and looked at Old Gu and asked, "God's Realm is really so crazy? Dare to make a rank six resident order?"

Although Lao Gu and several old people are experienced, he can't understand the guild of God's Domain, just like last time, who believes that God's Domain can get through the rank 5 resident order copy? But they just got through it, and now it's the same as last time. No one believes that the player can get through the sixth-rank instance during the third-rank period. This sounds abnormal in itself.

Therefore, it is hard to say whether God's Domain can get through this Rank 6 resident order copy.

"The chance of group destruction is relatively high, and pets other than Lingqiu are not allowed to be summoned in the dungeon. Therefore, the Muying of God's Domain should be of little use, so this dungeon is still a teamwork." Old Gu said.

Dong Mingkun nodded and said: "According to our investigation, the average level in the Gods’ Domain Guild has reached level 65, and the highest batch is around level 70. Monsters with this level of 120 are impossible to hold on. Ten thousand players Not even a monster can deal with it."

No matter how you analyze it, and no matter how you want to judge this God's Domain, it is impossible to strike down this Rank 6 resident order copy, but Dong Mingkun has a feeling of discomfort and anxiety. God's Domain has caused him too much trouble.

"Damn it!" Dong Mingkun suddenly stood up and shouted: "The people of God's Domain actually surrounded the entrances of Rank 6 and Rank 5 and the resurrection point. What is this?"

Old Gu also frowned slightly, and everyone became curious.

Surrounded the entrance and resurrection point?

"They don't want people to see the team playing the dungeon. I heard that there is still a strong team in God's Domain."

Dong Mingkun shook his head and said, "Don't worry, the rankings are well-known. It is impossible for the people of God's Domain to gather a hundred four-rank players."

Everyone nodded slightly. Now there is only one person named Shadow on the Continent Leaderboard who has been promoted to Rank 4, and everyone else is still in his 70s. Therefore, God's Domain does not have a single rank 4 team with a hundred people. , The rank 4 team may not be able to penetrate the rank 6 copy.

Except for Dong Mingkun, these guilds such as Yanhuang are also keeping an eye on the movement of God's Domain. No one knows what they are going to do when God's Domain has surrounded the dungeon map, and it is impossible for players to let the people of God's Domain get out of the encirclement. People are only surrounded by the entrance of Rank 5 and Rank 6. At this time, no player can point to the nose of God's Domain and say that Lao Tzu wants to make a copy of Rank 5 Resident Order, let me go!

No one dares to say that now!

The players in the imperial city kept rushing to the location of the resident dungeon, but still didn't know what happened inside.

At this time, Su Mu had already entered the dungeon with the 99 Rank 4 players brought by Feihuo Meteor.

The average level of these 99 players is around level 90, and two of them are already as high as level 96. They were personally led by Feihuo Meteorite and Su Mu.

Of course, it is still difficult for these levels to break through the six resident dungeons. Some of the drugs that Su Mu brought back from Lingfeng Pavilion came in handy at this time. Only five ranks can use priest skills, and all high priest skills can use drugs. Instead, this is one of the reasons Su Mu dared to be so arrogant.


"Damn, boss, what is this going to do? Even we don't even say?" Yi Nian Chengma stood guarding the surrounding players at the periphery of the encirclement.

Xia Feng was also very depressed. He asked Su Mu before, but Su Mu didn't say a word, just let them surround the entrance of the instance and the resurrection point, so that everyone turned their backs to the location of the resurrection point. Feng also glanced secretly, but he didn't find anything, or he found that the mission had started without seeing anything.

Tears and flowers are also frowning slightly: "Speaking of speaking, the best candidate to gather a hundred people for the mission should be the Hall of the Gods and the zero group, but the boss didn't bring him alone, so what is the team that brought in? People? No one told you the boss?"

Everyone shook their heads, and now even the people in the Hall of Gods didn't know what had happened, which made the members of God's Domain very depressed.

Gao Liansong chuckled and said, "Couldn't it be the boss Su who entered the copy alone?"

Xia Feng glanced at this soldier and said, "Are you the boss as the boss? This is a Rank 6 dungeon, and you can't summon the **** pet, let alone the boss himself, even if it can summon the **** pet, it is probably very difficult."

Everyone understands this question, and it is precisely because of this that the gods' halls of God's Domain are also very depressed, because they don't know whether Su Mu can complete this copy.

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