Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1112: Kyoto dragon family

In the bustling center of Kyoto, a hutong is located in a courtyard house more than two hundred years ago. One family is next to each other. In Kyoto, you buy a house, tens of millions, and a villa hundreds of millions. However, the real Rich people know that the most expensive house in Kyoto is not affordable if you have money, such as the courtyard houses in this alley.

At this time, a twenty-four-year-old boy in a beige casual formal wear could not see any brand, and even the shoes on his feet did not have a brand name. The clothes all over his body were all customized.

He quickly rushed into a courtyard house, greeted several people in the courtyard, and went directly to the living room.

An old man was sitting on the Grand Master's chair with a dry cigarette, and was playing with two white jade stones in his other hand. When the young man quickly walked to the door, he stopped and walked in slowly with a slight breath.

He only glanced at the old man slightly when he walked to the old man, then put a smile on his face and said, "Grandpa, what about smoking?"

The old man raised his eyelids and glanced at him, then he hummed.

The young man sat directly on a chair beside him, leaning his hands on the armrests and said: "Grandpa, I have already investigated that matter clearly. Guess what Su Mu's previous ID was called?"

"The shadow of God." The old man said lightly.

The young man's face was startled, and then he thought to himself, this is so spicy, the old man had known that Su Mu was the shadow of God and even asked himself to investigate. Isn't this sincere?

The old man put down the dry smoke, then looked at the young man and said, "Don’t think that grandpa, when I am old, I don’t know anything. Isn’t your \'dragon\' ID in the game very famous? I really thought I didn’t know what your father and son wanted What are you doing? Don't worry if your kid wants to toss, your old man is also fooling around with you?"

The young man chuckled and quickly pretended to be tobacco for the old man, and said while doing it: "I can't hide anything from you, but since you already know it, then this matter..."

"Wenren Old Piff has already started to do it. If you want to play games, just play." The old man said lightly.

The young man was stunned again. If this is the case, Grandpa means not to let himself be involved in the reincarnation. But in the past years, the US Empire and Wadao have the shadow of the military. If China does not take action this year, it will be the same as in previous years. Missing the top ten in the world, this kind of thing as a Chinese, a teenager can not bear! And this matter has already given a secret meaning, and has agreed to the military to intervene, why can't the Long Family take care of it?

"Grandpa, Wenren Zhiyuan is your subordinate. Even if I do this, it's not too much? Besides, let Wenren Zhiyuan do anything good? I can't? Does he know what a game is? What is the era of holographic games?"

The old man sat up slowly, and then sighed: "It's not that Grandpa won't let you intervene in this matter. First of all, have you ever understood the identity of that Su Mu? Do you know who he is? Nothing. When you know it, you suddenly intervene as you, and don't say anything abruptly. Are you willing to bear any difference?"

The young man knew that his grandfather said this, so he said: "I understand, besides the shadow of God, his identity in reality is also very mysterious. Although he still doesn't know what his identity is, you think, smell Ren Zhiyuan dared to use him, so his identity can not be investigated clearly? I have also seen this person in the game, his character is not bad, and he has led God's Domain to the point of several million people in a few months. , Such a person can't let it go! Nor can they give this opportunity to Wenren!"

"China has more guilds with millions of people."

"But there are very few guilds of millions of elites. Grandpa, let me try it out. What if God's Domain can play the world? Not to mention our Huaxia face, the next holographic game design will definitely be based on our Huaxia Isn’t the background set?"

The old man did not immediately answer the young man. He pondered for a while before he said: "You can go to God's Domain, but you are never allowed to reveal your identity. Also, this Su Mu is not as simple as you think. Maybe he is now It may not be impossible to know your identity..."

"Is this impossible?" The young man looked at the old man with a little suspicion. Although he participates in games every year, he has not participated in any leagues. He will only challenge the masters of China, so there are not no people who want to investigate themselves, but Isn’t it safe all these years?

The young man understands what his grandfather means. Because the setting of reincarnation and even the control of the game directorate are controlled by several big countries, the families that participate in the control are not allowed to participate in the game, so the young man himself has violated the game directorate. Therefore, this old man resolutely refused him to intervene in the war of reincarnation.

"Have you ever thought that even if you say your identity, he may not cooperate with you." The old man suddenly stood up.

The boy smiled and said, "If you take Heyang's affairs, will it be considered sincere?"

"Are you going to fight Wenren Zhiyuan?"

"It's not that I'm against him, it's God's will!"

Looking at the young man, the old man finally sighed helplessly, then turned and walked into the bedroom.

After leaving the courtyard, the boy sat in the car directly. He was thinking, since Wen Ren Zhiyuan has already intervened, does it mean that the General Administration of Games has also acquiesced in this matter? If this is the case, what can you do even if you are playing games? Anyway, managing the authority and equity of the Game General Administration is also his father, not himself.



After Su Mu had returned to the resident city, he was quiet. Xia Feng and their constant inquiries also made Su Mu helpless. Four-dimensional reincarnation must not be leaked out now, so Su Mu could only say that he was a member of the zero group, which blocked the mouths of Xia Feng and others.

However, Luo Li and Tears and Blossoms knew that Ling Tuan did not appear at all, but since the two of them were sure that Su Mu did not want to say this matter, there must be his reason, so they pretended not to know.

Holding the resident order, Su Mu directly changed his ID, and then went straight to the imperial city.

The rank of the city lord hired by the rank 5 resident order is naturally different from the rank of the city lord hired by the rank 6 resident order, so Su Mu is still looking forward to what kind of city lord can be hired by the rank 6 resident order. According to the description of Feihuo Meteor, There are female NPCs hired by this city lord! This is what Su Mu looks forward to most.

Wouldn't a city owner with a beautiful face and a beautiful face be better than the horrible old man with goatee?

Therefore, when Su Mu came to the City Lord's Mansion, he was still humming a small song.

However, at this time, news came from the real game warehouse, and Su Mu had to go underground.

In Su Mu's bedroom, Kong Shan was standing in front of the game warehouse. He had been taken by a quack doctor with a prosthetic hand, although he could not move, but it looked no different from a normal person.

"Ying, look at this information." Kong Shan held a portfolio and handed it to Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded, glanced at Kong Shan's arm and said, "How is it? Are you still used to it?"

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